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Types of power their content

The notion of "power" arose with the birth of human society and accompanies all the ways of its development. This is an opportunity to lead the actions of other people, their activities. Sometimes power is the imposition of one's own will. The basis for it can serve different methods, among which - authoritarianism, violence, democracy, provocation, etc. But regardless of what power is based on, its essence does not change. It can be carried out with the approval of the social strata or in spite of their resistance.

Power is a necessary condition for the existence of any society, the functioning of production, regulation of relations between people.

Types of power can be different. If we consider this phenomenon from the point of view of spheres of influence, then we can distinguish political, information, economic, and spiritual.

Some political scientists believe that it more accurately reflects the features of power, its division into social, economic, spiritual, information, compulsory.

Economic and social power are more closely connected with each other than other components. If the former distributes material benefits, the latter presupposes the division in society of statuses, privileges, places in the social structure. Today, many progressive states tend to democratize social power. For example, the owners of an enterprise in many countries do not have the right to independently make decisions on the wages of employees, their dismissal, depressions, etc. These social rights are regulated by special acts, agreements monitored by trade unions or similar bodies.

Spiritually-informational types of power are the management of people with the help of scientific knowledge and information. Knowledge is the basis of decision-making, legislative acts. Through the dissemination of information, the impact on society, the consciousness of people is effected. Through information power, it is possible to create public opinion, objectively cover the activities of the government and solve social problems, or manipulate people's minds. The conductors of the spiritual and information power are the media, schools, colleges, educational organizations.

Forced types of power are based on strength. They imply physical violence against dissidents.

Political power is a separate component, which is very different from other types of power. First of all, any types of political power occupy a dominant position, and the decisions that this power takes are mandatory for all. It is within its power to limit or even ban the activities of any power institutions, institutions, etc.

The political power operates with the concept "right" and addresses to the people impersonally, publicly, from the legal point of view. She is the only one who legally uses force or coercion against certain citizens.

Political power is monocentric, it can take advantage of all cultural-information, economic, compulsory resources.

Finally, the main element of political power, its mandatory component is state power.

This division into types of power is inconclusive. Depending on the chosen approach, scientists distinguish:

  • By type of subject: state, family, army, administrative.
  • In the breadth of distribution: mega-, macro-, meso-, microlevels.
  • By functions: legislative, executive, judicial.
  • By the type of interaction "subject-object": totalitarian, authoritarian, liberal, democratic.
  • By the type of social base: poly- or oligarchy, pluto, theo-, partocracy or the power of the crowd - ochlocracy.
  • By the type of resources on which subordination is based: normative, coercive, rewarding, expert, etc.

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