EducationSecondary education and schools

Extra-curricular activities in the school on SDA: a plan

Activities in the school on SDA were held at all times. One can understand why. After all, they are aimed at familiarizing students with the rules of the road, road signs, gestures of the regulator, traffic light signals. Such events help to form children's behavior on the street, knowledge about traffic safety, responsibility, discipline, activity and attention. Without them can not do. Therefore, it is worthwhile to talk in more detail about how to conduct them and what to follow when drafting the plan.

Dedication to pedestrians

What should be extra-curricular activities in the school for SDA? Interesting, interesting and unusual. After all, they are not included in the school curriculum, which means they are not lessons. Therefore, the entertainment aspect is mandatory, otherwise the students will not be able to get carried away with the topic.

Therefore, the festival of dedication of first graders to pedestrians will be an excellent idea. The purpose of this event is to familiarize the kids with basic traffic rules through contests and games. The tasks are the following:

  • Studying signals of a traffic light and the simplest rules about the crossing of the road.
  • Development of agility, attention, speed and interest in traffic rules.
  • Educating diligent pedestrians.

Such an event can be held in the format of an interactive play with a script. And for the role of the main characters to appoint Traffic and Zebra. By the way, since it is now customary to hold events with parents on SDA at school, they can be instructed to perform these heroes and find interesting puzzles. By the way, they are best able to explain to children about the importance of "friendship" with traffic lights and traffic rules in a game form. Suitable such puzzles:

  • Three eyes - three orders! Red is the most dangerous! (Answer: traffic light).
  • What light does it say to us: "Come on, the way is open"? (Answer: green).
  • All the driver will tell, the speed will tell the right. Near the road, like a lighthouse, a good friend ... (answer: road sign).

It is worthwhile to carefully consider the scenario of such an event - it can be diversified with games, skits, contests, dialogs, etc.

Classroom hour

In this format, the most often held activities in the school on SDA. However, this is a competent beginning, because during the class hour the teacher gives the children information that they will be listened to and learned. Only after that you can arrange quizzes and games. But still the class hour does not have to be entirely in the lecture format. A game element is needed.

Let's say the theme of the event is road signs. After the introductory part, the teacher can invite the children to collect a mosaic. He must give them a pre-prepared "puzzle" - the mixed parts of the cut road signs. Children, sharing on the team, should collect them. To do this they will need a sheet of A4 and glue to fix their puzzle. After they have coped with the task, the teacher will post the results on the board and explain in an understandable manner the meaning of each sign collected by the students.

Justification of the topic

It is mandatory for every class hour. It is very important to justify the chosen topic for toddlers - the teacher should correctly explain why they are considering it. Naturally, it is chosen because the road is a place of potential danger, where dozens of pedestrians die each year - either because of their own inattention, or because of the negligence of drivers.

How to explain this to young children? Precisely not with words - kids need visibility. But to include demonstrative videos with accidents, too, in no case it is impossible, this is understandable. There is an alternative - a colorful cognitive cartoon called "Aunt Lessons of Aunt Owl". In each series, a certain situation is considered which, in a playful form suitable for children, explains how important it is to be cautious and what the consequences can be if you do not listen to advice. There is a plot and about the traffic rules. It can be offered to students for viewing after the introductory part of the lesson. And then start the lecture.

Organizational moment: quiz

Without it, rarely a week of traffic rules in school. Activities on the type of quiz should be held after a class hour on the topic of traffic rules, so that children can test their knowledge gained during the lecture.

To make the game interesting, on the board you need to draw a large field, dividing it into four squares. Each of them will correspond to a certain area of knowledge. For babies it is better to make them the following:

  • Road markings and traffic lights.
  • Rules for the transition of roads and streets.
  • Road signs.
  • Obligations of passengers.

In each field there should be such a number of sheets with questions, how many commands from the students. They will need to be divided beforehand and said that the children choose the captain. In the future, he will go to the board and select the sheets from the blocks. On each of them there should be three questions. The "price" of one correct answer is 5 points. One leaflet can be given for three minutes. At the end of time, the children take turns reading out the answers and giving questions - the teacher at this point brings the results on the board. At the end of the game, when all the sheets are disassembled, all the points are counted and the winner is determined.

Questions for the quiz

They must be such that the children manage to overpower them. Preparing questions for this event in the school for SDA teacher should do in advance. Here, for example, which will be suitable for the block about road markings and traffic light signals:

  • In what places are people allowed to cross the street?
  • What signals does the pedestrian traffic light give and what do they mean?
  • How and where should people walk on the street?
  • How is a pedestrian crossing signified on the roadway?
  • Why it is forbidden to walk on the carriageway?

Such questions can be fully included in the quiz. By the way, when conducting this event at the school on SDA it is recommended that the teacher ask the responding team why they answered so. The explanation of schoolchildren will help to understand whether they have mastered the rule or not.

In the block about road signs it is possible to enter such questions:

  • What does the sign that prohibits the movement of pedestrians look like?
  • What information signs are known to you?
  • What groups do they share?

This is an example. The most important thing is not only to formulate the questions clearly, but also to make them informative, relevant to the topic.

Word Games

A teacher who develops an activity on the SDA for an elementary school should not have any difficulties in selecting interesting tasks that can activate the knowledge that children have gained during the class hour.

Take, for example, a game called "Permission is forbidden." Its principle is as simple as possible. The teacher begins a sentence that mimics an action, and the children complete it, thus giving an answer. Here's an example:

  • Play on the pavement ... (forbidden).
  • Walk on the sidewalk ... (allowed).
  • Run across the road to the red light ... (forbidden).
  • Walk through the underground passage ... (allowed).
  • Jumping over the fence to cross the road, because to "zebra" go laziness ... (forbidden).
  • Cross the road to green light ... (allowed).

