Sports and FitnessBuild-up of muscle mass

Exercises on pectoral muscles in the gym. Exercises for pumping the pectoral muscles

Everyone who is engaged in a sports hall, appreciates beauty and power indicators which it has reached heavy work. For the harmonious development of the entire muscular system, it is important to choose the right combination of exercises, follow the daily routine and observe the sleep regime.

At the same time, every muscle group should be given due attention. Some of them deserve it more, and some less, as their development occurs at different rates. Exercising pectoral muscles is an important part of the process. What exercises on the pectoral muscles in the gym can be used to achieve this goal?

Breast Press

Each teenager dreams of a pumped up and massive chest. Coming to the gym, all the newcomers first of all rush to the bench for bench press. In fact, this exercise is the most effective for working not only the pectoral muscles, but also the entire top of the torso. Most people do it wrong. Let's consider several types of this exercise and see what kind of muscle fibers are involved the most with each method of bench press.

Bench Press on a Horizontal Bench

Let us begin our examination of this exercise for pumping the pectoral muscles with a description of the initial position. The athlete will turn his back on a horizontal bench. It is important to monitor the continuity of the three points: the scapula and buttocks should lie on the bench throughout the exercise, and the legs should not be torn from the floor. Having taken the starting position, the athlete takes the barbell with a grasp slightly wider than the shoulders. After a deep breath, you need to "break" the bar from the posts and lower it to the chest level while controlling the movement. Next, the phase of the bench begins to the position of the arms outstretched, after which the exhalation follows.

This kind of bench press from the chest develops not only the pectoral muscles, but also uses triceps, the front fascicle of the deltoid muscle, and others.

What should be remembered when performing bench press on a horizontal bench?

To obtain the result, performing exercises for pumping the pectoral muscles, it is important to strictly follow the technique of implementation and safety rules. Here are some aspects to keep in mind when performing a chest press:

  • Strong grip is important. Use a special tool to improve the adhesion of the palms with the neck or use gloves for bench press. It is also important to protect your wrists from damage. Do not put your hands back or use elastic bandages to support them.
  • The head should be pressed to the bench as tightly as possible;
  • It is necessary to create a "bridge". This effect is created by the arching of the back, in which the buttocks and shoulder blades remain on the bench. This achieves a smaller amplitude of rod movement, involves the lower, stronger part of the chest and ensures the safety of the shoulder muscles.
  • Feet feet should be the whole area to stand on the floor, which will ensure the body stability.

Applying such advice and strictly adhering to the required technique, you will notice that exercises on pectoral muscles in the gym will give a much more vivid effect.

Press the bar on an incline bench

Such exercises to strengthen the pectoral muscles are also useful for the clavicle, deltoid muscles, triceps and anterior dentate group of muscle fibers. This kind of chest press has a similarity to the previous description, but there are also differences. We will not draw a parallel, but simply consider the technique of performing this exercise for tightening the pectoral muscles.

The key factor in the performance of the bench press on the inclined bench is the angle of its tilt. It should be between 50 and 60 degrees. If this indicator is exceeded, there is a danger of injuring or creating too much strain on the deltoid muscles. In the initial position, the grip should be wider than the shoulders. After removing the bar from the posts, you need to lower the bar to the level of the collarbone. After that, you can perform the press in the position of outstretched hands.

Press the rod on the bench with a backward slope

Such exercises on the pectoral muscles in the gym mainly involve the lower parts of them. In addition, when they are performed, triceps and deltas are very well studied. Thanks to this exercise, you can clearly form the contours of the lower chest. This way of "adjusting" your own figure is often used by professional bodybuilders. The press on the bench with a reverse slope also achieves the maximum stretching of the pectoral muscles, which makes them elastic and promotes development.

To perform this exercise on the pectoral muscles in the gym, you need to sit on a bench with a backward slope of about 30 degrees. The optimal width of the grip is slightly wider than the shoulders. For convenience, it is better that the neck is served by a partner, after which, after inhaling, you can lower the bar to the bottom of the pectoral muscles. After a slight touch to the body, you should perform a press to the starting position.

Exercises with your weight

What exercises to pump the pectoral muscles, if you do not have a barbell or are you still a beginner? In some sports halls, racks are always occupied by "experienced" athletes, so that beginners simply do not get through. In addition, if the physical form of a person at a low level, then you should first prepare your body for power exercises with shells.

Exercise with own weight is very important for beginners for one more reason. As you know, a significant increase in muscle mass is observed under extreme loads. For the same reason, athletes are injured. Thanks to his weight training, it will be easier for an athlete to avoid damage, which is especially important at an early stage of the multi-year training process.


Some exercises to pump pectoral muscles can be performed even at home. For example, push-ups from the floor. For the correct execution of this exercise, you need to rest your hands on the floor, placing them wider than your shoulders. Then take a deep breath and draw near the chest to the floor. After this, it is necessary to wring out to the starting position and exhale.

It may seem that such an exercise is simple and inefficient, but it is not. In addition, depending on the position of the body, the load will be distributed to different muscle groups. For example, if you place your legs a little higher, then a noticeable load will be directed to the upper chest. And if you lift the torso, then a significant part of the work will have to perform the lower part of the pectoral muscles.

Push-ups on the uneven bars

Even more effective exercise for training the pectoral muscles are push-ups on the uneven bars. When they are performed, it is possible to add loads by hanging the load to the athletic belt. Thanks to this exercise, the pectoral muscles become more elastic.

The mechanics of the exercise is simple. The starting position is a stand on elongated arms. With inhalation, you need to lower your body as low as possible, then return to its original position. Here, too, there are tricks. From the position of the torso will depend on which group of muscles is involved more. To train the chest, you need to create a slope forward, and to work more triceps, you should give the body the most flat position.

Use of dumbbells

Dumbbells are ideal for carrying out with their help exercises for tightening the pectoral muscles. You can perform bench press, breeding, and "pullover" style disciplines. Many professional representatives of power sports often after the barbell bench press practice dumbbell cultivation to the sides. Such an exercise helps to stretch the pectoral muscles as much as possible and make them grow faster. In addition, as noted above, this effect improves the elasticity and strength of muscle fibers. Often it is dumbbells that replace simulators for pectoral muscles for women. Proper use of them will help representatives of the weaker sex achieve results, for which they came to the gym. It is important to remember that any exercise must be carried out under the supervision of the trainer.

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