Beauty, Skin care
Acne in men: how to get rid?
Acne in men appear as often as in women. Despite the fact that the fair sex thinks that we are not disturbed by rashes on the skin, we will talk about how to get rid of acne.
What is it
Everyone knows these unpleasant bumps on the skin. Often red, inflamed. Some with a white purulent head, others - internal and aching. It is just the latter, after trying to squeeze them out, only get inflamed from the bacteria that have got into them. And after healing, the fovea is formed on the face, as from chicken pox, or a maroon stain. At the sight of a guy with such a skin, it seems that he was in a hot spot, and his face damaged the fragments of the projectile.
Acne in men can be completely different. Starting with poor hygiene (yes, there are real muzhiks who use water resources economically), but ending with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Pimply adolescents for a long time and painfully trying to get rid of acne, rubbing, lubricating the face of all that comes to hand. Meanwhile, nothing helps. And it's all about the raging hormones of an immature youngster. Testosterone during this period begins to be rapidly developed, as evidenced by the first bundles of mustache and interest in the big-chested models.
This hormone causes the sebaceous and sweat glands to work two or even three times faster. Therefore, probably, teenagers so unpleasantly smell, frightening off associates. Skin fat clogs the pores and excretory ducts. In cavities without air, bacteria multiply, everything becomes inflamed, and acne becomes more and more.
By the way, "the elders", overstepping the forty-year-old age barrier, should not relax. You are also expected to have the last hormonal storms in 10-15 years. So you are not insured against acne, sad as it may seem.
Than to treat
The treatment is brief, but in the case:
- Forget about sausage, margarine and about your favorite mayonnaise. As well as about milk, sweet buns (now we are talking about baking). All these products contain trans fats, gluten, milk sugar, which cause the sebaceous glands to produce even more fat.
- Drink water, the most common mineral.
- Take a shower every day (you have to sacrifice the world's water supply).
- To wash the face not with soap, but with special foam or gel for problem skin. And let no one be embarrassed that cosmetics for women. Blush, mascara, lipstick and all sorts of other means for decorating - yes, and beauty care products - for everyone.
- Wipe the rashes with salicylic alcohol, tincture of propolis, "Chlorhexidine".
- While nobody sees, it is possible to spy on female sites recipes on care of the person. For example, here, or here By the way, there you can find a lot of useful information not only about acne. For example, about the harm of tobacco smoke.
- The last and most important thing. Pimples do not press! Especially red, bilious and those that are under the skin. Before strangling the pimple, you need to wait until his white muck from the inside comes out almost outside. The stem should be at the very exit from the duct, and the pimple itself a little dry. If you have such, then it's time to finish them off. Do not forget about the purity of the hands, treating the pimple with antiseptic before and after squeezing. The rest of the pimples do not touch, wipe and wait until they are ripe, no matter how hard they scrub their hands.
What should I do not to appear again?
Of course, against hormones can not trample. And nothing can be done with them, only wait for them to calm down. But with a way of life you need to do something. Stop drinking, smoking and running on skis or bicycles. Or on the box, in the rocking chair, to swim. In short, no matter how banal, and sport and fresh air do wonders not only with the body, but with the male face. The products of the decomposition of ethyl alcohol are nothing but toxins. They are also excreted by the skin and are trapped together with the fat in the pores. And hygiene, men, read "Moydodyr". There it is in detail written, what for is necessary a bath, well or on the bad end the trough, a tub, ocean. Or watch the cartoon.
"Yes, uncle," answered the youngsters, who had just entered the path of puberty, "you smoked something with smoking and alcohol, but they began to try, even liked it." Well, if the salted low-alcohol is sweeter than the kiss of the pretty beauty, then your right. But with acne, you are unlikely to get the experience of this man's relationship with a woman for about 25 years so 25. Pimply guys will never provoke interest in a pretty girl with big ... eyes and long eyelashes. It is then that eels slowly cease to jump up here and there. So, have a good time!
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