HomelinessDo it yourself

Electrical safety of your home - grounding in the country

Residents of megacities are well acquainted with the city's bustle. Constant traffic jams, congestion, noisy streets. From all this, you quickly get tired. That's why a lot of people, based on their financial capabilities, are building country houses. Basically, for this approach scenic places with beautiful nature. Fresh forest air, a river ... Is not it beauty? However, like any modern structure, a country estate should be safe for human life. It's about Mother Nature. Thunder, lightning are celestial phenomena that can easily damage any home. Plus, thanks to technological progress, the modern country house is not devoid of water heaters, washing machines, etc. Avoidance of problems with electricity, it is advisable to make grounding in the country.

Many owners believe that this issue requires the intervention of highly qualified specialists. This is a profound error. In fact, the ground loop can be made with your own hands without much effort and expense. Nowadays, there are several ways to protect your home from power failures. The most popular type of grounding is working with three metal pins, which you need to hammer into the ground at a depth of three meters. There is also a more advanced method. It is based on a single pin, which must be driven into the ground until the first aquifer appears. Of course, in this way the destructive discharge of electricity is best absorbed. However, the high cost of this species makes it less popular among the population. Consider a grounding device with three bayonets. Everything elementary is simple. So, how to make grounding in the country?

First of all, you need to decide on the place. It is necessary to select a site that will be located no further than 10 meters from the power shield. Before the beginning of work it is necessary to buy an iron corner 50х50 mm and a steel wire 4х40 mm. The length of the above-mentioned elements must be at least nine meters. We proceed to the trench. We make indentations in the form of an isosceles triangle with sides of three meters. Depth - not less than 70-100 centimeters, width - 0,5 meters. At the tops of the formed geometric figure, the drill has three wells, each three meters deep. As you guessed, these holes are necessary in order to drive three-meter corners. Before bolting iron, it is best to cut one side of the electrode with an abrasive grinder at an acute angle. In the event that the soil is soft, you can drive corners and sledge hammers. It is necessary to leave the top of the electrodes, in order to weld a metal strip to them later .

The foundation is laid, and the grounding at the dacha is at the beginning of its installation. Scoring the corners, welded to them a wire made of metal. This strip must be connected to the power shield by one side and to the ground loop by the other side. Having put the strip into the house, it is necessary to make the transition (bolted connection) to the copper wire. The cross-section of the latter should be the same as that of the phase conductor. Ideally, a bolt 8-10 mm, which is welded to the strip and screwed to it with copper wire. Do not rush to fill the trench with earth.

There is one more important point - checking the contour for resistance. To do this, you need an ohmmeter. Ideally, the resistance should not be above 10 ohms. Otherwise, it is necessary to drive another conductor into the ground and connect it to the circuit. Absolutely all fasteners need to be carried out by welding. Throw a trench better homogeneous soil without any construction debris. If the grounding in the dacha is done correctly, it will serve you in the future with protection against lightning and thunder. To do this, it will be necessary to weld a metal pin 5-10 meters to the electrode connecting the strip.

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