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How to wind the huskies easily and quickly

Many people often ask the question: "How to wind the likes of VKontakte?". Someone needs them to advertise their product and create a positive image, someone wants to give weight and popularity to their statements, and someone wants to be the most beautiful. In order to do all this, it is necessary to wind hearts (huskies).

However, before winding huskies, you need to think about how to make people believe that these likes are real, and how not to get an account lock for such a twist:

There are several basic ways:

1. Automated software method.

2. Third-party sites that work on the principle of exchange.

3. Direct exchange of huskies.

4. The exchange of hearts using VKontakte.

5. Purchase of likes for money, on websites or from experts in network promotion.

Let's try to describe in more detail all the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

Automated software method

This method is based on the use of special programs for cheating. The most popular programs are: Viking Botovod , FvCheat, VkObmen. With the help of such software it is possible to automate the process and not spend too much time on it. Programs work on the principle of hidden exchange: you automatically put hearts, and other users put you. The disadvantage of this method is the ability to block your account. The fact is that there is a certain limit of hearts on the VKontakte website that users can put on during the day, if you exceed this limit, you will be mistaken for a spammer.

Some of these programs have paid versions, they are almost guaranteed to save the account from blocking.

Third-party sites

Also work on the principle of exchange. However, in this case, manual exchange - you open a link with the right page, put a kid and get points for it, which you can spend to buy hearts for yourself. This method appeared not so long ago, but has already gained great popularity. The leader of this type of cheat site is Besides it, these services are provided by:,,, This type of cheating is safe, but it takes a lot of time. Before winding huskies, it is important to remember that honest sites do not require users to have their password and login page VKontakte.

Direct Exchange

The oldest way to cheat hearts. The principle of the method is quite simple - you leave comments in the groups on the walls, offering the exchange of hearts, users respond to them. This method is the simplest, but very long and unstable. Screw in this way a thousand or more likes, it's almost impossible.


The newest way for users who do not know how to wind the likes. Administration VKontkate finally realized that you do not need to block people for cheating, but rather use them to generate income. The principle of this method is the same as the exchange on sites, but now all the husks are put using internal applications for this social network. The following programs are offered for wrapping up: "Laik-car", "Laiki on the photo", "Laikomer" and others.

This method is completely safe and is allowed by VKontakte rules, but it will require a lot of time from you.

Buying goodies for money

One of the fastest methods of cheating. You can buy a husky on many sites (on the same and specialists in the CEO. In some cases, you will be offered a filter that allows you to choose the gender, age and country of the person who will need to put you a live. This method is the most expensive, but, with the use of reliable partners, it gives the fastest effect.

Scoring votes

The second most popular service, which is necessary for VKontakte users. Remember that most sites and programs that offer scoring voices are scammers.

Do not enter your login and password from the VKontakte account on third-party sites. You not only will not get a vote, but lose your page.

Voices can not be wound, but you can earn in some VKontakte applications and on the site "Gifts-VKontakte.rf" (does not require entering a password). The main principle of these methods is you get votes for work: gaming achievements, subscriptions to pages, groups, etc.

All services and programs that offer free multiplication and scoring of votes are scammers.

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