HealthDiseases and Conditions

Venous disgemia in the child: possible causes, symptoms and treatment characteristics

The blood circulates infinitely through the arteries and veins, saturating with nutrients and oxygen all the cells and the entire body. The recurrent movement of the blood is called a venous outflow. If the process of returning blood to the heart muscle from the central nervous system is violated, then the term "venous disgemia" is used in the diagnosis. The return movement of blood is carried out through the veins, and if any obstacles appear on the way, a stagnant process develops. In these places, blood gradually begins to destroy the veins in an attempt to "find" new ways for movement. Virtually every person has an arterial system the same, and the venous system has a different structure.

Why there is a disease

Depending on the place of stagnation, the venous disgemia is divided into three types:

- with localization in the brain;

- in the vertebral plexus;

- in the basin of the ICA.

Most often, the cause of the disease is hereditary predisposition. Disease is manifested in violations of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, there may be problems with cartilage and bones. This type of pathology can manifest even in infancy.

According to the latest data, in childhood most often pathology appears due to the peculiarities of the structure of the cervical spine. This can be a special crimp or curvature of the bone canal, which can be congenital or result from birth trauma, in the area of 1 and 2 cervical vertebrae. In this case, the treatment should be aimed at restoring the functions and integrity of the bones, cervical spine, correcting the posture.

A number of diseases that can cause the development of pathology

Stenosis. The disease is characterized by narrowing of the blood vessels, as a result of which the veins can collapse, the normal process of blood outflow is disrupted, the veins become obstructed. It is quite difficult to notice that problems have appeared, with no narrowing of the veins to 50%.

Deformation of organs that do not give a normal flow of blood, deformation of lintels or valves. In this case, the direction of the blood can change.

There are cases when a child is born with anomalies of the development of the venous system, it can be a complete closure or underdevelopment of the system.

The cause of the appearance of venous disgemia can be, it would seem, completely unrelated diseases - spine diseases or cancers. And also the previous injury.

Not the last place and bad habits, such as overeating, drinking and smoking.

Osteochondrosis and thyroid diseases can also be a consequence of the appearance of pathology associated with an incorrect outflow of blood.

Symptoms of venous disgemia may appear immediately after the birth of the baby, due to pathology that was in the perinatal period.

How symptoms of the disease appear

The main symptom of pathology is acute pain in a place where blood circulation is disturbed. Such places can be easily felt for palpation in the region of the chest, on the neck, head and shoulders. This is due to the fact that the blood destroys the tissue adjacent to the vein to "pierce" its place of exit.

Venous disgemia in a child can be accompanied by headaches and dizziness. The baby can have fever with a parallel increase in body temperature.

In a neglected state, the symptomatology is much harder and can manifest itself in the form:

- Violations of coordination of movement;

- failures in the work of the senses;

- involuntary movements;

- paralysis, both complete and partial;

- seizures;

- nasal bleeding;

- Infinite painful sensations;

- speech and motor disorders.

At the first stages of the development of the disease, pathology is practically not manifested, only occasionally the patient complains of headaches, a brief violation of coordination of movement.

In addition, problems with venous outflow lead to disruption of metabolism and lack of oxygen, and these are constant jumps of blood pressure, chills and periodic numbness of the extremities.

HP classification

By the degree of leaching, 3 forms are distinguished:

- latent, that is, the course of the pathology is practically asymptomatic;

- cerebral, with the presence of mild symptoms (this may be a headache, but without any special nervous disorders);

- Encephalopathy, with the strongest symptoms, it will take a long time to treat.

Diagnostic measures

Without a complete examination of the whole organism and identifying the cause of the appearance of pathology, it is impossible to prescribe an adequate treatment. To date, there are many techniques and equipment that allow you to accurately diagnose "venous disgemia."

One of the most effective diagnostic methods is ultrasound dopplerography. Good results are also obtained by angiography, that is, by X-ray studies. For the diagnosis, magnetic resonance angiography is also used.

Diagnostic Problems

It is often difficult to diagnose "venous brain disgamme". Parents need to turn to a neurologist, especially if the baby is nervous and constantly crying. After the examination, the blood pressure is monitored for at least 5 consecutive days. Then an x-ray study of the brain is prescribed. You may need to perform a phlebography procedure that will identify the presence of malignant tumors or dropsy. This study provides an opportunity to assess the state of the circulation. The best results are given by MRI, since it allows even to determine the cause of the appearance of pathology.

Even if the nature of the disease is established on an extracranial and intracranial level, it is still difficult to correctly interpret the results obtained. No textbook or scientific article gives a complete idea of the causes of the onset of the disease. Therefore, it is quite difficult to work out a treatment tactic that will allow you to get rid of pathology or at least eliminate the main symptoms.

In addition, it is sometimes very difficult to establish a diagnosis, since pathology is a consequence of a disease.

Healing measures

The method of treatment of venous desgemia completely depends on the results of diagnosis. Therapy, as a rule, is complex. On the main points, we will discuss in more detail below.


First of all, you should pay attention to nutrition, include in it a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits. Healing juice for this pathology is considered grape. Statistics are inexorable: most diseases are from malnutrition. From the menu it is necessary to remove the fatty foods saturated with cholesterol.


Preparations that improve the blood flow and strengthen the vessels of the walls of veins, arteries, called "venotonics." Medicines can be of natural origin or made from chemical components. Naturally, to treat a child it is better to choose medicines with a natural basis. It can be "Escuzan" or "Getralex".

To prevent the formation of thrombi, drugs from the group of antiplatelet agents may be prescribed, this may be aspirin.

With pathology localized in the brain, nootropic drugs are used.

Increase in vascular wall resistance can be achieved with the injection of nicotinic acid or pyridoxine hydrochloride.

Non-pharmacological methods

Good results can be obtained after hirudotherapy. Leeches are established in the region of mastoid processes.

Acupuncture and post-isometric muscle relaxation are often recommended.

In some cases, depending on the presence or absence of a chronic disease, physiotherapy may be prescribed. It can be galvanic collars, phonophoresis with "Troxevasin" or foot, sedentary baths. Can be recommended carbon dioxide, narzannye, hydrogen sulphide baths.


Massage is relevant especially in venous disgemia in vertebral plexuses. One of the most effective methods is the massage of the cervical spine. But such activities should be conducted only by a specialist, otherwise you can achieve the opposite effect, especially when treating a child.

The procedure involves the use of aromatic oils of thuja or lemon, ylang-ylang.


If a baby has a venous disgamy over vertebral plexuses, it is recommended to use medicinal baths with the addition of sage, elderberry, chamomile or guelder rose.

Other recommendations

Child, when he is already able to realize what is happening, it is necessary to accustom to an active way of life. Explain that bad habits are not just harmful, but also dangerous for life and health. Teach your child to lead an active lifestyle, instill love for sports.

With the syndrome of venous disgemia, you can cope with running and walking for long distances. The child can be sent to yoga classes. However, when the disease progresses, it is necessary to consult a physician in order to optimize physical activity.

It is not recommended to visit the sauna and bath: rapid temperature change, although it stimulates blood flow, but negatively affects the weakened vessels.


To date, the study of venous disgamy is hardly in the first place because of the high prevalence of the disease. Often there are medical errors in the diagnosis, which leads to the appointment of inadequate treatment, as a result of pathology goes into a neglected form and causes the emergence of new diseases.

Studies in the field of venous diseases in the perinatal period have generally not been carried out. Underdevelopment of the young organism and brain in children generates many medical errors and is the foundation for the appearance of problems with the vascular system throughout life. In this situation, only system analysis and evaluation of the etiology, pathogenesis and clinical course of the disease can save.

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