
"Internet S", "MegaFon". "Internet S", "MegaFon" - how to connect and disable the option

How to use mobile Internet with benefits? What are the ways to connect advantageous tariff options for online access? Can any operator offer more financially attractive conditions for using the Internet in comparison with competing companies? There are quite popular tariff options, including "Internet S" ("Megaphone"), but there are those that are adapted to solve narrow problems.

About the operator

Megafon is one of the largest on the telecommunications market in Russia. The main profile of its activity is the provision of services in the sphere of cellular communications. Megafon offers a wide range of tariffs for both voice communications and Internet access from various devices.

What is the "tariff" and "tariff option"?

It should be immediately said that the term "tariff" is not the same as the one that is consonant with it and sometimes identifiable, and it is incorrect - "tariff option". In the first case, it is a model of rates for voice communications (or another basic package of services) or, say, roaming. To the tariff, in turn, different options can be attached - they can be changed, connected and disconnected, but the tariff itself, its terms from this will not change.

Therefore, if someone talks about tariffs for mobile Internet from Megafon, as a rule, he means just the option. For example, if the "Internet S" tariff for "Megafon" is advertised, then the simultaneous tariff option is meant. Very often this term with respect to services related to mobile Internet is replaced by the word "package" (but there is no single standard here). For example, the phrase "Internet package S" "Megaphone" is often found.


Depending on the region, Megafon offers different rates for tariff options related to the Internet. However, the typical names for such services are approximately the same throughout Russia. Among the popular ones is the option "Internet S". Of course, Megafon is trying to be competitive with other operators of the Big Three and therefore offers a variety of options for providing services. Let's see what their current spectrum is.

Firstly, this is an option "XS" (it can be assumed that it was named for matching a consonant size of clothing, the full transcription of which in English sounds like "extra small", that is "very small"). This is the cheapest option, its cost is about 190-200 rubles per month. The traffic volume on it usually does not exceed 100 megabytes per day. Subscriber fee in most regions is written off not monthly, but daily equal amounts.

The next popular option is "S" (by analogy with clothes - "small", that is just "small"). Here traffic is given about 3 gigabytes per month, it will cost an average of 350 rubles. Monthly fee is debited, as a rule, monthly.

Another typical option from Megafon is "M" (so to speak, the size is "medium" or "average"). Traffic is noticeably larger than for "S" - about 7 gigabytes per month. But the amount that the subscriber must spend is also impressive - 590 rubles.

Option "L" (probably, it can be deciphered as "large", that is "large") includes about 25 gigabytes of traffic. It is more predictable - about 690 rubles a month.

The option "XL" (that is, "extra large") will cost the subscriber 990 rubles a month, but in return he will receive an impressive amount of traffic - as much as 70 gigabytes (the figure from region to region, of course, will vary).

Tariffication dynamics

Sometimes the marketing policy of "Megaphone" implies a significant adjustment of the cost of tariff options, including those related to mobile Internet. So, for example, there were cases when in some regions the option "Internet S" "Megaphone" cheaper almost twice.

And this rule was valid both for new subscribers, and for those who already used it. At a standard value of the subscription fee (about 350 rubles per month for the option "Internet S"), the prices dropped to 150 rubles. The user received the same 3 gigabytes.

Features of some options

One of the most popular tariff options from Megafon is Internet S. It combines fairly low cost and at the same time includes a lot of traffic - 3 gigabytes. This option is great for owners of mobile devices and in many cases meets the needs of users of personal computers. There are enough opportunities to view pages of websites, communicate in social networks, open short videos on videohosting, listen to music.

The fact that in the Internet options from "Megaphone" some amount of gigabytes appears, means that this volume of traffic the subscriber can use without speed limit (about 2-3 megabits per second, but depending on the signal level it can be as less , And more). As soon as 3 gigabytes, as in the case with option "S", are developed, the speed of Internet access will be reduced to 64 kilobits per second.


In the environment of many mobile Internet users there is a discussion about whether to consider the Internet from Megafon unlimited. Formally, this is so: by paying a certain subscriber's amount provided by the tariff option, and provided that the balance on the personal account does not go "minus" (below the cut-off threshold), the user will in any case have access to the network. However, as we said above, the speed will be decent only within the same gigabytes that are included in the package.

In practice, many tasks (for example, watching movies or transferring large files) at a speed of 64 kilobits are very difficult, and it can be said that for users facing such tasks, many options assume in fact limited access to the Internet - be it MTS, "Beeline" or "Megaphone". Unlimited "Internet S" (as it often sounds in advertisements) in fact turns out to be very "limit" for a large number of users.

Megafon or another operator?

If you look at the tariff options of Megafon, related to the provision of Internet access services, and compare them with those offered by other operators, it turns out that in almost all cases the prices are approximately the same. For the same amount, the user of the "Internet S" option "Megafon" will give approximately the same gigabytes as the subscriber of MTS or "Beeline" will receive.

Thus, the determinant role is played by the factor not of financial benefit, but the actual conditions under which the user enters the network (signal level, coverage quality, etc.) - these factors can already differ for different operators. Therefore, when choosing a tariff from Megafon, it is necessary to pay less attention to the benefits of using it, since cheaper services are not likely to be offered by other operators (and if they do, Megafon will be able to give a symmetrical answer in the form of Correction of tariff options). It is necessary to look at the technological factors, how well it "catches" the phone in a particular place. This is honestly warned in the conditions of tariffs and options themselves providers of communication services. The same does, offering the option "Internet S", "Megaphone". Reviews about the operator many subscribers publish very willingly, and, of course, the company is interested in that they are positive.

Ways to connect the Internet from Megafon

If we decided to choose a mobile access provider in the online "Megafon", how to connect "Internet S" - the popular tariff option? This can be done in several ways. There is a traditional one - to pay a visit to the nearest office of the operator. But the thing is that in practice this office may not be the closest: it is quite possible that a person at a particular moment of time is, say, at a dacha.

Then the way out is to connect via the company's website (which, in turn, can be accessed using a friend's computer or smartphone). There is a way "offline", when the connection of certain options, including Internet packages, is possible without access to the network. Let's consider all variants.

If the Internet is at hand

Subscribers can connect Internet options through online resources. In particular, through the operator's website. Let's take the option - you need to connect an Internet package, optimized for use with a smartphone. To do this, go to the page from your mobile device and click on the link to this "for smartphone" service.

After that, you can read information about the available options (among the proposed, most likely, will be the option "Internet S"). "Megaphone" describes in detail the conditions of connection. If they suit you, choose the tab with the name "Connection". Next, enter the phone number in the online field and confirm your intention to connect by clicking the button with the appropriate name. After a while (usually a few seconds) you will receive an SMS to confirm the action performed on the Megafon website.

Similarly, you can connect Internet packages from "Megaphone", adapted to go online from a personal computer or tablet.

If you do not have access to the Internet

"Megaphone", which is quite logical, allows subscribers to connect Internet options in those cases when there is no possibility to go online. This is done through simple SMS or USSD commands. What do I need to do to connect the profitable option? We will tell you on the example of the package "Internet S": enter USSD-command * 105 * 40 # (not suitable for all regions) or make a call to 0500711. Another option is to send SMS (without text, blank) to 000105400. To the subscriber's phone Will receive a reply SMS (in all cases) with informing about the fact of successful connection (or other explanations) of the option "Internet S" ("Megaphone"). How to disable options? This is very simple: along with the commands to connect, there are those that allow you to perform a reverse operation. In some regions of the presence of Megafon, the rules may differ. But in many cases to turn off the option "Internet S" you need to send an SMS to number 0500922.

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