Health, Healthy Eating
What is useful for cranberries and to whom?
Among the most useful products, given to mankind by nature, doctors call cranberries. After their advice, no one is asking whether the cranberry is useful. Let's see why.
Prevention of diseases
Spring is a deceptive time of the year. A little warmer, and all at once drop winter clothes. And in vain! So close to the common cold, colds, flu (not in vain the schools are closed for quarantine in the spring). Spring is a good time to talk about strengthening immunity and the need to consume vitamin C for the prevention of colds. Not all products (fruits, berries) can achieve at once two of these tasks. But cranberries are by force: knowingly doctors recognize it as the most useful product, because it contains both vitamin C and antioxidants.
What is useful for cranberries, in addition to preventing ARVI? Cranberry juice should be drunk every day for the prevention of diseases such as cystitis, ulcers, stomach cancer. And all because the substances contained in cranberry (benzoic acid and proanthocyanidins) are able to substitute for their action on the human body, even antibiotics. When you consume cranberry juice, the body creates an environment in which the bacteria that cause these diseases simply do not survive.
Emergency help
Cranberry has an anti-inflammatory effect, antibacterial action, reduces temperature. Thanks to these properties, the consumption of cranberries contributes to a speedy recovery in a number of diseases. Cranberries help those who are worried about bacteria in the mouth. And also to those who suffer from urinary tract diseases.
When the body is most vulnerable ...
Of course, in the juice of berries all useful substances remain. But in the mors, they should be less, because of the large amount of water. Still, Morse is consumed as often as cranberry juice. And not only because it is easier to drink (it is sweeter). What is useful for cranberry juice? Studies of physicians report that warm mors is good for expectant mothers. All vitamins (groups B, P, H, and, of course, C) are stored in the morsa, which are necessary both for the mother's organism and for the baby growing in it. Mineral salts present in cranberry juice (and this is iron, calcium, phosphorus), strengthen the bones of a fragile fruit and the mother herself. As you know, during pregnancy the body of a woman needs calcium most of all, especially teeth. Consumption of cranberries in any form will provide the body's need for this element (keep the teeth intact during and after pregnancy). And that's not all, what is useful for cranberries during pregnancy. Her effect on the body allows pregnant women to cope with such unpleasant symptoms as nausea, pressure changes, heaviness in the bladder.
Restorative action
All the problems listed in the article do not cover everything that is useful for cranberries. This miracle berry is sometimes able to help patients better than antibiotics. Its multifaceted properties have a general strengthening effect on the body. It is expressed in the withdrawal of toxins, increasing efficiency and mental activity, improving digestion, neutralizing the effects of toxins on the body and strengthening immunity.
So, what is useful cranberry, we figured out, but how to consume it, in what quantity? This, of course, depends on your goals and on the state of the body. For example, with a lack of vitamin C, cranberries can be consumed in large amounts for a certain period of time, about a month (depending on how much your body needs this vitamin). On average (with a satisfactory state of health), one can call such a daily norm: cranberry juice is consumed in a glass, and the fruit is several times larger (about a liter). Well, very few people can eat berries in sufficient quantity, and yet with sugar, gram 300 will be enough for the general strengthening effect.
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