BeautySkin care

Hand oil. Oil for hands and nails

The main wealth of a person is health. You can buy yourself luxurious jewelry or clothes from fashion designers, but the poor condition of hair and skin surrounding will necessarily pay attention. Very often you can hear that men in the representatives of the opposite sex appreciate first of all uhozhennost.

Ability to maintain natural beauty is a great art, which does not always require serious expenses. On the women's portals you can find many useful recipes with the use of essential oils. We will share small secrets and answer the main question: how to make oil for hands with your own hands.

Whether in the trend

Ten years ago at the height of popularity were artificial nails. Girls and women, who previously could not boast of a good manicure, were the first clients of beauty salons. Few people thought then that the cutting of the nail plate would then necessarily affect its condition. After the build-up, the nails became thin and brittle, and their treatment was necessary to spend many times more. Fortunately, in a few years the trend has changed its direction, and health is in vogue today.

There is no chemistry!

How much are you willing to pay for groomed pens? Today, cosmetics manufacturers compete for each customer. Creams and lotions, care products for cuticles, wax for strengthening the nail plate - by trial and error we have to pave our way to beauty. But is cosmetics really good for health? After reading the composition of the varnish for exfoliating nails, you will not find any natural component. A successful formula will really make your nails more attractive, but inside they will also remain brittle. That's why many girls and women prefer to cook cream and hand oil.

Types of oils

Essential oils are a storehouse of vitamins that will help you cope with almost any problems. To restore the structure and strengthen the nail plate are useful tea tree, lemon, myrrh, eucalyptus, rosemary, bergamot and sandalwood. Base cosmetic oils - almond, avocado and apricot kernel oil. Universal oil for the skin of hands - rose, lavender, ylang-ylang, grapefruit, fennel, neroli, lemon, cypress and mandarin.

Pleasant chores

The process of self-care must be continuous. To see the result, you need to work every day. An excellent means for relaxation and health are the hand baths. Add a few drops of oil to the herbal broth (the temperature does not exceed 40 degrees).

After the completion of the procedure, proceed to the next step. Approximately 10-15 minutes rub a mixture of cosmetic oils into the nail plate and cuticle, into which you can add essential oil.

With your own hands to prepare such an effective tool is quite simple. Combine rosehip oil and avocado with a few drops of ylang ylang or sweet orange oil - these two ingredients will help get rid of delamination and brittleness. After two weeks of continuous use, you will notice the result.

Nourishing Masks

For home care, the ingredients are exactly in the kitchen. For example, olive oil has magical properties. For the hands it is very useful. The simplest way to apply is as follows. Lubricate the skin with plenty of oil and put on special gloves (they are sold in cosmetic boutiques, inside can be an extra layer of gel), and then go to bed. In the morning, the skin on your hands will be incredibly soft and gentle.

In addition, you can make special masks. This is especially true in winter, when the hands dry, and in the absence of care there are painful cracks. Brew strong tea and add 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, lemon zest and olive oil. For hands and nails, this procedure will be especially useful if you hold for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Another incredible product, not only for internal, but also for external use is oatmeal. Slightly heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil and mix with 1 tablespoon oat flakes. Blend the mixture on your hands and wrap it with plastic bags. After 15-20 minutes, gently cleanse the skin without using water for this.


At home, you can even make coconut oil for hands with your own hands. About the incredible properties of coconut cosmetologists say in one voice, but how to get this valuable tool? You can bring coconut oil from exotic countries or cook yourself. We will stop on the second option.

Buy a coconut and separate the pulp from the shell, and then grind it with a blender. Cut the chips into a saucepan and pour with hot water so that it covers the surface by about five centimeters. Leave to cool for two hours at room temperature, and put it in the refrigerator at night. By morning, coconut is formed over the coconut chips. Melt it in a water bath in any container, strain and move it into a more convenient storage container - coconut cream-hand oil is ready.

By the way, the shavings can be used not only for culinary purposes. With the help of this product, it is easy to prepare a gentle scrub.

Home Cream

Make a cosmetic product, for example cream or hand oil, with your own hands under the power of each of us. Necessary ingredients:

- 1 tablespoon of liquid honey;

- 50 grams of butter;

- 2 tablespoons of strong decoction of chamomile or sage;

- 2 teaspoons of base oil.

The mixture must be melt in a water bath and add two drops of essential oils of geranium and ylang-ylang. Then whisk the future cream until completely cool and transfer into a small jar.

Alternative to the Japanese manicure

Recently, the Japanese manicure is popular, because with it you can restore the health of nails. Special equipment and tools allow filling microcracks and irregularities on the plate. As a result, you get a manicure that prevents delamination and gives shine to the nails. The cost of such a procedure is above the average level - from 1000 rubles.

But do not rush to call the beauty salon. Wax for nails acts on the same principle. A lot of cosmetic brands offer this tool, but again confuses the chemical composition. It is much more effective and economical to prepare wax for strengthening the nails at home.

The recipe for wax

The basis of our miracle means is beeswax, which has a huge number of useful properties. A small piece of melted in a water bath and make sure that it does not start to boil. In another container, we pour the base oil, for example olive oil. It should be twice as much as beeswax. Add 7-8 drops of lemon essential oil, and then pour into the dishes with wax. Fast stir with an orange stick and fill the prepared jar with the finished mixture. The wax stiffens almost in front of your eyes, but just in case, put it for ten minutes in the refrigerator.

Before going to sleep or more often, rub the wax into the nail plate. This means is spent very sparingly, and the result does not make you wait long. During the month, the nails cease to separate. However, you can hardly quickly give up wax because of its luxurious aroma, reminiscent of a lemon sorbet.

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