Education, Secondary education and schools
Portfolio samples of the teacher of the Russian language and literature
School teachers often have to deal with a lot of documentation and papers: filling out journals, reports, statements, checking school notebooks and much more. Therefore, there is often no time left for even completely, competently and rationally compose and design your own portfolio. Teachers of the Russian language and literature suffer from a lack of time, especially since their subjects are taught in each class and occupy an essential part of the timetable. This article is designed to help them in the compilation of a portfolio and put everything in order.
What is a portfolio?
Before moving on to compiling a portfolio of the teacher of the Russian language and literature, it is necessary to find out what it is. After all, depending on the direction and subject of the activity, the portfolio can be strikingly different from each other. Here the portfolio will be a complete collection of pedagogical achievements, a kind of work file. It is a by-product of the transition of Russian schools to a new organizational model - a national one, for which the ability to think creatively, engage in continuous self-development, and approach the teaching of children from the point of view of modern methods become paramount factors in the personality of the teacher, along with knowledge, skills and habits.
Today, in view of the fact that the world changes literally at the click of a finger, the teacher should think much more widely than his predecessors by profession - not only to teach, but also to learn with children, to be able to reflect.
According to what principles is the "success file" drawn up?
Portfolio teacher of the Russian language and literature - a document that allows you to assess the results and achievements of the teacher in the teaching, methodological, educational, creative and research activities. In this regard, its compilation and structuring requires integrity, regulated by the following provisions:
- Systematic observation of their own development.
- Objectivity.
- Truthfulness, reliability.
- The fact.
- The teacher's focus on further self-improvement.
- The conciseness and consistency of all explanations and in general the layout of the material.
- Accurate, aesthetically harmonious design.
- Technological.
- Visibility of the results of the work done.
Next, we turn to the consideration of the points from which this document is actually drawn up, and also consider the question of what will happen if the pedagogue-language teacher refuses to compile a portfolio of the teacher of the Russian language and literature.
The provisions that are reflected in the portfolio
Regardless of the type of document (today the overwhelming number of employees prefer the electronic portfolio of the teacher of the Russian language and literature in writing in view of the convenience and compactness of the use of the first), it should contain the main points. What does it concern them? The finished portfolio of teachers of the Russian language and literature allows us to establish that it is most important to reflect the following provisions:
- General information: full name, year of birth, education received, pedagogical and work experience in the educational institution, copies of documents confirming the information, weighty awards, letters of appreciation, letters and other components that allow to evaluate the process of individual growth of the teacher;
- The results of pedagogical activity: the results of intermediate and exam certification of students, information about medalists, information on the continuation of training graduates in order to obtain secondary professional or higher education in the specialties "literature" and "Russian language", etc .;
- Activity in the scientific and methodical sphere: development of author's courses, programs, lessons, conducting master classes, meetings, seminars, open lessons, organization of scientific research, etc .;
- Off-hour substantive activity: providing scenarios for extra-curricular activities, for example, productions, KVN, subject excursions, meetings with cultural and art figures, theater trips, work of electives and circles, etc .;
- Educational and material resources: an extract from the passport of the educational premises, that is, information about books, dictionaries, visual aids, didactic materials, technical equipment, with the help of which the course is explained to the students.
Can I do without a portfolio?
In the modern world, almost impossible. Since for the quality of education the most important components today are not only the knowledge of formulas or poems by children, but also an understanding of the foundations of the development of society, the emergence of a national culture and the awakening of self-awareness, then an ordinary teacher will no longer be able to achieve these goals.
How can one understand that a teacher is a person with a soul, noble, honest, capable of capturing children with the search for a new one? Since there is no special tool for determining all these indicators, a portfolio comes to the aid, where all the pedagogical values of a person, his commitment to the profession and the idea are reflected. In this regard, competitiveness in the labor market depends on how the teacher adapts to the new conditions, whether he is able to comprehend new technologies, which includes the technology of such a "collection of achievements".
This is especially true for those, as a rule, young people who have just begun their journey in teaching children the subjects "Russian language" and "Literature." Attestation of the teacher (the portfolio here plays an essential role) is an important step in the professional development of the teacher and it needs to be discussed in more detail.
The procedure for attesting teachers in the past
Attestation, which today is held by all active school teachers, regardless of their length of service or age, is a procedure for confirming the qualifications and competence of the teacher. Initially, it presupposed the teacher's desire to raise his own level in order to directly increase the wage rate. To this end, the teacher applied for the second (issued by the school's management), the first (it was assigned by the district administration in the field of education) or the highest category (the ministry was responsible for the latter).
How are attestation and portfolio related today?
However, later this system was reformed: the second category was eliminated altogether, and the certification of teaching staff was completely transferred to the jurisdiction of educational authorities at the level of the subject of the Russian Federation. The procedure itself was no longer elective, but mandatory.
Today, every 5 years, the pedagogical worker has to undergo attestation in order to confirm the conformity of the position he holds, retaining the category or, conversely, moving to a higher level. Such a commission assumes one of two forms of passage. These can be answers to questions in writing or electronically, after which the processing, analysis and calculation of the results obtained, or the preparation of a lesson plan. Accordingly, in this case, the portfolio can also greatly help the teacher: it will be counted as a good bonus, create a positive impression of the teacher as an active and enterprising person.
Samples portfolio teacher of Russian language and literature: how it should look like?
Let's try to write a small portfolio in order to understand what is its main meaning. Filling a business card with personal data will be omitted, because everything is simple enough.
" My achievements:
- In 2010 received a certificate from the Department of Education;
- In 2012 - the diploma of the laureate of the municipal competition in the nomination "The best electronic portfolio";
- In 2013 - a certificate of a participant in a regional conference on the prospects and problems of humanities education.
Scientific and methodical work:
To achieve the set goals and objectives in the field of literary education, an appeal is made to the CMC under the editorship of. V.Ya. Korovinoy. Technologies used in the process:
- Integrated lessons;
- Project activity;
- Game technologies;
- Information aids;
- Technology to develop a critical attitude to information that is inculcated through writing, reading, speaking;
- Theatrical pedagogy ".
And then - in a similar vein. Templates portfolio teacher of the Russian language and literature today there are a lot, so any teacher will be able to create something unique, different from other works. An interesting and unusual move may be, for example, adding to the portfolio (especially its electronic form) citations about education and attitudes towards children.
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