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Extruded pimple: what to process? How to squeeze out pimples correctly

Very often on the street there are people on whose face adorns the squeezed pimple. Indeed, it is now difficult to find even one person who has encountered the problem of acne and has not touched them - it's easier to squeeze out than to let them develop. Although in fact this procedure can lead to adverse consequences. Often, as a result of extrusion, problems start worse.

What is a pimple?

As you know, the appearance and maturation of acne is a painful process. Appearance of such a "spectacle" is unpleasant both to its owners and people passing by, therefore, it is not even worth talking about psychological discomfort. Therefore, every day people ask themselves how to squeeze out pimples without suffering. Most often people start to press them, not even thinking about the possible consequences.

Doctors recommend treating this problem from the inside, getting rid of the source of the disease. Fortunately, modern pharmacies are filled with various drugs, designed not only for outdoor, but also for internal use.

Of course, no one can forbid us to suppress acne, but before this procedure it is necessary to find out the cause of their appearance. After all, they can easily appear not only in the patient, but also in a healthy person, in which there is absolutely nothing surprising. Most often they arise in connection with such factors as:

  1. Natural hormonal cycles of the human body.
  2. The simplest cold.
  3. Elementary violation of hygiene rules.

How are they formed?

Despite the causes that cause acne, the process of the appearance of acne can be directly related to the inflammation of the sebaceous glands. Excess fat induces the appearance of congestion in the pores, which immediately clog the ducts. Under the influence of oxygen, they are oxidized, and then deformed into acne. And the bacteria cut off from the outside world, which feed on the same cork, begin the process of reproduction, after which they form an inflammation, that is, a pimple.

Over time, there may be more serious problems - abscesses. They are usually formed either in the case of severe diseases, or at the place of an already extruded pimple. To squeeze purulent pimples is not so simple the first time, and much more risky, compared with getting rid of the usual pimple.


In general, acne can be divided into two types:

  1. Non-inflammatory. This group includes comedones, that is, sebaceous plugs. They cover the skin pores, not allowing them to breathe. There are open and closed comedones. The first are more known under the name "eels", because they seem to be ordinary black dots. And the closed ones are knots with white heads. It should be noted that only open comedones are allowed to be pressured, although most people do the opposite.
  2. Inflammatory. They themselves are divided into subspecies:
  • Papules - clogged infected pores, which are small dense nodules (no more than 5 mm in diameter);
  • Pustules - small abscesses, less dense, since their cavity consists entirely of pus, in the center, as a rule, a small hair is located;
  • Nodes - the most serious forms of pustules, which differ both in density and in larger sizes;
  • Cysts - are inflammations under the skin of red or blue-purple, they are excessively painful, and are also capable of leaving noticeable scars on the surface of the skin; Extruded pimple (cystic) is able to hit the internal organs of a person, so you should be extremely careful.

Extrusion procedure

As already mentioned above, in order not to worsen the condition, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the instruction and advice from professionals. First of all, before you squeeze out a pimple on your face, you should conduct a hygienic procedure. It consists in checking the area under the nails for dirt, after which you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap.

To protect the body from the penetration of microbes into the open wound, you need to cleanse the skin from sweat, dirt, and make-up. In this wonderful assistant will be an antibacterial agent in combination with a gel or lotion.

The next step is exfoliation. It is necessary in order to remove dead cells using salicylic acid. It's enough to spread the pimple neatly and rub it for a couple of minutes. It should be remembered that you should use gloves.

After a clear definition of the central place, it should be wrapped around the pads of the fingers from all sides and stretched in different directions, rather than squeezing inwards, as many people do. If you stretch the pimple in different directions, the abscess itself (white formation on the surface) will separate from the skin. After that, you need to massage the area around it until all the pus comes out. It is forbidden to touch the pimple, as this can lead to adverse effects. The main indicator that the procedure was successful is the appearance of a transparent liquid.

The wound that appeared after extrusion can be treated with any antiseptic.

