
MikroTik router, VLAN configuration: instruction

MikroTik routers are not in demand among Russian consumers for the reason that people experience some difficulties when setting up the "Microtics". Unfortunately, this Latvian invention hardly gives in to any changes in its parameters. Even considering that the device has long been sold in the Russian Federation, it occupies a small segment in the sales market, although its positive qualities will clearly satisfy many. The router shows stable and well-coordinated work, which attracts the majority of owners. Moreover, a special operating system is developed, which is necessary for the excellent interaction of all parameters of the purchased router. Judging by the reviews, many customers for the year of work with the router did not even have to just reboot the device for trouble-free operation. From the article you can learn how to change the settings of MikroTik. Configuring VLANs is not as easy as it might seem, but it's not that hard either.

Why are routers not so popular?

Unfortunately, the control panel of this device is quite complicated, so for many "un-advanced" users, setting up the router will be a real test. That is why many prefer those routers, which in this respect are much easier. Few people like constantly to cause any malfunctions to call the master at home. This not only takes time, but also requires certain investments. In this article, we'll look at the nuances of configuring the router. It will allow with a little effort, but in a short time to adjust the device.

Beginning of work

It is necessary to connect the MikroTik router to the network, turn it on, and on the computer start the console called winbox. You need to go to the "Neighbors" section and find the device with which the owner plans to work. The connection may take a certain amount of time. If the router is too long, it is allowed to use the "Update" function.

Next, the owner sees the poppy address of the router, it must be copied to the column "Connection with ...". There you can also see the login and password fields. The last one should be left blank, but in the first one you need to register admin. Then click "Connect". The owner will see an information window in which all the standard settings of MikroTik are described. The VLAN is configured a little later. If you wish, the standard parameters can be removed, many professionals advise to do so. This solution is due to the fact that, as a rule, the default parameters do not match the requirements of the provider used.

If you pay attention to the settings on the ports, you can notice that the one that works directly with the router is recorded under the name "wan adapter".

In the standard settings, automatic receiving of settings from the provider is established. This happens for a dhcp type connection. If the provider uses a different type, then it will be necessary to change all the parameters to the required ones.

You should also pay attention to the address space, which automatically takes on the following form: It is best to edit this column, as the provider advises. What is the reason for this? If the owner decides to change the router, then he will have to re-run all the settings, because immediately with the network there will be problems.


In order to bring down all the settings, click on the "Delete configuration" option. After that, the MikroTik router will reboot. After a few minutes, you need to connect to it again.

If there was no possibility or desire to delete the settings in advance, then you can roll back to the factory settings a little later. To do this, it is necessary to select "System" in the terminal and after "Reset". The owner will then see a special menu in which confirmation will be requested. After the device reboots.

Firmware Upgrade

After the settings have been brought down to the factory settings, you need to update the firmware. In order to do this, you should go to the official website and download a specific file. For example, if you are talking about the MikroTik RB260GS router (the VLAN setup is quite easy), you need to pay attention to the mipsbe platform, you need to download the "Basic package" to the computer. Using the winbox console, you need to connect to the router, open two windows (with firmware and program), drag the file with the new firmware to the desired window. Then just wait for the download and reboot the router. Wait for no more than 5 minutes. After you need to update the loader. This is done in the "System" menu, then "Router". The owner needs to check the "Firmware" and "Firmware Upgrade" sections. If they are different, then you need to click on "Update".

If you want, you can check the software version in the "Packages" section. After the Internet is configured, the update can be performed directly in the control panel without additional downloads for MikroTik. Setting up a VLAN is really a pretty simple procedure, if you have detailed instructions at hand.

Create a radio button

The routers of this manufacturer have a small feature. They do not have pre-defined port settings. Conventional and better known routers tend to have a signature on the back side of the ports. There should be written VLAN, WAN, etc. Thus, there is one port for working with the Internet, the others are combined in a switch for a more comfortable work with the device.

In routers, which are discussed in this article, all ports are equivalent. Any connector can be a WAN type. It is necessary to allocate one for the Internet, all the others are connected to the network with the help of a bridge. Next, you should add them to the MikroTik WiFi interface.

Next, the owner needs to choose a master port, they can become any of the available options. To do this, go to the console, which is the control panel. You need to visit the "Interface" section, in which ether2 is selected. Next - two times you need to click on this menu to enter the settings. There you need to find the "Master Port". There the owner will see a drop-down list in which the owner needs to select ether1. The configuration should be saved for all ports except that which is selected for the WAN. Opposite him appears the letter S.

Combining ports with a bridge

Thus, 4 ports were combined into a switch. It remains only to connect them with the help of a bridge for MikroTik with WiFi interface. To do this, go to the "Bridge" menu, press the plus sign and save. All settings should be left standard.

The owner will notice that "bridge1" has appeared. Next, go to the "Ports" tab and click on the plus sign again. Then, in the "Interface", select ether1 and save the settings.

Next, the owner will reboot the router, this is the standard procedure. You need to wait for the full download and connection. It is necessary to go into the same section, click on the plus sign once more and add wlan1 to the "Interface".

Static address setting

In order to configure the equipment and its static IP, it is necessary to connect to the router at the poppy address. Due to this, the user can assign any parameter that will provide access to the Internet. To make the settings you need to go to the IP section, then to the "Address". In the same place, click on the plus sign to create the MikroTik grid. The VLAN configuration, as already understood, is implemented in a similar manner. In the "Addresses" you need to specify any subnet, it can be learned from the provider. Often it looks like "". In the "Interface" section, select bridge1. The "Network" field is optional, as it will be determined automatically.


To properly configure the "MicroTick" and have a stable Internet, you need to contact the provider. It will be difficult for a person to confuse something, since all the parameters will be pre-determined in advance, and the owner will only need to enter them manually. It may be difficult at this point in time, but you can always call the service center for clarification or open the instructions to the device. The main thing is to remember that the most difficult stages have already been passed.

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