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How to become deputies. The beginning of political career

Probably, many dream of dust-free work, which would bring a high income. And if the post also presupposes the possession of power, privileges and high social status, then for such a place many people will want to fight. The harder the work, the less they pay for it. And, on the contrary, prestigious As a rule, the post does not require the exertion of physical strength. For example, deputies do not drag sacks of cement and do not dig trenches. But their position is prestigious, highly paid. And so many would like to take it. Let's talk about how they become deputies.

First, the legislature is of different levels. Naturally, it's easier to become a deputy of the municipality than the State Duma. This will take less time and effort. First, familiarize yourself with the regional laws that regulate the process of elections to local self-government bodies. How do they become deputies of the municipality? It is possible to stand for self-nomination, but for this it will be necessary to collect an initiative group that would give your candidacy a move. Naturally, in elections you need also luck to get the right percentage of votes. How do they become deputies of the State Duma? To do this, you must be at least twenty-one years old. It is also necessary to be a member of any of the officially registered parties. In other words, it is necessary that the political force in which you belong should nominate your candidacy. In addition, you must be competent.

With the legal side of the process figured out. So, you managed to get nominated for the candidates. What's next? You will have to participate in the election campaign. For this purpose it is necessary in advance to prepare a technique of conducting agitation, to sketch certain preparations. But what if it does not have time and imagination? Then the candidate hires a whole team of political technologists who work with him, create a positive image and so on. Continuing the conversation about how they become deputies, it must be said that election campaigns in our time are very expensive. Therefore, a considerable start-up capital is needed. How to become a deputy of the City Duma? In addition to all of the above, a number of personal qualities will be required - good communication skills, quick mind. Naturally, you must have an idea of the position you want to occupy. If you lost the election, do not despair, it is possible that your political career is not over yet. There is a chance to try myself as an assistant deputy. This will give the necessary political experience and will be a good incentive for starting a serious career.

Perhaps you already know that in order to take up this post, Few such qualities as initiative, charm, personal talents and skills. How do they become deputies without any connections with influential people? The answer is very simple. Most likely, in any way. Perhaps in this case you will have some chance, for example, in the elections to the village council, if the residents know and respect you. But in a larger village you already need to rotate in special circles and make profitable acquaintances. You can, for example, try to join any party. Again, for this you need to be not an ordinary man in the street. You will have more chances if you are connected with big business, you are a successful sportsman, a famous actor and so on. Popularity among the population will strengthen your position.

Naturally, this is not all that is needed to become a deputy. Only the main points are listed. If you think that you have too few connections, money and influence to start a political career, do not despair. Perhaps, you will bring more benefit to the state, honestly working as a fitter, welder or driver, than on the post of deputy.

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