HealthDiseases and Conditions

Paratonzillar abscess is mainly treated surgically

Paratonzillar abscess most often develops as a complication after not fully cured tonsillitis, or with exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis. This disease is much less likely to occur with injuries to the tonsils, as well as some infectious diseases, when the spread of infection occurs through the blood vessels. The development of such inflammation can be affected by the presence of carious teeth, as well as other inflammatory processes in the oral and nasal cavities.

Paratonzillar abscess in children under 10 years is very rare, although there are exceptions. Most often it develops in young people, whose age is 15-30 years. The majority of patients with this diagnosis have weak immunity. In this disease, the following types are distinguished: lower, middle and front-upper. Basically, the last of these species is found. When it occurs, the upper edge of the tonsils blushes and swells sufficiently. The patient experiences pain in the throat, which gives into the ear, and short-term attacks of suffocation.

When the middle paratonsillar abscess develops, the amygdala is covered by a swelling, which has the shape of a ball. In some cases, the accumulation of pus can be observed on the anterior arch. The soft palate swells slightly and almost imperceptibly. With the lower type of the disease, the inflammation is localized in the area of the lingual tonsil.

As the paratonsillar abscess progresses, a greater number of symptoms appear:

  • There is a severe headache:
  • There is an increase in fever, which in some cases is accompanied by fever;
  • There are speech disorders, the voice becomes nasal;
  • Lymph nodes increase in size;
  • A very bad smell comes from the mouth.

However, such symptoms can be in other diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct differential diagnosis, and if necessary, other studies. Many patients experience trisus, the so-called spasm of masticatory muscles, in which it is difficult to open the mouth, and sometimes it is impossible. This phenomenon greatly complicates the examination of the patient.

With such a serious disease as a paratonsillar abscess, treatment is prescribed depending on the stage of development of the process. If a patient seeks medical help, when there is only swelling and tissue infiltration, then conservative treatment is possible. Antibacterial therapy is prescribed, as well as various thermal procedures and irradiation of the neck area with ultraviolet rays. At the same time, measures are taken to remove intoxication of the body and strengthen the immune system.

If the abscess has already developed, then the treatment is exclusively surgical, which must be performed in a hospital. In some cases, when the abscess has significant volumes, there may be difficulty breathing. In this case, it is necessary to quickly restore the flow of air. For this, a needle is inserted and pus is pumped out, reducing the size of the ulcer.

And yet the main way to cure the paratonsillar abscess is the opening of the abscess and drainage. Usually, such an operation is performed using local anesthesia: an anesthetic drug is injected into the skin in the immediate vicinity of the inflammation focus. Then the doctor makes an incision and pumped out the purulent discharge and the resulting blood. The patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics, as well as a variety of rinses and rinses. In some cases, general anesthesia is used for surgical intervention . In general, it is used in the treatment of children and patients who have a severe anxiety syndrome.

Do not forget that this disease can repeatedly recur. The treatment of paratansillar abscess should be approached very seriously. A timely call to a doctor allows you to make favorable predictions. However, it is possible to develop complications such as sepsis, dying (necrosis) of closely located tissues, development of the retropharyngeal abscess, and others.

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