Homeliness, Building
Engineering Research - Design Basis
The construction of a new house or cottage usually begins with a project. But engineering and geological research, which should theoretically precede it, many do not do, but in vain. Often, the savings are questionable, because ignorance of the geological section and the properties of the soils can lead to unfortunate consequences. So why do we need research and what will it give?
Engineering geological surveys are conducted to study the engineering and geological conditions of the construction site. The very concept of "engineering-geological conditions" includes a geological section, physical and mechanical properties of soils, information on groundwater, the relief of the construction site and exogenous geological processes. This is the necessary information for design, without which no designer will make the correct calculation of the foundation. At best, you will be reinsured and have a huge safety factor, which will result in additional costs.
Of course, surveys for small structures are made, as a rule, according to a simplified scheme. Rarely are there reports prepared for private individuals that fully comply with regulatory documents. There are things that can be neglected, but there is a set of parameters that are mandatory.
The most important thing is the definition of the geological structure (section) of the construction site at the required depth. Usually the depth of the wells is determined based on the future depth of the foundation. Buryat at 4-6 m deeper than the soles, but if the site has weak soils (peat, mud, etc.), then the depth should be 1-2 m below the zone of their distribution.
During drilling, hydrogeological observations must be conducted. You must know the depth of the underground waters. This also determines the type of foundation.
One geological structure is small - the properties of soils are needed. Both physical and mechanical properties are taken into account in calculating the draft sludge. Some of them can be determined in the field (deformation module, for example), but laboratory work is indispensable. By the way, field methods are relatively expensive and are not always used. According to the standards, the number of definitions of physical properties for each layer is 10, and the number of mechanical properties is at least 6. This is necessary for statistical processing of laboratory studies.
In order to obtain reliable results, soil samples must be selected correctly. The monolith's size (a specimen of undisturbed addition) must be at least 100х150 mm. It is paraffined or packaged in a food film. Samples of disturbed addition are placed in hermetically sealed bags. It is important that the humidity of the sample does not change.
Another point is the existence of an effective SRO permit from the prospector. Without it, the activity of the prospector is illegal, and in case of poor work performance, no one will compensate you for damages. Try to order surveys from organizations with a proven reputation, it is worth reading the reviews.
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