
Forest nuts. It is very useful and, for the joy of us, completely unpretentious

In ancient times this shrub was attributed to miraculous properties. He helped people discover treasures, eliminated many diseases and stopped the fire. They talked about him as a giver of a new life. Experts argue that all these properties of hazelnuts have been for good reason. In ancient times, when people suffered crop failures, many stored up these nutritious foods for future use and wintered quite well because of them. And in modern times the most popular are still hazelnuts.

In the territory of our vast country, this shrub is widely distributed. In a very elegant cup of leaves, several pieces of fruit are placed immediately. The mass of vitamins, trace elements and other substances useful to the human body contains hazelnut. Leshchina, as they call it among the people, is a truly Russian product. Long since, having picked up the bowls, whole families were sent to collect it.

This shrub can be quite high and reach a height of four to five meters. There are many of its varieties, but the fruits are always similar in their properties, they are tasty, nutritious and useful. Forest nuts contain a lot of protein, butter and sucrose. In the bark there is alcohol, tannins and essential oil. Many adore chocolate, candy and halva from this delicious treat. But not everyone knows that this product helps to increase the amount of milk in a nursing mother, improves the blood composition and helps cure anemia. This is a high-calorie and high-protein product, so it is ideal for restoring the body after the operations and various severe diseases.

Surprisingly, one of the most unpretentious trees for planting on your backyard is the hazelnut. The hazel is frost-resistant and can withstand negative temperatures of up to fifty degrees. She is not afraid of any pests and diseases, but she needs only soil containing lime, fertilized, moist, loamy or sandy loamy. This culture very poorly tolerates drought, and too light or too heavy and dense soil, poorly transmitting moisture and air.

Growing a hazelnut is not a very laborious process, and if you know a few basic rules, it will bring you only joy, and soon and very tasty first fruits. When buying, choose seedlings older than two years of age. It is desirable that the plant was four years old or more, then it will be as soon as possible mastered. Experienced gardeners recommend buying several trees of different varieties, for better cross-pollination. They plant hazelnuts in autumn, in October or November.

First you need to choose a place for planting. A bush needs an area of at least four square meters, do not forget that it will soon grow and grow stronger. In the center of the allotted site, dig a hole a little deeper than the total length of the root and plant the plant. We necessarily cut off its aboveground part, it is not necessary for the time of wintering, and the root will be easier to strengthen. It is important to make fertilizer in time. Loosen the ground and remove all the weeds. On the entire site, and especially in the basal zone, scatter at least twenty kilograms of humus, dry mineral fertilizers, and in early May, necessarily loosen the ground and add not more than one hundred grams of nitrophosphate and urea.

During the growing season, bushes should be fertilized twice - in spring and in autumn. In the autumn period, you can purchase ready-made nitrogen-free fertilizer, and apply at the rate of two hundred-two hundred and fifty grams per bush. In order for the harvest to be really rich, the cultivation of the hazelnut must include mandatory spraying with growth stimulators before and after flowering. Gardeners recommend using such natural stimulants as "Bud" and "Energen". Spraying is done every two weeks and ends after harvesting the last crop.

Experts say that the most useful nuts are those that are torn off, cleaned and eaten on the same day. Without a protective shell, they lose a lot of their useful properties, so the best is a nut grown in your garden.

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