HomelinessDo it yourself

How to make a bat out of wood yourself

Baseball is a sport whose popularity has greatly increased in recent years. In the game process, not only the skills of the player, but also the bit are of particular importance. As a rule, such devices are made of metal. But if you want to make a bat can and wood. The main thing is to have at hand the material necessary for this, as well as tools. So, how to make a bat at home?

What is required for this

Since you can also make a bat yourself, you should choose the right material and calculate the dimensions of the finished product. For manufacturing you will need:

  1. Hardwood. Typically, for baseball bats use bamboo, hickory, ash white or maple.
  2. Saw.
  3. Sandpaper.
  4. Tools for working with wood.
  5. Ruler or roulette.
  6. Lathe.
  7. Circular saw.
  8. Varnish for wood processing.

Size is important

Thinking about how to make a bat so you can play baseball, you first need to decide on the size. After all, not every product is suitable for the game. The player's tool must be not only beautiful, but also comfortable. Therefore, it is so important to observe the exact dimensions.

Each professional with confidence will say that it is best to make a bit length of 106.7 centimeters. The diameter of the finished product should not exceed 70 millimeters.

How to make a workpiece

Before you make a bit of wood, first you need to choose wood. The bar should be several centimeters larger than the size of the future finished product. This is important, because in the process of manufacturing all unnecessary will be removed. After purchasing the necessary material, you can proceed to cut out the future product.

How to cut a bat out of a bar, you decide for yourself. It all depends on your skills in working with the joinery tool. You can shape the bar, for example, with a small hatchet. But a hammer and a chisel are also suitable for this. The main thing at this stage is to stick to certain forms of the future bits. It should be noted that the largest part of the sports tool should be three times the handle. The edges must be rounded. As for the handle, it is cut at least 4 centimeters in length.

Safety precautions

Remember that when working with any power tool, you must follow safety precautions. Before turning on the lathe, you should clean the workplace, remove all unnecessary tools, debris and chips. Open areas of the body should be protected. For this purpose it is recommended to use overalls, protective screens and glasses.

Remove waste and chips during the lathe operation with a special hook and only with the engine off. Otherwise, you can injure your hands.

Next step: grinding

How to make a baseball bat smooth and tidy? Of course, polishing its surface. In this case, you can use sandpaper. First, the product should be treated with sandpaper with large grains, and then with smaller ones. This will smooth out any irregularities and make a streamline shape.

If you have a lathe, you can use it to make an ideal bit. The main thing is to do everything unhurriedly, carefully processing each centimeter of the product. Do not forget about safety when working with power tools.

The final stage

Now, when the process is coming to an end, and you know how to make a bit with your own hands, it remains to cover the workpiece with a special lacquer. The agent should be applied in several layers. When the product is twice varnished, it must be thoroughly dried, and then treated with sandpaper with small particles. This will remove the remaining irregularities. After that, the bit needs to be covered again with varnish and allow it to dry. That's all. Bita is ready.

Method of the second

If there is not a lathe under your hands, do not be discouraged. You can also make a baseball bat with simple tools. This will require:

  1. Insulating tape.
  2. Plane.
  3. Suitable for size bar.
  4. The paper is emery.
  5. File.

Stages of manufacture

First you need to choose the right bar. It should have a rounded shape and be hard enough. Specialists recommend the use of hardwood for making baseball bats. From the bottom of the bar should measure 26 centimeters and make a pencil mark. After this, the workpiece should be carefully trimmed. As a result, the diameter of the bottom should be 3-4 centimeters.

After this, using the file, you need to round out the thickest part of the future product. Sandpaper should be used for grinding the bottom. All irregularities on the surface of the workpiece must be removed. The thin part of the bit - the handle - should be wrapped with electrical tape. Thanks to this in the process of using the finished product will not slip out of hand.

If desired, the baseball bat can be painted and varnished. This will give the product a more attractive look. First, you can cover the workpiece with paint, and then with a layer of varnish. Each layer should dry well. After that, you need to process the baseball bat with sandpaper. In conclusion, the product should be covered with another layer of varnish.

A few words at a time

Once again, we remind you how to make a bit of inexpensive materials. For this, hardwood can be used . And in the manufacturing process, you can use any tools. Making a baseball bat requires patience and perseverance. And if you do not know how to work with wood, then get ready for the fact that the product may not work the first time.

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