The cream "ARGOSULFAN®" helps to speed up the healing of abrasions and small wounds. The combination of antibacterial component of silver sulfatiazole and silver ions provides a wide range of antibacterial action of the cream. You can apply the drug not only to wounds located on open areas of the body, but also under bandages. It has not only wound healing, but also antimicrobial action, and besides, it helps to heal wounds without rough scarring. 1 It is necessary to read the instructions or consult a specialist.

If the pimple is not squeezed out

Some people ask questions about how to quickly squeeze out a pimple, if this is not so easy. The painful tubercle on the surface of the skin does not want to leave, but only causes irritation. Internal pimples can ripen for a long time, bringing trouble to their owners. Although there are several ways that you can get rid of the problem in different places.

In the ear

On the surface of the ear, pimples can form due to elementary non-compliance with hygiene rules, as many people have a habit of constantly touching this area with dirty hands. Pimple will be boring for days, but squeezing it out is not recommended. It is best to use the advice of traditional medicine in this case:

  • Slice along the aloe leaf and apply for a while to the pimple;
  • Wipe this place with decoction of celandine or plantain;
  • Apply a small piece of tar soap.

On the back

Discomfort on the back significantly worsens the quality of life, but there is a way out. In this case, there are also several ways that quickly get rid of unpleasant sensations:

  • The tar soap works great, but if you have acne on your back, you do not just need to apply it, but use it while taking a shower;
  • Solution of potassium permanganate or salicylic acid, which can be found in any pharmacy, it is allowed to treat acne until they are completely eliminated.

In the nose

Inside the nose, the pimple squeezed out can not be detected, since it is simply impossible to carry out this procedure. With the problem in this place will help to understand only the doctor. If you want to get rid of it quickly, you can treat the inflammation with pine essential oils. Harm they will not inflict, but the problem can be solved quite quickly.

Get rid of redness and tumors

How to remove the squeezed pimple, that is redness and swelling left after the main procedure, without pain? This is a rather interesting question. In fact, there are several options for handling the problem area. Redness can be eliminated with the help of such tools as:

  1. Mask with cinnamon and honey. In those cases, when squeezed out a pimple, a tumor appeared and a strong pain is felt, it is possible to prepare an active mask. It will require mixing a teaspoon of honey and exactly the same amount of cinnamon. This mass should be regularly applied to the inflamed area within 10-15 sessions once a day. If the patient is allergic to honey, it can easily be replaced with clay.
  2. Exfoliation. This procedure is able to remove the dead skin cells as effectively as possible. For her, as a rule, various scrubs or cleansing lotions are used.

So you can fight redness, but when the tumor appears, the treatment of a problematic place will be helped by such means as:

  1. Cold vodka.
  2. Decoction of chamomile.
  3. Iodine.
  4. Aloe juice.
  5. Salicylic acid.
  6. Boric petrolatum.

Any of these funds can treat the inflamed area with cotton wool regularly 3 times a day.


The extracted pimple can be treated with a unique tonic, made on the basis of bay leaf. The preparation of such a miracle means does not require unnecessary expenditure of energy and money:

  1. Any capacity should be filled with an ordinary laurel leaf.
  2. Pour boiling water and immediately close tightly.
  3. Insist for about 4 hours, then strain.
  4. Add not more than 5 drops of tea tree oil (optional).
  5. Shake well.

This tonic can be wiped face only once a day, so as not to cause an allergic reaction and other troubles.

Advice of specialists

If acne on the body occur regularly, then this is an excellent reason to contact a dermatologist. A professional will help determine the exact cause of the occurrence, and then tell you what to do with this problem and how to get rid of the squeezed acne.

Treatment prescribed by a doctor may sometimes include the use of antibiotics. Using the recommendations of specialists, anyone can get rid of the problem of acne. The most important thing is not to engage in self-medication, otherwise the condition will worsen, and without surgical intervention, it will not be possible to manage in the future.

1 EI Tretyakova. Complex treatment of long-term non-healing wounds of different etiologies. Clinical dermatology and venereology. - 2013.- №3

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