Food and drinkRecipes

How to cook juicy chicken chops

Chicken meat is very tasty and contains less fat than beef or pork. This is why chicken meat is recommended for those who are on a diet, as well as for children and the elderly.

Particularly useful white chicken meat is chicken breast. This meat is rich in protein, but there is very little fat in it. Many do not like dishes from chicken breasts, because meat is often obtained dryish. But if you learn to properly cook white chicken meat, then this defect will be easily eliminated. As a result, dishes are not only useful, but also very tasty and juicy.

Chicken breasts can be made from chicken chops. For this dish, we will need to take two chicken fillets or one whole chicken breast on bones, two eggs, a couple of garlic cloves, spices and breadcrumbs.

So, how to cook a chicken chicken so that it turns juicy? If a finished fillet is used, it will need to be cut lengthwise into two or three pieces, depending on the size. When using a whole breast, remove the skin, then remove the meat from the bone, dividing into large and small fillets. A large fillet is cut into portions.

Now we put pieces of fillet into a packet of polyethylene or wrap it in film and begin to beat it with a cook's hammer. To put too much effort is not worth it, since chicken meat is much more tender than pork or beef, and with too vigorous actions it can fall apart.

Then prepare the sauce. To do this, break the eggs and a little bit with their fork (or a whisk). Put the garlic, after letting it through the press. You can also use dry garlic seasoning. We will salivate and pepper our sauce, adding any seasonings to taste. For example, you can put curry or ground paprika. Dip each piece of fillet into the cooked sauce and put the meat in a bowl. If the sauce was not used, then the remnants can then be poured into a bowl for meat. Cover the dishes with a lid or a film and put in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours. Even better, if it is possible to prepare such a semi-finished product in advance and give the meat to brew for 12 hours or even a day. In this case, having a ready-made semi-finished product, chicken chops can be cooked very quickly.

Before frying the chicken fillet should be rolled in breadcrumbs. It is very good, if it will be biscuits home-made coarse grinding. Making such crackers is easy. To do this, you need to collect the remains of white bread, dry them in the oven and grind in a blender or use a meat grinder.

Let's start the frying of chops. Heat the frying pan with butter, roll the chicken chops in the breading and fry. Long keep chicken meat on fire should not be. It is enough to fry for 1.5-2 minutes on each side, as the overcooked chops will turn out to be dry and tasteless.

Do not like meat, fried in breadcrumbs? Then you should prepare chicken chops according to the following recipe.

We cook the meat in a similar way, but do not marinate it, but immediately begin to fry without breading. Fried pieces of fillet lay out in a saucepan or frying pan with deep sides. We fill the meat with cream, in which a little flour is added to give the sauce of density. Add garlic, greens and tushim to the meat with a slight boil of 15 minutes. In this case, the chicken breast will be not less juicy.

And how to make chicken chops in a potato crust? To do this, you need to prepare a potato breading, wiping raw potatoes on a large grater. Chicken fillet is prepared in the same way as in previous recipes, that is, cut, beaten and seasoned with pepper, salt and any seasonings. Now you need to beat the egg. Dip into it a piece of fillet and roll in potato chips. Fry such chops on moderate fire from two sides to get a crispy crust.

Garnish to chicken chops can be anything - vegetables, potatoes, porridge or pasta.

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