
Seed Pyrethrum: Growth and Care

Pyrethrum (or chamomile) refers to the perennial colors of the family Sophisticated. In the decorative aspect, the pink flower and its various hybrid forms are especially appreciated. Pyrethrum of this color comes from the Caucasus. Its cultural forms were bred in the early nineteenth century and are very popular among gardeners. Over the past two hundred years, breeders have created a considerable number of different varieties of chamomile - both with terry, and with simple inflorescences, painted in pink, dark red and white tones.

You can grow pyrethrum from seeds in several ways. Growing it in the laboratory allows you to achieve more than 70% of sprouting shoots on the fourth day after planting. In height, the plant can reach 60 cm. Leaves are pinnately-dissected, inflorescences - in the form of baskets. The peculiarity of the flower is that it is able to start a repeated flowering, if you trim off the discarding baskets.

It is also possible to grow pyrethrum from seeds in a greenhouse. Growing seedlings in this case occurs within 1-2 weeks, until the moment when the first shoots appear. After that, the seedlings are placed in the ground. When planting seedlings, it is necessary to maintain a distance of 25 cm between the bushes of the plant. The soil should ideally be loamy or sandy loam, well-fertilized, and also with good water and sunlight. If these conditions are met, feverfew can grow for several years without losing its pleasant appearance. After a lapse of 4 years, the plant must be transplanted and divided.

How to get the most beautiful feverfew from the seeds? Cultivation of hybrid forms of this flower can provide you with such spectacular species as chamomile pink, which has ligulate flowers of bright pink color and tubular flowers - yellow; Red - with red reeds; Terry white - with an incredibly beautiful terry inflorescence. Most attention to obtaining new species of pyrethrum is given in England, where this perennial plant is valued as highly as the narcissus.

Hybrid pyrethrum, the cultivation of which most attracts beginner gardeners, is suitable for planting in a flower bed, as well as a small mix-boarder. The peak of its flowering usually comes at a time when there are very few other colors. When cutting, it retains its freshness for two weeks, which makes it an ideal gift in the hot season.

In gardening, feverfew is also often used. It is famous for its powerful influence on cockroaches, ticks, fleas and other small pests. This chamomile grows with shrubs up to 30 cm high and has nice green stems, white or yellow inflorescences. Just in the colors and contains the poison - pyrethrin, deadly for most small insects. This plant is absolutely safe for humans.

Now you know how to grow pyrethrum from seeds. Growing these flowers is extremely exciting, any gardener will enjoy experimenting with hybrids and cultivating these beautiful flowers.

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