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Gulf of California (Sea of Cortez): where is located, description

The Gulf of California is part of the Pacific Ocean. It is located in the northwest of Mexico and is bounded by the shores of the Lower California Peninsula and the states of Sonora and Sinaloa. Its length is 1126 km, and the width varies from 48 to 241 km. The area of the bay is about 177,000 sq. M. Km. In its water area there are about 900 islands, including Angel de la Guarda and Tiburon, the largest in Mexico. From the north, the Colorado river flows into the Gulf of California, and several port cities of medium importance are located along the coast.


The California Bay began to form about 130 million years ago in the Mesozoic era when, as a result of a tectonic fault, the land mass, which eventually became the Lower California Peninsula, began to separate from the mainland. Approximately 4.5 million years ago, this water area was formed finally, but over the past time the peninsula has shifted another 650 km. It is assumed that moving at a speed of 4 to 6 cm per year, in a few million years it will completely detach from the continent, and the bay will become a strait.

In 1533, the peninsula and the bay were accidentally discovered by the conqueror of Mexico, Ernan Cortes, in honor of whom in 1539 the California water area received its second name - the Sea of Cortez. The conquistadors believed that on its northern part is the mythical Anian Strait, connecting the Pacific Ocean with the Atlantic.

Navigator Melchior Diaz in 1540 examined the northern coast and opened the mouth of Colorado, but the error regarding the strait was kept in geographical works until the 17th century. Cortes brought back some pearls from the voyage, the extraction of which was later carried out on an industrial scale, until an unknown disease in 1936-1940 killed the pearl molluscs.

On the coast of the bay there were bases of English, French and Dutch pirates that disappeared after the final conquest of Lower California by the Spaniards in 1697. The economic development of the region began after the founding of Franciscan missions on the Pacific coast in 1768. In 1821, the bay became part of the independent state of Mexico (on the map of the world it has since been depicted), and at the end of the American-Mexican War of 1846-1848, the US government agreed to leave behind this country a peninsula and a narrow strip of land on the north bank Gulf, thanks to which the sea of Cortez remains completely Mexican. Today there are 8 million people on its shores.


The climate of the bay is subtropical, with significant seasonal fluctuations. In summer, the air temperature reaches 30 ° C, in the winter in the north it drops to an average of 9 ° C, but there are also frosts. The average water temperature is 24 ° C (up to 30 ° C in summer and up to 16 ° C in winter). In the northern part of the bay from October to May there are small rains, and in the south in the summer there are tropical storms.


The average depth exceeds a kilometer, but the bottom of the bay is cut by deep gutters, reaching a mark of 3400 meters. In the northern part of the water area, especially in the area of the mouth of Colorado, there are nine-meter high tides, some of the highest on the planet.


The Bay of California is distinguished by an exceptional variety of fauna, which is why this area, which is a natural laboratory for the study of marine life, received the name of "World Aquarium" from Jacques-Yves Cousteau. About 40% of all species of marine mammals of the planet and one third of representatives of the cetacean family have been found here. Also it is the only place in the world where there are underwater sandy waterfalls.

In total, there are 36 species of marine mammals in the bay, 31 are cetaceans, five of the seven species of sea turtles, more than 800 fish, of which 90 are endemic, 210 are of the feathered family, and over 6,000 invertebrates.

Flora has 695 species of plants, of which 28 are endemic. Every winter in the bay there is a migration of gray whales. In addition to them, migratory species include humpback whales and sperm whales. And sometimes giant blue whales swim into the waters of the bay . The most famous and still poorly studied endemic is the Californian porpoise, or wakita, the smallest among this family, whose length does not exceed one and a half meters. This species, discovered in 1958, is under threat of extinction.

Bay Value

The Gulf of California is of commercial importance. It is very large, as 77% of the fishing in Mexico falls on the Pacific Ocean and 80% of them are on the Sea of Cortez. Recently, general unfavorable environmental changes have adversely affected the fishery, in particular the reduction in the flow of the Colorado River, the waters of which are diverted for irrigation. Other problems are the excessive intensity of fishing that hinders the recovery of populations, and bottom trawling.

The Islands

Before talking about the islands, it is necessary to remember to which ocean the California Gulf belongs. Of course, to the Quiet. The islands, most of which are rocks, are a breeding ground for a large number of birds and an important corridor for migratory species, the number of which reaches 50%. Among the birds there are no endemic representatives.

The climate of the islands is arid, similar to the desert of Sonora. Among the island flora in the area of such a water area as the Gulf of California (it is easy to find on the map), cacti and other succulents predominate. On some islands there are marshes, and along the eastern coast of Tiburon are stretched low mangrove forests. The fauna of these land areas is represented mainly by reptiles, of which there are 115 species, that is, about 10% of the herpetological diversity of Mexico. The largest terrestrial mammals are coyotes and small black-tailed deer.

On July 15, 2005, part of the Gulf and islands (5% of the territory) was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, as the biological diversity of the region is comparable to the Galapagos Islands and the Great Barrier Reef. In total, there are nine protected areas, of which 25% are islands and 75% belong to the sea area. The protection of a larger territory is not allowed by the political situation in the country and by the opposition of fishing campaigns.


Gulf of California is a popular international tourist area with a booming industry. It annually attracts about two million people, who are offered beaches, diving in waters known for their transparency. Available fishing, windsurfing, kayaking, archaeological, bicycle, horse and horse tours, whale watching, visiting numerous untouched corners of the corners. There are other types of eco-tourism.

Mexico on the world map is visible well, it is also easy to find and the bay. To get to this place, you can pave a long way or short, but you definitely need to know that the emotions after the visit will remain unforgettable.

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