
Proper throat treatment.

A favorite child for the mother is the most precious in life, therefore the health of the child is the most important headache for parents. Unpleasant sensations in the throat (pain, hoarseness, coughing, burning) are manifested at the very beginning of a variety of diseases that can be associated with both the respiratory system and violations of other organs. In order to treat the throat was effective, you need to find out the reason.

Coughing can be a normal reaction of the body to small, invisible dust particles inhaled by a child. However, if the cough is prolonged and debilitating, accompanied by a chill, a headache and a decrease in appetite, then you need to sound an alarm. It must be remembered that the treatment of the throat with the use of medications can be prescribed only by a children's doctor. In the treatment it is necessary to try to translate dry cough into wet, with ease of separation of sputum, also it is necessary to prevent coughing attacks, which tire the child and prevent sleep.

To begin with, you can try "home" methods. For this, honey is used (a spoonful of honey will soften the pain), hot tea, milk with the addition of butter, inhalation using baking soda. Such a throat treatment will quickly help get rid of bouts of dry cough. It is especially useful to carry out treatment several hours before bedtime. The child during treatment should be surrounded by the attention of the parents and their care. It is necessary to provide bed rest and sparing food. The air in the room should not be dry, for this you can use humidifiers or simply conduct regular wet cleaning. The temperature regime in the room should be within 20-22 degrees.

Medicamentous treatment of the throat. There are several groups of drugs:
• Expectorant and mucolytic. For example, decoctions of thermopsis, althea, thyme, eucalyptus oil. There are also synthetic drugs: "Bromhexine", "Ambroxol", "Carbocysteine."
• Various syrups, lozenges and lozenges. These drugs have anti-cough effect.

A few words about the treatment of the throat in infants.
• You can water the neck with a decoction of marigold or chamomile. To do this, you need to buy a large syringe in the pharmacy and carefully, after removing the needle, to conduct irrigation. Do not forget about the abundant warm drink. You can make chamomile tea (not strong).
• Compress from a fat warm cottage cheese is also useful. Secure the wrap with a warm scarf and after a few hours change the curd to warm.
• Rinse with sage broth (2 teaspoons of sage are taken for a glass of water). When rinsing, use a warm, but not hot, broth.
• A mixture of three tablets of mucaltin, three tablets against cough (and called) and 1 tbsp. L. Licorice root licorice. Tablets crush, mix with tincture and all this dissolve in 100 g of warm water. Give the child 1 tsp. Once every two hours.
• You can carry out a gentle massage of the chest and feet. Exposure to the chest will facilitate the departure of phlegm, and the feet are a reflexogenic zone. When you massage, you can use vegetable balsams, such as "Doctor Mom" and "Bronchicum", if they are not allergic.
• Doctors often prescribe "Septefril" pills, various syrups and sprays.

Do not forget that the treatment of the throat in an infant may be performed only after consultation with the pediatrician. First, the consultation is needed in order to find out the cause of the cough, as it can accompany very serious diseases such as flu, pleurisy, whooping cough, measles, tracheitis, etc. Secondly, each treatment has contraindications and side effects, Which you will explain the doctor. And in order that there are no various adverse consequences as a result of incorrect diagnosis or treatment, and you need to seek qualified help from specialists.

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