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Victoria Regia - water lily-record holder

Among the variety of plant forms on our planet are truly unique species. There is even an unofficial rating of the most unusual specimens. Among the half a million species in the top twenty leaders, the water lily-record holder Victoria Regia was firmly entrenched.


The plant was discovered in the XIX century. This name was obtained from the mouth of the botanist R. Schomburgka during his expedition in 1837, organized by the British Geographical Society for the Tropics of South America. The German researcher was impressed by the size and beauty of the flowering of the huge lily.

In conjunction with Victoria, the word Regia (Victoria Regia) means "regal" or "gorgeous." The name, according to some reports, is given in honor of the ruling British Queen at that time. Young Victoria was famous for its beauty and disposition to the study of botanical disciplines.

In the Indians of Colombia, this plant is known as Apona. With their dialect, this can be translated as a "bird's frying pan", obviously because of the similarity of the shape of the leaves with this kitchen utensils. Bird, perhaps, it is called because even large birds can safely sit on the large floating leaves of this plant in the middle of the pond.


Victoria Amazonica (Victoria Regia) is a plant from the family of the Juvenile. It differs in the large sizes of leaves and flowers. This water tropical plant is considered the largest water lily (lily) in the world and for this is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Because of its popularity, it is bred in many large greenhouses, although it is distinguished by "capricious morals", as it is exacting to the conditions of detention.

It is believed that the birthplace of a giant water lily is the Amazon. You can meet her in Colombia, Bolivia, Brazil, Peru. In Guyana, "regal Victoria" is considered a national flower and is therefore depicted on the state emblem. In the wild, most often it can be observed on the water surface of deep lagoons of large rivers of the Amazon basin, which have a muddy bottom.

In an artificial environment, it is grown in greenhouses and botanical gardens around the world as an annual plant due to wintering difficulties. The optimum water temperature for vital activity must be at least 25 ° C. Breeders bred a hybrid of Longwood Hybrid her with a similar form of V. Cruziana. Unlike V. Amazonica, its leaves are half as large, but it is better suited to a more severe environment.


This aquatic flowering plant has at the base of a large rhizome a tuber with outflowing layers thick with a rope. On the surface of the water they carry out powerful flat leaves of round shape. They are fastened on massive petioles. The back of the leaf has a pronounced and developed venation. In between the depressions, air bubbles are trapped, adding a massive buoyancy structure.

The diameter of the leaf of such a water lily as Victoria Regia (photo above), starting from the 20th on the count, can reach 2 meters or more. On the edge in the lower part it is covered with sharp spines. This does not allow the fish and other aquatic herbivores to gnaw away from the leaf portion. The plant multiplies seeds. Fruit (up to 10 cm) is formed after flowering. In it under the water ripen small, dark seeds of round shape.

The blossom begins after the release of 30 sheets. Next, with an interval of 2-3 days, buds appear. After opening, they form large (up to 30 cm) lilies (up to 15 pieces) with a lot of petals. Flowering each lasts 3 days, and the aroma throughout the period varies. Seeds ripen for about two months. In a natural environment, the plant easily "hibernates" and can live up to five years.

Features of breeding

After gaining fame, the giant water lily was repeatedly tried to grow in an artificial environment. Her seeds do not tolerate transportation and lose their germination. For successful germination, they require special conditions (temperature, illumination).

It is noted that the deeper the pond, the larger the leaves can grow. Despite protection from herbivorous fish and animals, the water lily-record holder is vulnerable to aphids. Slugs and snails can harm it. The development of algae in the water column also adversely affects its development.

To make the leaves gain weight, the plant needs a lot of nutrients. During the period of active growth, Victoria Regia needs additional nutrition. Fertilizer (manure) in gauze bags is lowered to the bottom to the rhizome. During the season, one plant is able to use up to two cubic meters of nutrient mixture, combined with sand.

Victoria Regia: interesting facts

The leaves of this amazing plant, despite being bent upwards, have grooves for draining excess water during prolonged tropical rains. The prick of their thorns causes pain, as from the sting of a wasp. The color of the flower gradually changes after opening the bud. In the morning it looks white, then pink, crimson, and by the evening it turns purple.

Children of Indians, whose tribes live in the Amazon basin, often use large leaves of a plant such as Victoria Regia as swimming means. They can easily withstand weight 8-10 kg and even more (30-40 kg), if you choose the correct point of support and keep the balance, located in the middle part.

Seeds of the water lily-record holder are edible. The Indians collect them and dry them for future use. In fried form they resemble corn to taste. Rhizomes are also suitable for nutrition. They are extracted from the silt, dried, ground and made flour for flat cakes. Indians for such qualities call this plant "water maize".

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