Food and drinkRecipes

How to make a pea soup in the "Redmond" multi-

Pea soup in the multivark "Redmond" is obtained not only very satisfying, but also useful. It is also worth noting that for its preparation, only simple vegetables and a piece of lean meat are needed.

How to cook pea soup in a multivark

Necessary ingredients for the dish:

  • Pulp of beef, pork or veal - 300 grams;
  • Peas half (green or yellow at will) - 200 grams;
  • Carrots fresh medium - 1 piece;
  • Bulb large - 1 piece;
  • Pepper ground - a pinch;
  • Sour cream low-fat and fresh greens of parsley, dill - for decorating dish and taste;
  • Salt, a small spoon;
  • Fresh young potatoes - 2 or 3 small tubers (optional);
  • Purified drinking water - 2 liters.

Preparation of meat for broth

Pea soup in the multi-bar "Redmond" can be prepared from different types of meat (pork, beef, veal, etc.). However, it is worth noting that such a product is best purchased without a lot of fat. Bought meat should be rinsed well in cool water, and then remove from it all unnecessary veins, films and cut into medium pieces.

Preparation of peas for boiling

This product is desirable to take half, because it is much faster to boil in a multivark. However, before cooking, peas are recommended to be washed well in a colander, then pour ordinary drinking water and insist during the night (if it is not possible, you can add it to the soup immediately).

Preparation of vegetables for boiling

Pea soup in the multi-brand "Redmond" is prepared using not only legumes, but also various vegetables. So, you should take one large onion, carrots and a few small potato tubers. After that, all the vegetables need to be washed, and then remove the rind from them and chop them into small cubes.

Preparation of pea soup in a multivariate

To prepare such a dietary first dish, you should take processed and sliced lean meat, put it in the bowl of the kitchen appliance, pour two liters of water and salt. After that, the multivark needs to be put in the quenching mode for forty minutes. After the time has elapsed, one chopped onion, chopped carrots and several chopped potato tubers should be thrown into the meat broth. Then the device should be put back into the quenching mode, but for one hour. During this time, the soup will be fed, it will become truly satisfying and fragrant.

Correct feed to the table

In aggregate pea soup in the multivark "Redmond" is prepared for 150 minutes. And only after the kitchen appliance makes a sound signal about the termination of the heat treatment, it can be safely poured over the plates.

In order for such a lean first dish to be more nutritious and aromatic, before serving for dinner it is recommended to sprinkle with ground black pepper, chopped parsley, dill and a few spoons of low-fat sour cream (optional). Also it is worth noting that pea soup should be served to the table with rye bread (and preferably with toast) and only when hot.

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