Arts & EntertainmentTheater

Engineering is the role of a naive girl

If you think about how many words borrowed successfully function and take root in the modern Russian language ... We have long ceased to notice the foreign origin of some of them. Others, on the contrary, cause a whole range of emotions, being heard in the context of any conversation.

Take, for example, theatrical terminology. Most of us consider ourselves to be fully developed, but think about whether you know what an engineer is.

Where did the word come from?

Even people far from philology can easily determine the origin of the word. There is something subtle in it, light, almost soft. Quite right, the word came to us from a distant romantic France, where even the most ordinary things get a special, incomparable name and sound.

As it happens with borrowed words, it is possible to think over the meaning of this for a long time, making various assumptions. Someone, hearing the word "engineer", conducts an association with the image of a nude. Others recall the naturalness, natural beauty and immediacy of youth. The second option, even in something close to the truth, but fully true to call it impossible.

The whole world is a theater

The fact is that "engineering" is a term associated initially with the light of the soffits, the stage and burgundy curtains. It was in the theater that it was first used in relation to a specific phenomenon, after which it moved to the expanses of world cinematography.

So, the engineer is a kind of characteristic, an image closely connected with the stage worker. In everyday life we often come across situations where, already at the first meeting with a person, we can guess about its character, life position, aspirations. So in this case, the engineer - this is the image of a young, inexperienced girl, who is closely associated with this or that actress.

How it looks like

It's easy to guess that not all women are suitable for such a role. A stocky and tightly built lady is not at all suitable for the role of the young prelestress, it is quite natural.

Engineering is always lightness, subtlety and innocence embodied in the human body. This role is the destiny of miniature girls with wide eyes and great enthusiasm for the world. It is absolutely not necessary that the actress was a sixteen-year-old beauty - just a visual similarity with the described ideal of beauty, so that this image became a permanent stage mask.

Was it always so

For the sake of justice, it should be noted that the role of an engineer is an experience that has undergone a whole series of transformations. For example, at first in this capacity only young girls with a very specific character could shine, where there is more naivete than anything else. If you recall Karamzin's Poor Lisa, you can clearly imagine this clean image in almost perfect harmony.

Over time, the image began to transform, to receive additional shades, and soon under the name of an engineer was understood such a simple, completely unsuited to the harsh reality and constantly falling into alterations. It is noteworthy that this meaning is peculiar to the Russian theatrical tradition. Gradually the role began to differentiate, divided into "modest", "simpletons", "virgins" and gentle "virtuous girls." Even later, this role ceased to be purely feminine - on the stage the young men needed an engineer, but one of his first representatives was still Voltaire Candide.

Thus, like any other phenomenon in our life, the very concept of an engineer has changed many times. Today we understand it in one way, and, perhaps, in a few years, this word, which has been squeezed from French, will acquire a completely different meaning.

It is clear only one thing: no matter how many years passed, the world will always admire the natural charm, naturalness and ease of the owners of this role.

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