If children cry out the right answers, then they learned the lesson they had learned earlier. Are they mistaken? So, the teacher needs to pause the game and ask why the children think so. And then explain that they were mistaken, and repeat the rule in a more accessible language. After that, re-voiced the question from the game, in order to be convinced of the final understanding of the children's rules. In fact, such an extracurricular activity on the SDA in the primary school brings good results, as it provokes collective interaction.

For high school students

Well, how to conduct activities for the SDA in elementary school - it is clear. Now we need to talk about the format in which they should be organized for students in higher grades. But first you need to define goals and objectives. Most often such events are held in order to:

  • Form real student insights on road safety.
  • Develop their ability to find such a path from home to school and back, which can meet the least risk.
  • Bring to them more detailed ideas about the rules of traffic along the street and the road.
  • Educate the correct, respectful attitude to its participants.
  • Form a sense of civil responsibility for their behavior on the road.

If the SDA activities in primary school need to be conducted in a soft and playful way, then in the case of middle-class students, more information is needed. It must be noted that ¾ of all accidents (including those without casualties), according to statistics, occur with children. On the board, for clarity, you need to make the following reasons for this:

  • Passage of the carriageway in the wrong places.
  • Non-compliance with traffic signals.
  • Walking on the carriageway (in the presence of sidewalks) or playing on it.
  • Inattention to the situation and inability to look around.

During the lesson, the teacher should inform the children that caution, discipline and observance of traffic rules (both pedestrians and drivers) is the basis of safe traffic.

Diversity in the learning process

It is worth noting that the action plan for SDA in the school can be very interesting and include not only classroom hours, quizzes and games. There are many more options. And within a year it is recommended to embody several of them.

You can arrange walks around the city with school children, explaining in parallel the rules of the road. Only this applies, rather, to the category "Activities with parents on the SDA". At school the teacher can cope with thirty children, but during the walk you will need "helpers" in the form of other adults. However, it is worth returning to the topic.

After the lectures, you can give the children the task - to arrange a stand according to the SDA. This creative and interesting work, in addition, the result will be posted in the lobby, and everyone will be able to appreciate it, which also often motivates children.

In the lesson of literature, students can be given a task at home - to learn the "Road alphabet" in verse. Not all, of course. Simply everyone will choose one poem and learn. And in the next lesson everyone will perform and listen to each other.

Often, the management of the school, drawing up a plan of actions for the traffic rules in the primary school, decides to hold a drawing competition on the topic "Rules of the road - our faithful friends!". This is a very good idea, as in the case of the notorious booth. Usually, after the end of the competition, all the work is registered in the exhibition, and for schoolchildren a tour of it with parallel explanations of the teacher is arranged. Good combination of clarity and informativeness.

And for students from the 5th to the 9th grade, a practical training in the provision of pre-hospital care is suitable. In the framework of such a useful lesson, children will be able to learn the basics that will not be superfluous.

Mind games

There are such events at the school for the traffic rules for high school students. The goal of the intellectual game is to identify and develop the intellectual and cognitive abilities of adolescents, and also expand their horizons.

Everything goes in a classic format. The guys are divided into teams, they sit down at the tables, on each of which there is a bell. The facilitator reads out questions and answers. To sound the correct version, in the opinion of the team, the guys should confer. Whoever will be the first to notify the presenter by a bell is the one who answers. If the version is correct, the score is counted. If the answer is incorrect, the word is passed to the other team.

Questions can be:

  • Which group of people are participants in the traffic? Variants: pedestrians, drivers and passengers or all of the above (the right one is the last one).
  • What road element does not exist? Variants: a parapet, a roadside, a cuvette (the correct one is the first one).
  • How is the overpass different from the trestle? Variants: height, width, length (correct - last).
  • What is a viaduct? Variants: a tunnel in the mountains, a bridge across the gorge or a word that is not related to the topic (the right one is the second one).
  • What is the name of the road covered with asphalt? Variants: route, highway, street (the right one is the second one).

Of course, more is needed. The level of complexity should also be different. If you plan to include in the game voluminous questions with long answers, then it will be necessary for the facilitator to accompany the visualization. Duplicating voiced on the screen, for example (realized through an ordinary pre-prepared presentation and projector).

Such extra-curricular activities on the SDA in the school are very popular, as they contain an element of rivalry.


Their training can also be included in the action plan for the SDA in the school for senior students. Here the principle is the same as in the case of the kids preparing a poem from the "Road Alphabet" for the lesson. Only students are given topics for short presentations, which they prepare themselves.

They can be entrusted with more serious tasks. Topics may include driver responsibility on the road, unregulated pedestrian crossings, traffic in residential areas, speed standards, etc. The most adult (11-graders) can prepare a presentation about the victims of an accident, provide statistics, the most shocking cases.

And yet, because now many immediately after school (or even studying in it) are sent to receive the right, you can organize a lesson for future drivers. Of course, paying great attention to speed limits. For clarity, you can make a selection of video materials - rollers with test drives, which show the process of checking the car for safety. This process involves overclocking the tested machine to a certain speed, on which it crashes into the wall. Inside is a doll. Such videos will visually show the students that high speed is not a way to get adrenaline, but a high risk.

Well, as you can see, the names of events on the SDA in the school are very diverse. Games, quizzes, class watches, exhibitions, walks, presentations ... ways to convey to students the importance of traffic rules is enough. The main thing is a competent approach of the teacher, support of leadership and interest of schoolchildren. And then the action plan for the week of traffic rules in the school will be carried out with success.

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