Health, Healthy Eating
Honey: useful properties of bee products
Who does not know such a product as honey? Useful properties of it can not be overemphasized. Each person has his own attitude to this curative product, however, no one will argue that many diseases can be prevented and cured by him. In this article I would like to clarify again, what exactly is honey good for adults and children, and what honey is the most useful of all variety.
Honey: useful properties
Natural honey is a very useful and high-calorie product. Many centuries ago, nature gave him to man to maintain vitality, energy and health. The composition of honey is rich in those microelements that are present in the human body. Thanks to this, honey is fully and without much effort absorbed. It consists mainly of carbohydrates - glucose and fructose, so after eating a few spoons of honey, the body quickly becomes saturated with the energy it needs so much. This is especially important for weakened, depleted people, for a growing child organism, athletes, etc. However, excessive doses of this product can lead to excess weight, since honey has a high energy value.
Since ancient times, this product of beekeeping had many admirers. And they appreciated it not only for its unrivaled taste and aroma, but, above all, for its healing properties:
- Honey - an excellent restorative and tonic, supporting the immune system;
- It is a natural antibiotic, which by its properties and strength of action is superior to many chemical preparations. But this force is lost when the honey is heated above +40 С⁰;
- Honey strengthens the metabolic processes of the body;
- It promotes the acceleration of tissue regeneration, has anti-inflammatory and resorptive action;
- Honey stimulates the functions of various systems and organs of the human body, including activating the hematopoiesis. But he has the greatest positive influence on the work of the gastrointestinal tract and is rightfully considered the best friend of the stomach;
- The use of certain varieties of honey (especially acacia honey) contributes to the normalization of healthy restful sleep, the removal of nervous tension, and generally beneficial effects on the nervous system;
- Honey can help prevent the development of atherosclerosis and other diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
- It is impossible to imagine without honey and cosmetology. Here, honey is used to soften the skin, increase its tone, eliminate dryness and flaking. It is a wonderful natural remedy for face and body.
According to the chemical and biological composition, honey is out of competition among products of plant and animal origin. In its composition, almost all the vitamins of group B, there are provitamin A, vitamins C, D, E, H and K, useful amino acids, copper and phosphorus, manganese and zinc, iron, potassium and calcium. All these substances are very important for the normal functioning and development of the body. The lack or absence of them can lead to all kinds of violations and serious illnesses.
Since ancient times, honey has been used as a natural preservative, and now people use it for this purpose, if necessary. Even meat can be stored in a warm room longer if it is coated with honey. And different bacteria and fungi of the same mold in honey do not live at all.
It is very useful to give honey to children, because it contains almost the entire set of minerals needed for a growing body:
- phosphorus and calcium - to form bones;
- zinc and nickel - for the reproduction of blood;
- Lithium is important for capillaries and vessels;
- molybdenum promotes the formation of proteins and amino acids;
- sulfur removes heavy metals;
- Chlorine ions promote the normalization of metabolism.
These and many other medicinal substances contain honey. Its useful properties are unlimited and still not fully established. One - two tablespoons of honey per day are able to give the body the necessary set of minerals and energy. Especially useful honey in the honeycomb, because the wax, which consists of honeycombs, also has medicinal properties.
It's hard to say which is the best honey. Some experts distinguish buckwheat honey. Its useful properties, of course, are high. But when choosing it is necessary to be guided more by your needs and goals, proceed from the state of the organism. Each type of honey has its advantages in the treatment and prevention of certain diseases. But if you could not find the necessary kind of honey , then replacing it with another, you will not lose much, since any natural honey is a storehouse of health and beauty! Be healthy!
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