HealthAlternative Medicine

Beetroot juice from the common cold: reviews

Throughout life, the nasal mucosa is exposed to various adverse factors. It is cold air, dust, infections, allergens (animal hair, plant pollen, synthetic substances of chemical origin). It is the nasal cavity, in which the inhaled air is partially cleansed and warmed up, plays a primary defense of the respiratory tract from exposure to foreign substances. But sometimes the effect of harmful microorganisms is stronger, and the mucosa of the nasal cavity becomes inflamed.

What is a common cold?

Everyone is familiar with such an unpleasant phenomenon as a cold. It is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, it rarely acts as an independent disease and in most cases is a symptom of the presence of the virus in the body. Most often it's a cold or ARVI (measles, flu, adenovirus infection). Rhinitis also can be one of the manifestations of allergy and arise as a result of the penetration into the body of a certain stimulus. Will beet juice help with the common cold?

You can get rid of the cold in a variety of ways. It can be pharmacy products presented in the drug market in a wide range, or home remedies: effective, safe, time-tested. It is believed that the beet juice from the common cold helps well - a natural product that is not addictive and does not injure the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Does juice from beets help?

What helps beet juice from the common cold? Such a natural product contains a large number of nutrients that can successfully fight infection in the nasal cavity and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of all body systems. Zinc, iodine, iron, potassium, fiber, vitamins A, C, E - these components impart beetroot anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and laxative properties. In home therapy beet juice from the common cold is a fairly popular product. True, with allergic reactions it is better to find another, more effective alternative.

Beetroot juice for children

Is it recommended to give beet juice from the cold to children? Reviews of parents on this issue are contradictory. Some believe that this product will bring more benefits when ingested. Others believe in the healing effect of home medicine for the nasal cavity and successfully treat them. Nevertheless, folk medicine does not doubt a single bit about the strength of the natural product and believes that beet juice from the common cold is capable of:

  • Effectively fight with painful microbes in the nose and nasopharynx;
  • Do not allow the formation of blood clots,
  • Remove mucous discharge from the sinuses and dilute them,
  • Reduce the swelling of the mucosa,
  • Expand arterial vessels,
  • Activate the healing process.

Which beet to choose?

Beet juice from the common cold to children, which can significantly improve nasal breathing, should be properly prepared. It is in this case, the healing effect will be most useful. The first step is to select the root crop. The best option is dark maroon beet, containing the maximum number of vitamins and other nutrients. The selected root crop needs to be washed well, then scalded with boiling water and a sharp knife to peel off the skin, which is recommended to cut as economically as possible (in the outer shell there is a large number of vitamins and microelements).

How to cook beetroot juice?

Prepared vegetable should be grated and wrung using gauze. You can use the juicer if you have it. Then it is recommended to take beetroot juice for several hours in the refrigerator. It is required to dispose of the product from the harmful substances present, which, when in contact with air, volatilize. Before burying the nose, the juice of the beet must be brought to room temperature and diluted with water in a proportion of 1 to 2 or 1 to 3. Beet juice from the common cold is not desirable for children to use in their pure form, as this is fraught with mucous burns. The product is not recommended for treatment with allergies, so beforehand a couple of drops of juice should be applied to the elbow fold or skin over the upper lip and gently rub. If rashes and allergic reactions are not observed, beet juice from the common cold, reviews about the curative strength of which are highly controversial, can be used for their intended purpose. To enhance the healing effect, the beetroot medicine can be diluted with vegetable oil or carrot juice in the same ratio. Therapeutic procedure should be performed for 5-6 days, 3-4 times a day, stored for no more than 3 days.

Treatment options for the common cold

Some people treat them with fermented beet juice, which, according to their feedback, has a milder effect, which prevents irritation. To get it fresh product for a day is put in a warm place. However, many believe that such a method is harmful, since the juice is spoiled.

Beet juice from the common cold, reviews of the action of which confirm the safety of the product, can be prepared from boiled root vegetables. The technology of preparation of a medicinal product is similar; However, after heat treatment, the beets lose a lot of useful microelements. Beet juice can be preserved in cans, previously distilled at 85 ° C.

With a cold, the nose can not only be digested, but also washed. The procedure should be at least 3 times a day, using juice diluted in equal proportion with water.

Beetroot juice in pregnancy

In anticipation of the child, such a question of treatment by domestic means worries many future mothers, since the effect of the medicine extends to the future baby. Can I use beet juice from a cold in pregnancy?

The natural product is completely safe. Even if the cold does not cure, it does not hurt. It is useful for an inflamed nasal cavity to use turund - narrow gauze or cotton swabs with medication, injected into the nasal passages. For their manufacture, take a small piece of cotton, slightly fluff and stretch. Then you need to roll a thin roller 10-12 cm long. The resulting flagellum bend in half and twist the halves together. Insert the turunda into the nasal passage with twisting movements. This procedure should be done slowly, without sudden movements. Outside, be sure to leave the tip for further extraction. As a medicine it is recommended to use beet juice from a cold in pregnancy. The reviews confirm the significant relief of breathing after its application.

If the juice does not improve during the application of juice for 3-4 days, it is advisable to see the doctor immediately for prescribing the medication. In addition, in some cases, under an ordinary runny nose, very serious diseases that can not be treated with beet juice can be hidden.

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