Why spend large sums on the purchase of pharmacological products, if the existing medicines have already been created by nature? For example, all the famous marigolds (flowers) or calendula can be grown on their own or purchased at any pharmacy. The plant is very beautiful and unpretentious in care, but its useful properties can not be considered. What can calendula be used for?
Basic useful properties
Calendula is rich in vitamins and essential oils. It also contains protein, carotene, organic acids and phytoncides. Due to its rich composition, marigolds (flowers) are used in medicine to treat a wide variety of diseases. This plant is useful for the cardiovascular system, especially with high blood pressure. With regular use, calendula positively affects the nervous system. Every schoolboy knows about the antibacterial and healing properties of the broth from this plant. You can use drugs on its basis and for local skin cleansing and improving its quality. Nails (flowers) have other types of medicinal properties, they can be used for diseases of the digestive system, including malignant tumors.
How and why to apply calendula
In the pharmacy you can buy dried inflorescences of this plant or alcohol tincture. There is also a huge number of medicinal and cosmetic preparations, which contain the extract of calendula. If desired, it is not difficult to grow the plant yourself. Fresh inflorescences can be used to make tinctures or decoctions. It is allowed to dry them at home. A solution of calendula tincture or a decoction can be used to wash the wounds and other skin lesions. Infusion, prepared from one tablespoon of dried inflorescences and 200 grams of boiling water, is considered a fortifying aid. It is recommended to drink it three glasses a day, with a course of at least a week. Do not forget that the marigolds (flowers) can boast of disinfecting properties. And this means that a strained broth can be used to rinse the mouth or eyes with inflammation. The infusion of this plant is also used in gynecology. In its pure form, alcoholic tincture is used to cauterize pimples and treat acne. If you are bothered by warts, try attaching fresh inflorescences to them and applying a band-aid.
How to grow and harvest marigolds (flowers)?
Calendula is an annual flowering plant. You can plant it on a regular bed or in a separate flowerbed. If you want to harvest the flowers early, sow the seeds for the winter. Seedlings thin out, as necessary, perform weeding and weed removal. Marigold flowers have properties not only medicinal. By opening the inflorescences, it is possible to determine not only the approach of rain, but also the change in atmospheric pressure. For use in medicinal purposes, inflorescents are harvested. They are cut off and dried in a well ventilated area away from direct sunlight. If you dry the calendula on a horizontal surface, it is recommended that you regularly shake your crop for better drying. Harvested inflorescences should be stored in dense plastic bags or glass containers.