HomelinessPest Control

How to get rid of hornets under the roof of the house?

Knowingly, the wasps and hornets are called ambiguous human neighbors. On the one hand, they do not bring tangible harm, on the other - the Internet is full of questions about how to get rid of hornets under the roof. So what prevents the wasps? Break the comfort of people? More frightening!

Harm from proximity to predatory insects

The bites of buzzing can be dangerous. Hornets can instantly destroy entire colonies of agricultural insects and sometimes not only harmful ones.

Inhabitants of one nest bring home alive prey daily to 200-300 various insects: caterpillars, bedbugs, butterflies. Carrying out such sanitary cleaning, hornets help gardeners gardeners to fight for the crop in their garden. But sometimes they also fight with useful buzzing, for example, bees. Thus, after exterminating several hundred bees, these "predators" violate the natural balance of nature. Even greater harm is brought, if the bees turned out to be different, from the bee houses that the owner built up on the site. Hornets can easily destroy a hive, exposing the economy to even greater damage.

Therefore, before you get rid of the nest of hornets under the roof, determine if these creatures harm the apiary, or peaceful coexistence is possible.

Sometimes an aspen nest appears out of nowhere. Still yesterday it was not, and today there were buzzing neighbors.

Hornet or wasp

Many philistines find it difficult to distinguish between a female and a male of the Shershnev family. Although these two-sexed insects are similar to each other, they can be recognized by the length of the calf. The wasps are less - 1-1,5 cm, the hornet is ordinary - up to 3 cm. Considering the inverted individuals in detail, one can notice one more difference in the form of a brownish spot on the back characteristic of males and closer to the base of the belly. The representatives of the genus have no brown shades in color.

What danger is hidden in the aspen hive

This "neighborhood" can be unsafe for the health and life of an adult and a child. 1-2 insects that accidentally flew to the site are not as dangerous as a whole colony settled on a permanent site. They are the provocateurs of possible troubles.

If a dangerous insect attacks a person, it stings. If there is no allergy to bites, you need not worry. The site of defeat from the aspen bite will ache, the inflammatory process will pass after a short time. Bites of hornets are more dangerous.

Unsafe neighborhood: possible consequences

Still think how to get rid of hornets under the roof and is it worth doing? After reading this information, you will determine exactly what danger is lodging them near a house or an agricultural premise.

The first thing to remember: bugs of hornets in 75% of cases cause an allergic reaction. It manifests itself in the form of an inflammatory process in the place of sting defeat. 15% of the victims have serious complications:

  • Strong intoxication of the body;
  • headache;
  • Rapid heart rate;
  • Numerous hemorrhages.

Such symptoms are observed in people with increased sensitivity to skin lesions by insects.

There are even more dangerous types of hornets in nature, the bite of which can provoke edema of the bronchi (if the insect stings in the neck, chest), asphyxiation; Anaphylactic shock, because of which, when untimely medical assistance a person can suddenly die. Most often, deaths are observed among a group of people who developed a kidney failure or necrosis of internal organs against a background of a bite of a hornet (observed in 2% of people).

Important! Official statistics confirm that the mortality from the bites of giant (mutating) hornets in Japan is growing every year. 40-50 people die each year, being attacked by predatory insects, the same number falls into hospitals with serious complications. In China and Thailand hornets are recognized as one of the most dangerous representatives of their kind.

Having become acquainted with such statistics, it is worth considering how to get rid of hornets under the roof, if you were the victim of such a "neighborhood".

It is noted that females are less dangerous than males of this species. Lesions of the skin can lead to moderate intoxication, but when a person is allergic to poisonous substances contained in enzymes that get under the skin during a bite.

Obviously, if one of the family members suffers from an allergy, you will have to take care of how to get rid of the hornets under the roof. Notice! Carry out this operation, be careful. How to cope with the task, read below.

Destruction of wasps and hornets: effective advice and simple recommendations

If you have a swarm under the roof and several insects have flown into the dwelling, cover the visitor with a glass jar or glass. Do not drive the hornet with a broom, a newspaper. An angry insect stings furiously. As a trap, you can take a matchbox, and if you have a lot of courage, use leather gloves, putting them on, catch the insect and let it go outside. Even large individuals of hornets can not pierce the material of construction or leather gloves with a sting. If none of the listed means is suitable, use a specially folded 2-3 times sheet of newspaper. Neutralizing an insect, you can let it go. In addition to the rules for catching wasps inside the building, a person in contact with such insects should know how to get rid of hornets under the roof of a house where they often like to equip their nests.

