Food and drinkDessert

Honey cake at home: recipe

It's no secret that the perfect end of any feast is dessert. It can be expressed in any interpretation, from cookies and sweets to cakes and pies. But you can really surprise with those delicacies that were prepared by yourself.

Taste from childhood

One of the most popular and popular desserts is a honey cake. At home, such a delicacy is very often cooked by many housewives. Medovik - this is truly a culinary work of art, which is known to many sweet tooth. Everyone once tried this delicacy. For today in modern shops there is a wide choice of honey growers from different manufacturers. However, most of these recipes are almost the same.

In order to really experience the most unforgettable aroma and taste, you need to prepare dessert yourself. To get a honey cake at home, you need a special recipe. Today, there are many recipes, methods and secrets of making such a delicious treat.

The main secrets of making a mead

If you compare honey cake, the recipe with the photo of which will be presented below, with most other classical works of culinary art, it can be said that it has an original structure inherent exclusively to him. The main difference from other cakes is the presence in the test of such a simple product as honey. After all, without this ingredient, a honeycomb would not have become a honey cake.

But here there is one small subtlety, ignorance of which can lead to the fact that the taste of dessert will be irrevocably corrupted. In the process of adding honey, in no case can you overdo it, and vice versa, do not put a little such a component. If in the first case the result is too sweet and sugary taste, then in the second, there may be a complete absence of flavor and taste of honey.

These two options in the preparation process are unacceptable, because of which it is necessary to strictly observe the necessary proportions. So, for example, if the honey cake is designed, say, five layers, then in this case you need to add one tablespoon of honey. This will give a characteristic smell, and the taste will not be too sweet.

In the process of forming cakes, a special round shape should be used (it is better not to use a dish here), since this method is considered more convenient. Honey cake (the recipe with the photo below) requires, when cutting circles, use an exceptionally sharp knife to ensure that the cakes are ideal. Otherwise, there may be a situation where they will have significant differences in form.

When there is impregnation with their cream, there can be no question of saving. The surface of the cakes should be heavily oiled, so that the honey cake at home is soft and soft as a result.

Of course, at the present time there are many other various secrets of preparing this kind of desserts, but this is primarily dependent on some specific recipes. Here are some of them.

Honey cake (recipe classic)

This is one of the easiest options for making famous honey cake, and it is really classic. There is not all that is superfluous, but the composition was preserved in the form in which it was with our grandmothers and mothers.

To make a classic honey cake, you need the following products:

- four tablespoons of honey;

- three eggs;

- flour of the highest quality (four glasses);

- a couple of glasses of sugar;

- soda (one teaspoonful);

- sour cream (eight hundred grams).

Preparation of a copper

So, honey cake (the recipe is classic) is prepared as follows. This option involves twelve servings. In the same case, if more guests are expected, it is necessary to calculate the number of all the ingredients in such a way that proportional dependence is observed.

Here you need a small bowl, which is placed eggs and soda, after which they are whipped with a mixer. A deep pot is placed on the fire, into which honey and a glass of sugar are sent. This mixture should be on low heat. Do not use a strong flame. On a slow fire, stir the mixture and bring it to a boil. By this time, sugar has completely dissolved in honey.

After the honey-sugar mixture is eaten to a boil, the cooked mass of eggs and soda is added to it. The resulting mixture should be heated until its volume increases, and no foam is formed. Then it should be removed from the fire. After this, add flour and mix the dough. Due to the fact that the honey dough is not very convenient to knead with your hands, you can take a spoon. At the end, the resulting substrate must have a dense and viscous texture.

Fineness of dough preparation

This mass is then divided into ten equal parts, each of which is thinly rolled out on a table. These resulting layers need to be converted into even circles. To do this, you can use a special shape or plate suitable size.

The main secret of the test is that it becomes very hard very quickly, so you need to roll it into layers at once. In this case, the pieces that were obtained in the process of formation from the cortex of circles, should not be thrown away, since they will be useful in the future. They, along with all the round layers are placed in the oven, which was pre-heated to two hundred degrees. Next, the dough is baked for five minutes, after which it is taken from the oven. For a while, the cakes remain unchanged, and the pieces are rubbed into small crumbs.

Forming a cake

The next step is to prepare cream based on sour cream. To do this, it must be mixed with sugar (one glass) and beat with a mixer.

After that, you can form a honey cake at home. Care is the main prerequisite. It is not necessary to hurry up at this stage, but everything should be done very carefully, so that the cake as a result is beautiful and does not consist of separate parts. It is necessary to take a flat round dish and lay on top of it the most even cake, then plentifully grease it with cream. In the same way, the cakes are laid one on top of another, and a cake is formed.

Then they use crumbs, obtained a little earlier from the pieces. They need to be mixed with one tablespoon of cream. The resulting mixture of crumbs is applied from above to the home honey cake, the recipe, the photo of which was presented above, from all sides. This stroke helps to make it neat and smooth out the present irregularities. All the remaining crumbs are crushed even more, they pour the surface of the cake.

At the last stage, the honeycomb is placed in the refrigerator for six hours, and then it is possible to enjoy its unforgettable classical taste.

Cognac honey cake

Such dessert includes the following products:

- two tablespoons of honey;

- three eggs;

- two glasses of sugar;

- three glasses of flour;

- seventy grams of butter;

- half a liter of fatty cream;

- soda and vinegar;

- one tablespoon of cognac.

Preparation of cognac

Such a honey cake, a step-by-step photo of which can be seen in various culinary sources, begins to prepare with the preparation of the cream. To do this, pour a cream into a deep bowl and pour one glass of sugar, then thoroughly shake.

Then in the cooked pan, pour the water to the middle and bring to a boil. On top of the pot you need to put a plate with the butter lying on it, add honey here and bring the resulting mass to a characteristic liquid consistency.

Next in a separate bowl you need to mix eggs and one glass of sugar, add cognac to them and shake well. Then pour the whipped mass into a plate of honey and butter and hold for five minutes. After this, it is necessary to add there soda vinegar extinguished and leave for ten minutes, while periodically mixing. Such a honey cake (step-by-step photo-recipe) can be seen on many culinary sites and in various books.

The next step is to remove the plate from the pan and add one glass of flour there in small portions, then mix everything. On the board you need to make two slides of flour with a groove and pour in the dough. Then it must be kneaded, made from it sausage and divided into equal parts according to the number of cakes. After this, roll them into round cakes, while pouring top with flour.

Completion of dessert

Then the cake is folded in half and put on a baking tray, pre-sprinkled with flour. Bake the honeyman in the oven at 220 degrees for five minutes. Finally, take the lid and cut out the round base. Now you can lubricate the finished cakes with cream.

You can also use sour cream for the cream, resulting in a sour cream honey cake, the recipe of which is the same as this one. At the end of the cooking, the cake is sprinkled with crumb (from scraps of cake) and is taken to the refrigerator for about twelve hours.

Here is a honey cake, a recipe with the photos of which were provided above, you can cook at home and pleasantly surprise any guests.

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