HealthAlternative Medicine

From a painful syndrome - exercises for a back in an exercise room and other methods

"The back hurts ..." How often we hear such complaints! Of course: every second adult suffers from back pain, often simply tolerating and not referring to a doctor. Here the proverb "Screech tree lives for a long time" will be appropriate - as they say, it was invented because of lumbar pains.

Why does the back hurt?

There can be several reasons for this, treatment methods, respectively, too. Therefore, before prescribing exercises for your back in the gym or a course with a familiar masseur, it would be nice to recognize the source of pain.

Perhaps this disease is from a number of professional. For example, a constant sitting at the desk, an incorrect posture, a prolonged strain on the back muscles - all this inevitably leads to aching pain in the area of the shoulder blades, waist, coccyx.

Osteochondrosis is the worst enemy of the spine and the first cause of permanent pain in the back. The deposition of salts limits the full nutrition of intervertebral discs, increasing the load on them, as a result of which they wear out. The pains in this case become permanent and almost become a habit.

Scoliosis is another reason. The deformed spine loses its normal circulation, the curved vertebrae press on the roots of the nerve endings - that's the result. Not bad help with this diagnosis exercises for the back in the gym, which allow you to strengthen the supporting muscles of the spine and actually create a muscular corset for the patient back.

Herniated discs

This is a serious disease that requires compulsory treatment, sometimes before surgery. Most often, a hernia occurs due to lifting weights, physical exertion, even the wrong position of the body. Intensive exercises for the back in the gym in this case are unacceptable - this can cause an exacerbation of the pain syndrome. The diagnosis can be confirmed by a neurologist only on the basis of an X-ray, or even better - a CT scan. The hernia of a disk delivers at times such hellish pains, that the person can not rise from a bed. Acute syndrome is removed with acupuncture. Can help and acupressure back at home or in a medical institution, most importantly - that this was done by an experienced manual therapist and neurologist.

A patient in the acute stage of the disease must lie in bed with a smooth and rigid mattress, take painkillers, and with the help of ease continue treatment in other ways. There are special techniques and complexes, exercises for the back in the gym in a special group and under the supervision of an experienced instructor, which allows you to bring your back in order without surgical intervention. Absolutely all experts advise swimming as the best way to treat any diseases of the spine, including herniated intervertebral discs. Almost all patients note a gradual improvement with a regular visit to the pool. In addition, physiotherapy procedures, special nutrition programs and a number of bone fortifying preparations are prescribed.

Traditional medicine: back pain is amenable to treatment

Treatment of the back by folk remedies is most often based on mechanical and thermal effects. Ointments with the addition of hot pepper, mustard plasters and all kinds of patches create a warming and distracting effect. The same effect is given by cold treatment. For example, two glasses of snow mixed with a glass of table salt and quickly superimposed on a sore spot on top of the napkin, then top covered with a second napkin. It is not recommended to hold such an ice pack for a long time: it quickly relieves acute pain, but the main method of treatment can not be. More often still use heating with hot compresses with salt, sand, horseradish, with tinctures of medicinal plants - lilac flowers, tansy, chestnut horse, dandelion and others.

It should be noted that real folk healers will not resort to such dangerous barbarous methods as burning with turpentine or heating with a hot iron. Trying to get rid of acute pain, you can hurt yourself even more.

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