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"Waterfall" (Baratynsky): history of creation, analysis

Eugene Abramovich Baratynsky (1800-1844) - an invaluable contemporaries bright Russian poet. By the early period of his work is the poem "Waterfall". Baratynsky at this time creates elegiac poems, filled with romance.

Brief information about the poet

Evgeny Baratynsky was descended from a noble family of Russified Polish gentry. He was born in the estate of Vyazhlya, Tambov province. His childhood passed nearby, in the manor of Mar. The child's education included French and Italian. Later, while studying in the Corps of Pages, he would add German to them. The boy dreamed of military service, but one childish prank in which he participated, having read Schiller, led him and his friends to steal. Ten-year-old Baratynsky was expelled from the corps and could become only a soldier. He began to write melancholy poems, being an outcast in society. At the age of 19 E. Baratynsky began to serve as a private. In the same year he meets A. Pushkin, A. Delvig, In Kiukhelbeker, F. Glinka, N. Gnedich. In 1820, his regiment was sent to Finland. There will be written the lyric poem "Waterfall" that interests us. Baratynsky in this period begins to be printed, and his name becomes known.

The history of the creation of the "Waterfall"

The Finnish nature produced a completely new impression on the young Baratynsky, accustomed to the flat terrain. Near the fortress of Kyumen, where the non-commissioned officer served, was the Hagfors waterfall. He surprised with his height of eight meters and a gloomy gorge. They could be admired from the bridge, which towered over the rapidly flowing water mass. Also Baratynsky visited the Imatra Falls. This bubbling stream borders the forests of Karelia with gray boulders. Perhaps this noisy and majestic fall of water and led to the creation in 1821 of a small masterpiece - "Waterfall". Baratynsky as a true poet could not pass by without reflecting in his work an extraordinary phenomenon of nature.

The general theme of the poem

The young man, standing, apparently at the top, first saw a gloomy and mysterious landscape, which under the gusts of the aquilon shakes the mighty spruce. Let's clarify that aquilon is a very strong north wind. He is fast, like the flight of an eagle. This formidable deity of nature the Romans represented approximately as shown in the photo above. He brought roaring weather and was consonant with the noise of a powerful water flow. Roar, which publishes a waterfall, Baratynsky listens with trepidation and stands, enchanted by the boiling streams of the wild element. He tries to feel with his heart that he is broadcasting a raging fall of water, covered with a gray mist of spray. Watching this magical attractiveness, behind this uncontrollable unbridled creation is EA Baratynsky. The waterfall lives its own incomprehensible life, which is in harmony with the surrounding world.

Images of the poem

The sight and sounds of the water mass make the poet repeatedly and enthusiastically exclaim, calling her to eternal existence - "noise", "do not stop." This epiphany of the four stanzas begins and finishes the work. This refrain will be heard by readers, it can not be ignored. The epithet "gray-haired" in relation to the stream represents first of all its color, behind which the antiquity is heard. His "lingering howl" makes him see a living being in him, which is united with the valley, which also lingers. Thus the forces of nature are embodied in the rich imagination that Baratynsky possesses. He has a waterfall and talks to the poet without words. The roar of him is not only lingering, but also rebellious. What he is waiting for, Baratynsky can not understand, because he is simply fascinated by the "smoky abyss". His rhetorical questions raise our attention to the landscape and, without requiring an answer, are compelled to empathize.

Lexical means of the poet

The poem is written with a measured iambic ring rhyme. For the modern reader, archaism also mentions the mention of an aquilon, and the combination of "spruce hides", which he shakes. But, perhaps, and the contemporaries of the poet, they evoked a feeling of eternity and the primordial nature.

The alliteration that is used allows you to hear the noisy flow from the first stanza. She has three "sh". Next, there will be repeated "g", "ni" and again "sh", reinforcing the first impression. Four times in a row the repeated "yu" is an assonance. It allows you to more accurately convey the flow of water flowing continuously.

The image of the lyric hero

It shows a person's need to understand what the enchanting power is, which is created not miraculously. The state of the hero's soul eagerly awaits the discovery of secrets. This is his "crazy expectation". He is trembling all over. And through the oxymoron (the lyrical hero "understands the heart" and the mind belongs to the head), we are shown that before the hero an unknown mystery was discovered: he must find his place in the universe. Here we are faced with the philosophical beginning of the poet. Minutes of the closeness of man and the universe opens the reader to the poem "Waterfall". Baratynsky begins to comprehend the meaning of his being. And later the singer will reflect on his life in his works. In his early work of feeling (delight, joy, thrill, anticipation), caused by nature, showed Baratynsky. "Waterfall" (the analysis of which is completed), only laid the beginning of the philosophical lyrics and elegiac reflections of the poet.

Having reached the rank of officer, EA Barytynsky will retire, marry and, understood only by a narrow circle of friends, will go abroad. In Naples, he suddenly died, but will be buried in his native land, in St. Petersburg. The press did not cover this sad event.

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