Home and family, Accessories
Dryer for vegetables and fruits with their own hands. Dryer from the refrigerator
Gifts of gardens and fields are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements necessary for health. But fresh fruits and vegetables you use for food only in summer and autumn. To use for a long time, you need to process the products so that they do not lose their useful qualities and can be stored for a long time. With good yields, it becomes necessary to preserve these fruits. For this, the housewives are engaged in canning, freezing and drying. During these manipulations, many useful substances are lost. Normal drying is a long process and not always effective. Therefore, the farm needs a dryer for vegetables and fruits. With your own hands you can make this simple device, with minimal material costs and for a short time.
How can I dry fruits?
Most often, different products "weather" in the sun. Useful substances remain, but this is difficult, because the smell attracts flies and other insects that can spoil the food. Wrapping gauze, drying in a closed space without access to oxygen does not help to get quality dried fruits. Processing with chemicals can spoil the product and even make it unsafe for ingestion.
What do housewives use
Drying cabinets, which are sold in stores, are electric and infrared. A home-made craftsman can make a homemade drier for vegetables and fruits. With his own hands, applying skill and ingenuity, it is quite possible to create the necessary accommodation in the household.
The cost of devices in stores is quite high. But you do not always want to spend about 6,000 rubles to buy the right product, so you will be helped by a homemade drier for fruits and vegetables. With your hands, you can make an appliance in just a few hours, which is no worse than a store, and the quality of dried fruits obtained will be even better. And at a cost price, this unit will be much cheaper. For manufacturing, you will need various materials, tools and old appliances that are dusting in the pantry.
How does it work
An electric or infrared drying cabinet functions according to the principle of removing moisture from products by means of a stream of warm air or special rays that penetrate deep into the fruit by 10 mm. At the same time, products change their appearance, almost without losing quality. Some of the vitamins are lost, especially when processed with infrared rays, but in general, such dried fruits can be stored for a long time and consumed. Convection flows prevent the development of mold.
The action of a homemade device
Blowing products with warm air - this is how the dryer works for vegetables and fruits. With your hands, you can put together a box, put the nets with the spread fruits and direct the fan. A simple and useful device can help in processing a large number of fruits, as well as meat and fish products.
The simplest design
The extraction of moisture from the fruit is possible in the oven or in a Russian oven. This is the simplest dryer for fruits and vegetables. With your own hands (photo in the article), you can modernize it and use it for drying fish and meat. The camera is constructed without a bottom and a cover and can be of different volumes - as far as your imagination and the amount of harvest is enough. The optimal design is a plywood with dimensions of 60 x 80 x 40 cm.
On the inside, sliders for pallets are stuffed or wires are pulled in case of hanging meat or fish. The side faces are covered with a mosquito net. After removing the flies and other insects, closing the top panel, turn on the fan, which is pre-placed inside the frame. In such a dryer, you can quickly dry a large number of vegetables, fruits, as well as meat and fish. This camera is good in that it is easily transported and can be installed in the country, on the veranda and even on the balcony. Internal grids or grids can be moved closer to the fan and adjust the drying time.
How to make an infrared dryer
The infrared dryer for vegetables and fruits can dry them well and quickly and in some cases can heat the room. By purchasing a special thermal film, which is used for making warm floors, with dimensions 50x100 cm, electric wire with a plug, connecting terminals and bitumen insulation, you can easily create a dryer. A big plus - it is easy to carry and does not take up much space in the car. Vegetables and fruits with the help of such a device quickly turn into usable products.
Dry in the sun
For dachas, the simplest dryer for fruits and vegetables is being built. With your hands, without electricity, with the help of a saw, hammer, scissors and a stapler, you can quickly assemble this design. This self-made camera is widely used by summer residents.
You construct a box in accordance with the volume of fruit to be processed. Shelves make of any material that should be well blown, and mount at an angle after the preliminary determination of the greatest sunlight. Lateral walls and back walls be clogged with a lining or plywood. The back panel must be fitted with a metal sheet for more air heating. To create a greenhouse effect, paint the surface with black paint. Holes for air circulation should be covered with gauze to protect against insects. The top panel is made of transparent plastic or glass.
More than 10 kg of fruit at a time can accommodate such a dryer for vegetables and fruits. With your hands for giving, you can make it out of improvised materials. It operates quite simply: under the influence of sunlight, the metal sheet and black surfaces are heated to 40-50 ° C. In this mode, vitamins and minerals undergo the least damage. The moisture evaporates due to the presence of ventilation holes, and therefore the products are not covered with mold.
The old refrigerator will help you
An old idle refrigerator takes up a lot of space in the house, dusts and nervous households. Often it is used to store trash or unnecessary things. But it can do a good job. It produces an excellent dryer for vegetables and fruits. With his hands from the refrigerator, which is a pity to throw, you can build a camera that will surpass even the store devices.
It takes several hours to create this design. It is necessary to carefully remove the freezer, the compressor and cut the holes from above to force air ventilation.
Obtain a Chinese-made heat pump and connect it in such a way that it can be taken out of the drying chamber. The hole that remains after removing the compressor, use to connect the camera. In this case, it is necessary to ensure a good blowing of the sheets with the products. This is achieved by an appropriate distance between the walls, pallets and the fan - at least 20 mm.
Many users leave positive comments about such a dryer, about the quality of dried fruits, and masters are constantly improving the homemade camera to improve its efficiency.
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