
How to sew sarafans with your own hands for beginners

Every woman wants to be fashionable and beautiful at all times, but especially in the summer. In sunny, bright weather, I never want to wear something bright and memorable, for example, a sundress. But what if you do not have one in your wardrobe? There are two options for solving this problem. The first is to run to the store and buy yourself such a thing, the second - to sew a sundress with your own hands. Of course, you can resort to the first option, but the second will use your imagination, imagination, skill and will make a completely unique thing yourself.

How to make sarafans with your own hands?

For this we need a sewing machine, a small piece of fabric (preferably a multi-colored material) and, accordingly, a lot of desire to do something amazing and exclusive with our own hands.

Let's start with the fabric

We begin to sew the summer sarafan in the simplest way. Accordingly, you need the material bright, beautiful. We choose the best with a floral ornament, as this kind of fabric does not require a complex cut.

How to sew sundresses with your own hands: instruction

Everything will be elementary, even a pattern does not need to be done. But how to sew sarafans with your own hands without a pattern? Let's look at how to do it.

  1. First determine the length of the sundress. The choice depends on your taste.
  2. We measure the length, add 2-3 centimeters, add to the allowances from above and below. It is best to leave more, then you can cut it.
  3. To determine the width, measure the volume of the thighs. You can make the product a bit wider. A long, wide model, sewn from light flowing fabric, will look good. Calculating the width is simple. The width should be 1.5-2 times wider than the volume of your hips.
  4. The sarafan has only one seam. Another one is the top and bottom of the fabric for processing.
  5. Fold the fabric in half in the face to face and make a seam. Then it is necessary to press it and process the slices. The bottom should be bent two times and stitched. Fabric on top of the folding inside out so that you can put the elastic, and stitch. Do not forget to leave a hole for the pin with an elastic band.
  6. When all the seams are done, you need to insert the elastic, as sewing the sundress on the elastic is the easiest. After we measure the product on ourselves. Finish only the finish.
  7. Sewing straps, you can decorate with colored beads. You can also sew a belt or choose the correct belt.

This is the easiest way to sew sundresses with your own hands.


I want to remind you once again about accuracy and attentiveness. No wonder the proverb says: "Seven times measure, cut once". This proverb is directly related to tailoring. Do not try to do everything in half an hour. Sarafans for the summer are made easy, most importantly - desire, imagination and, of course, skill and skill. The last two conditions are achieved by practice. More often try on the masterpiece that you create. Because that's how you can adjust the seams. After stitching, it is necessary to iron the seams with an iron and from the wrong side to sweep them on the overlock. Do not be afraid to create something with your own hands. Be braver and you will succeed!

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