
Treatment of mastitis

Mastitis, the treatment of which will be considered in this article, is nothing more than an inflammation of the lobule of the breast. Its cause is infection. In most cases, women who breastfeed suffer from this disease. The disease can develop at any age. Even mastitis of newborns is known.

The disease begins with the appearance of pain in the chest. On the skin there are reddening, body temperature rises, a person begins to experience weakness, in the head - fog and pain.

Mastitis, the treatment of which we will consider, has rather specific symptoms. The diagnosis on the basis of their supply is easy. Usually, ultrasound is used for this.

Prevention of mastitis can help avoid it.

What are the causes of mastitis?

The reason is always the same - an infectious agent. It should be noted that in a normal state, the mammary glands are very resistant to various microbes. In other words, the emergence of an ailment is possible only if there are some attendant factors. These factors include stagnation of milk, which often occurs in nursing mothers. It appears in the ducts of the gland.
Mastitis can also occur with some kind of inflammatory process or with the restructuring of the body during puberty. Mastitis, whose treatment is possible in various ways, often occurs in those whose immunity is in a depressed state.

Symptoms of the disease
- the emitted milk can contain blood and white flakes;
- there is a chill;
- the mammary gland increases, becomes hot;
- In the mammary gland appearing seals;
Pain during feeding.

Treatment of mastitis

Self-medication is contraindicated. In the event that the measures were taken immediately, the disease can be cured in the shortest possible time. The consequences, as a rule, do not occur in such situations. Other treatments for mastitis may be futile. Launched ailment in some cases requires surgical intervention. Complications can be unpleasant.

At the first stages of treatment, everything comes down to antibiotic therapy. The patient is prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics. Proper treatment leads to the fact that the symptoms disappear on the fourth or fifth day. In the event that relief does not begin, the treatment tactics change.

At high temperature, the patient should take antipyretics. With pronounced symptoms of mastitis, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. It is recommended to apply something cold to the affected gland.
With running mastitis, you can observe the suppuration, which occurs with the formation of an abscess. In this case, the treatment is surgical. Formation of an abscess leads to intoxication of the body, the general condition worsens, improper treatment of mastitis can lead to sepsis.
Suppression of the location is indicated in cases of purulent mastitis. It allows you to make the treatment of the disease more effective.

Mastitis: prevention

Treatment of mastitis will not be your headache if you have enough time to pay for prevention. It includes a whole range of measures that significantly reduce the risk that inflammation of the breast will occur. Here are these measures:

- Proper care of the mammary glands;
- it is necessary to treat cracks that appear on the nipples in a timely manner. It is also important to correctly handle all possible wounds;
- after breastfeeding, the remaining milk must be decanted;
- all inflammatory diseases should be treated immediately after detection;
- after birth, you must avoid hypothermia;
- you need to maintain immunity.
- remember that stresses have a negative impact on the state of the whole organism. Avoid them.

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