Food and drinkSoups

Effective Diet - Bonn Soup

Such a diet to reduce excess weight can quickly burn excess fat in the body. In addition to fat deposits, extra weight is added to us by swelling. The liquid begins to linger in the body if we consume too much salt and take alcohol. To get rid of excess fat and edema of the body will help Bonn soup. The most important feature of such a food system is that you do not have to limit yourself in the size of the portion and time of food intake.

You can eat soup whenever you feel hungry. And the more soup you eat, the more fat is burned. Usually Bonn soup for weight loss should be consumed within seven days, but if you do not have very big problems with excess weight, then it will be quite enough and three days.

Bonn soup cooking recipe is very simple:

-6 bulbs;

-6 large fresh tomatoes (you can take in your own juice);

-Coach of white cabbage (you can have red, Brussels, color or kohlrabi);

-2 large sweet peppers;

- a bunch of celery (you can and tubers);

A bunch of parsley.

This all needs to be finely chopped, lowered into a pan, pour completely with water and bring to a boil. Cook over high heat for ten minutes, then over low heat until all the vegetables are ready. Spices (black, red, white pepper, chili, tabasco and curry) add to taste. You can make all this soup puree, but you can not add any taste enhancers and thickeners such as starch, flour and cream.

To begin with, it is better not to cook the entire portion, but half or even a quarter. If you have not eaten celery, smell it first, it's quite intense and not everyone likes it. The above recipe does not need to be taken as a dogma. This will be just the basis for your culinary fantasy - the ratio of products can be changed at will. You can put more cabbage and less tomato, change the number of onions, this is already a matter of your taste. And do not be lazy, cook more often, Bonn soup is better for eating fresh.

The main rule of the diet: you can not deceive yourself and eat mainly foods from the "supplementary" list. The main part of the diet during the diet should be the Bonn soup, in which the presence of celery and parsley is a must! If you do not tolerate celery, put more parsley. Drinking during the diet can be tea without sugar, coffee without milk and sugar-free, water without gas in any amount. Juices from the store can not be drunk because of the high sugar content in them. If it's really difficult, then in the morning you can eat a bit of bitter chocolate with coffee or tea. Soup can be salted, but just a little bit and only in a plate before eating.

And now the menu is for 7 days.

First day. Soup and fruits (except melons, watermelons and bananas).

The second day. Soup and raw or boiled green vegetables. It can be green peas, green beans, cucumbers. Fruits are not allowed. You can eat one baked potato with olive oil at lunch.

The third day. Soup, vegetables (except potatoes) and fruits (except bananas).

The fourth day. Soup, three bananas and skim milk.

On the fifth day. Soup and a pound of boiled or baked meat, six fresh or canned tomatoes.

The sixth day. Soup, meat, green vegetables without restrictions.

On the seventh day. Soup, brown or wild rice with white, vegetables, fruit salad.

If you do not feel the strength to consume Bonn soup for a week, just start taking it once a day. And you will immediately feel its effect. The diet on Bonn soup is quite tough and therefore it is not recommended to take a great interest and enjoy it for more than a week, so as not to start losing muscle mass. However, after 7 days it is already possible, if desired, to start again. Such a diet can be used, even if you take medicine.

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