
How to grow Dimexide for a compress? Compress with Dimexid: proportions. Compress with Dimexid on the knee

How to grow Dimexide for compress and use it to treat skin diseases? The answer to this and other questions concerning the presented medicine you will find in the materials of this article.

General information about the preparation

How to grow Dimexide for a compress? Before answering the question, you should find out why such a drug is generally necessary? As you know, concentrated medicine "Dimexide" is a fairly strong and effective tool for treating complications of the musculoskeletal system and various skin diseases.

Properties of the medicament

This drug is used only locally, applying it directly to the problem area. It should be especially noted that the compress with Dimexid on the knee and other parts of the body is primarily used for antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects. Most often, such procedures are prescribed for trophic ulcers, pustular skin diseases, burns, bruises, eczema and erysipelas. In addition, a compress with Dimexid, whose proportions will be described a little further, has an analgesic effect. Due to this property this drug is effective in radiculitis, arthrosis, inflammation of joints and cartilage tissues, as well as other similar problems.

Form of issue

Concentrated medicine "Dimexide" can be purchased in almost any pharmacy. Such a product goes on sale in jars, which are both 100 ml and 50 ml. Inside each container is a clear solution, intended exclusively for external use.

General indications for the use of medicament

Compress with Dimexid for children and adults is prescribed for:

  • Infectious diseases of the skin;
  • Every possible bruising of the articular parts of the body;
  • Fungal lesions of the skin;
  • Damage to ligaments and radiculitis;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system (upper).

Only the doctor makes the appropriate appointments.

How to grow Dimexide for a compress?

To take advantage of the therapeutic compress, the medication should be diluted with water beforehand. Typically, for such procedures, 50% or 30% solution is used.

How to grow Dimexide for a compress? To do this, measure 30 ml of the medication and pour it into a deep bowl. Further, using the same measuring cup, it is required to add to the preparation about 70 ml of ordinary water at room temperature. After this, both components should be thoroughly mixed. The solution is ready for use.

To make a 50% medical fluid, these ingredients should be used in equal amounts (50 ml of medicament and 50 ml of water). However, it should be remembered that such a compress with Dimexid on the knee or other parts of the body may be too concentrated. In this regard, keep it on the skin takes a short time, otherwise the patient will get burned.

Other proportions

The drug "Dimexide" is used externally in the form of tampons and compresses, not only to create 30% or 50% solution. After all, the concentration of such a remedy depends entirely on what disease is present in this or that patient. Thus, dilute the presented drug should be so that you get the medicine that is needed in a particular case:

  • With eczema and diffuse streptodermia - 40-90% solutions;
  • With erysipelas - 50% solution;
  • With pustular diseases on the skin - 30-40% solutions;
  • With superficial burns - 20-30% solutions;
  • For the removal of pain syndromes - 25-50% solutions.

For mild skin damage (for example, with normal irritation) or for use on face, the concentration of the aqueous solution should be reduced to 10-20%.

How to make a compress with Dimexid?

Prepare a solution of concentrated medicine is not difficult. In order to use it, you should know some rules.

  1. Before applying a compress to the diseased area of the skin, it is necessary to dilute the drug in the above proportions (depending on the degree of injury).
  2. After the solution has been prepared, it is necessary to take a cotton or gauze cloth, and then soak it well in the resulting liquid.
  3. It is recommended to squeeze the used napkin or bandage lightly. This is necessary so that during the treatment the solution does not drip from it.
  4. The soaked tissue is required to be applied neatly to the affected area.
  5. On top of the napkin, it is recommended to place paper intended specifically for compresses, or a piece of polyethylene. After that, the dressing should be wrapped with a handkerchief or a warm scarf.
  6. Attached compress with "Dimexidum" should be left for 4 hours. Exceeding the specified time is strictly prohibited. If you neglect this advice, then this procedure will leave on the skin integument burns.

Solution with novocaine

What is the use of the drug "Dimexide" with novocaine? Compress on the basis of such a solution is used not only for treatment, but also for the elimination of pain in this or that disease.

It should be specially noted that this mixture may pose a danger to the health of the patient. In this regard, the proportions for making compresses can not be calculated independently. This should be handled only by an experienced specialist. As mentioned above, "Dimexide" with novocaine (compress) is used to eliminate soreness. However, this combination of drugs can cause side effects - rash and itching. In this case, the use of an anesthetic should be completely abandoned and replaced with other drugs.

Treat the throat

Heating compresses based on the Dimexide solution can be used not only for diseases of the skin and musculoskeletal system, but also for upper respiratory tract therapy. For example, quite well this medication has proved itself in the treatment of the throat. To prepare a medicine at home, you must choose the right proportions of all components.

So, we need: the drug "Dimexid", lime honey and aloe juice (in the ratio 2: 2: 1). All these ingredients should be placed in a deep bowl, and then thoroughly mixed. By the way, before this medicine "Dimexide" it is desirable to dilute a little with warm water. Next, you need to take a gauze or some other bandage, soak it well in a medical mixture and immediately put on your throat, and then wrap it around with a warm kerchief or scarf. It is advisable to leave this compress for no more than 3 hours. If the burning sensation starts a little earlier, then the compress should be removed in order to prevent the formation of burns.

The procedure described for throat disease is recommended daily. It is advisable to do this before going to bed.

Other uses

A compress based on an aqueous solution made from Dimexide can be used for colds. After all, this drug has a good warming effect. In addition, such procedures are often used by people with arthrosis. After all, this disease requires frequent warming of joint parts of the body.

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