How to remove a cocoon without harm to health

If such inmates often visit under the roof in the country or on the apiary, then their nest is next door. Having determined where the swarm is located, choose the technique how to get rid of hornets. Under the roof of the house - a quiet and cozy place to arrange housing insects. Boarded barns, lofts, tree branches, canopies are best suited for the life of the hornet family.

It is not difficult to drive a swarm, the main thing is to know how. To get rid of hornets under a roof in the country, if the beehive is hanging freely, there are several ways.

Method 1

Spraying on the inside of the plastic bag a special insecticide: Dichlorvos, Raptor, Executioner, Tetriks, Aktara, put it on the hive. Hornets die from the same means that are used to etch cockroaches and bedbugs. If the socket is attached to a wall or ceiling, the edges of the packet are glued, wrapping the beehive into a cocoon of polyethylene. If the colony is located on a tree, the "trap" is simply tied at the base of the hive.

Method 2

The nest is sprayed on all sides with a flammable mixture and ignited. This method is distinguished by cruelty and violates the balance of the ecological system. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it. It is better to try to solve the problem without going to extreme measures.

By resorting to this method, remember about fire safety and strictly observe it. Exorcise hornets in this way from the interior, apiary or wood is prohibited! If negligent, a fire may occur.

Pests in the barn

How to get rid of hornets under the roof of the barn with minimal damage to the room? There are several effective ways.

  1. Under the ceiling hang a bucket of boiling water or diluted kerosene. The receptacle is dipped in a container. After the insects die, the cocoon can be safely removed and taken to the street.
  2. You can get rid of the nest by clogging the honeycomb with a mounting foam. Blocked inside the cocoon hornets, without access to light, food and oxygen, will soon die, and the hive can be removed from under the ceiling and disposed of successfully.

If you can not remove the pests on your own, ask for help in a special pest control department. Specialists work on a call and professionally destroy unfavorable neighbors in the form of buzzing wasps and hornets, which threaten the health of children and adults.

Algorithm of actions during the removal of predatory insects from the house

How to get rid of hornets under a roof in the country, you already know, but what if the insects have penetrated into the premises and are already arranging accommodation?

For the interior space is a simple and harmless way. Take a bucket of water, filled with 2/3. Raise it to the required level and dip the nest. For reliability, the container can be pressed to the ceiling by placing it on the ladder or by supporting it from below with a wooden bar. All that remains is to wait until the insects perish in the water.

Roy in the hollow

Half the trouble when the hornets are under the roof. In an inaccessible place, getting rid of insects is much more difficult, for example, when they settled in a hollow tree right under the window.

To drive out buzzing uninvited neighbors, use an insecticide of strong concentration. Suitable "Carbophos" or "Executioner". Filling the liquid in the hollow, it is closed, covering the exit with putty or pasting with adhesive tape.

Wasps under the ground

To exterminate the swarm, settled in an earth burrow, 3-5 liters of boiling water are poured into the gap, and the hole is covered with a stone.

Now you know how to get rid of hornets under the roof of a garage, a house, a shed. Remember that it's dangerous not only the insects that you are trying to exterminate, but also the used disinfestations. Work with poisons in a protective suit. It consists of a hat with a special veil, overalls or jackets and pants, shoes and gloves. The mesh protects the face and head from attacking insects and provides barrier resistance to the volatile particles of the mortar being sawn. When working with poisons and contact with insecure insects, this is how a person's protective suit should look.

But readers are interested in another question about how to get rid of hornets under a roof in the winter.

The onset of cold weather is the optimal time to fight the dominance of stinging insects. Old nests, suspended under a roof, remove. Slots and holes cover. The room is tightly closed, and in the spring they are examined for the formation of new breeding grounds for hornets.

Safety rules during the extermination of insects at home

Note that the destruction of hornets is carried out at night or when insects exhibit reduced activity: they hide in a nest or flew out of it. But even then, observe basic safety rules in order not to get harm to health, especially if there are children in the house.

As mentioned earlier, when in contact with bees or wasps, wear special clothing in the form of a protective suit, ensuring the complete absence of open areas of the body.

Speaking about safety, it should be noted that pre-treatment of the hive with smoke to neutralize the hornets and wasps that settled in the nest does not always produce the effect that is expected. Enraged and disturbed insects can behave aggressively by attacking a person or a nearby child.

Therefore, before you begin to act, determine how to get rid of hornets under a roof in the home with the least damage to yourself, family and home. Plan the system of actions in advance and do not lose vigilance by conducting a procedure to exterminate harmful insects.

Wasps and hornets, being an integral part of the ecosystem of nature, are vitally important for biocenosis, therefore inadvisable extermination of these buzzing can lead to a violation of the natural balance.

Before you do anything, think twice about how it will affect nature, and start working only in case of emergency.

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