Health, Diseases and Conditions
Eczema on the hands
There are several forms of eczema, which can have acute and chronic course. It is generally believed that this disease has a neuro-allergic cause. Eczema on the hands may occur due to prolonged contact with detergents and water with a high content of carbonates. The disease can manifest as allergic reactions to the hair of domestic animals, plants, mites, food.
Eczema on the hands first manifests itself with symptoms such as itching and redness of the skin. Then there is a tight swelling and a lot of bubbles with a clear liquid. The process ends with the appearance on the affected area of ulcers and cracks. Dry eczema on the hands is manifested by the absence of wet areas.
A serious complication can be purulent inflammation on the skin due to bacterial infection. It manifests itself with symptoms such as an increase in body temperature and a general deterioration in well-being. An extremely dangerous complication may be erythroderma, which is a vast inflammation that begins as dry eczema on the hands. Treatment in this case should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a physician.
Eczema on the arm is treated, but it requires compliance with some simple recommendations. First and foremost, you need to fully rest, cure infectious diseases and try to normalize the diet. Complex treatment means cleaning the body of allergens,
Correction of immunity, restoration of normal operation of the intestine. Important
The moment is the use of drugs that inhibit the inflammatory processes in
The human body.
Local treatment is aimed at reducing pain, burning and preventing the attachment of bacterial infection. Eczema on the hands is successfully treated with antiseptic and hormonal ointments and lotions. Regeneration of tissues can be accelerated with the help of physiotherapy procedures. To prevent complications, the use of multivitamin complexes and herbs is recommended during remission.
The primary task in the treatment of eczema is to eliminate the underlying factor that triggered the onset of the disease. Hyposensitization therapy includes intramuscular injections of calcium gluconate and magnesium sulfate, and intravenous calcium chloride and sodium thiosulfate. It is also recommended that immunocorrectors and diuretics be taken. A good result in the treatment of eczema is given by the vitamins of group B. During periods of exacerbations, contact with water should be minimized. Work with cleaning and detergents can only be done with gloves, first lubricating the skin with a fatty nourishing cream.
External treatment includes a bath with a solution of boric acid, silver nitrate, potassium permanganate. Be sure to adhere to the hypoallergenic diet. As your well-being improves, you can gradually return to normal mode, trying to maintain a normal tone of the nervous system. The patient is advised to avoid excessive sweating, which irritates the skin. The temperature of the air in the apartment should not exceed 22 ° C. Avoid accumulation of dust, rooms should be well ventilated. It is desirable to conduct daily wet cleaning of premises, especially those that are easily affected by fungus and mold. If possible, avoid using lacquers, paints, solvents in the apartment. Clothes should be washed with special hypoallergenic powders. Patients are shown resort-sanatorium treatment in conditions of sea climate, for example, on
Black Sea coast, it is better in the autumn or spring period.
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