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Dried cornel: useful properties and contraindications, particularities of application and treatment

Dried fruits and berries, what could be more useful? They contain many vitamins and other nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the body. So many people think and consume a lot of dried fruits and dried berries. But sometimes this can lead to serious consequences. Not all foods can be consumed in large quantities, especially people with chronic diseases. Drizzle dried, useful properties and contraindications which we consider in this article, is also useful in moderation.

What is this plant

Dogwood is referred to the same family, which has about 50 species. In nature, it occurs in the form of a shrub with several trunks. It grows wild in the Crimea, Transcarpathia, the Caucasus and Moldavia. Cultivated plants, which are grown on private plots, form at their discretion in the form of a bush or tree. Blossom cornel begins in late March - early April. This occurs at a time when the air temperature is warming up to 5-11 degrees. Dogwood has small yellow flowers that are collected in the inflorescence. Then on the bushes form the fruits of an elongated shape and a small size. They have shades from light red to almost black. Juicy sweet and sour pulp covers an elongated inedible bone. Fruits are used for making jams, jams, compotes, jellies, fruit drinks, syrups. They are used in raw, processed and dried form.

Dried cornelian

Scientists have proved that 100 grams of dogwood contain about 85 grams of water, many monosaccharides and disaccharides (about 9 grams), 0.9 grams of protein, 1.6 grams of fiber. In addition, berries are rich in lemon, amber, tartaric, gallic acid, vitamin C, micro- and macro elements. Cornflower dried, useful properties and contraindications which you need to know to everyone, in the maximum amount retains all the positive qualities. This is because the berries do not undergo heat treatment. Their sour taste becomes more sweet and soft. That's why it is recommended to harvest dogwood. Useful properties of dried and fresh berries are almost identical. Therefore, store vitamins for future use. Dried cornelian can be recommended even to children, as an alternative to candy and sweets. The benefits of it will be much greater.

Benefits of dried dogwood

The presence of a large number of vitamins makes this berry indispensable in cold weather, when the body lacks nutrients and the cold season begins. Dried coriander, useful properties and contraindications of which we will analyze in this article, has immunostimulating, restorative and tonic effect. It contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is especially important in the season of colds. On these characteristics, he even surpassed the mountain ash and lemon. The use of cornel berries helps to improve digestion, improve appetite, eliminate metabolic disorders and heartburn. Phytoncides, which are present in the composition of berries, have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. That's why the use of cornelian in any form helps to fight with developing infections. Pectins help to remove toxins and heavy metals from the body. They play the role of antioxidants. Berries regulate fat metabolism and are effective in combating obesity. Dried cornel dried, useful properties and indications of which are very diverse, used for anemia and certain diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Dried cornelian with diabetes mellitus

Especially it is necessary to note the benefit, which brings the use of dogwood in diabetes mellitus. It has the ability to normalize blood sugar levels. Berries quite can compensate for the lack of sweets, in the use of which diabetics have to limit themselves. They will replace artificial sweeteners, which are not always useful for the body. Many doctors recommend partially to compensate for the lack of sweets with cornelian, and not to switch completely to artificial supplements. It should be noted that to people suffering from this disease, any dogwood is useful. Useful properties of fresh and dried fruits are very similar. They contain fructose, glucose, acids, tannins and colorants, flavonoids and essential oils, which reduce the volume of glucose in the blood and strengthen the functions of the pancreas. That's why this berry is included in the list of medicines for diabetics.


Can I apply the body, using dogwood, harm? Useful properties and contraindications must be known, using products of natural origin. Unfortunately, and dogwood has several features that make it impossible for its use by some categories of people. For example, a large number of berries can cause an exacerbation of stomach ulcers. Because of the high content of acids, it is not recommended for people with high acidity of gastric juice. The fixing effect that the dogwood possesses will have a negative effect on people who suffer from constipation. Berries have a toning effect. Therefore, those who have increased excitability, you can not use them in large quantities. Otherwise, there is a risk of emotional overexcitation and the appearance of insomnia. These are the only negative sides of the fruit. Drizzle dried (useful properties of medicinal berries have been known for a long time) is very useful in the absence of contraindications.

Medicinal forms of dogwood

As a raw material for the preparation of medicines, fruits, leaves, bark and roots of the plant are used. They prepare raw materials from spring to autumn. It is better to harvest roots in the spring or autumn, the bark in the spring, and the leaves in the summer months. Gathering berries produce as they mature. This is August or September. It is better, if the fruits fully ripen on the branches, then they accumulate a maximum of useful substances. For harvesting berries requires a special dryer. Raw materials should be carefully dried. To store the cornelian dried, useful properties and contraindications which must be carefully studied before use, it is possible for three years. But given the properties of this product, he will not lie for a long time. These delicious berries are very popular with children and adults.

How to Dry Dogwood

To prepare tinctures and broths in the cold season requires dried dogwood. Its useful properties and contraindications should be studied before use. For drying, only the best berries are used, without damage. If there is no special dryer, then you can harvest dogwood and other ways. We seep the cans with paper and scatter fruits on them. We place the dogwood on a shelf with good air circulation. It must be turned every six hours to ensure even drying. After full readiness (after two weeks) dried berries are transferred into paper bags and linen bags. If a dryer is used, then the mode is the same as for apples.

Caloric content of dogwood

Those who follow their weight and adhere to strict diets, of course, worried about the caloric content of this product. It should be noted that these figures in the dogwood are more than favorable. People with excess weight can eat fruits without fear of gaining extra pounds. Calories in this product are minimal. 100 grams of fresh berries have only 44 kcal, 1 gram of protein, 10.5 grams of carbohydrates and a complete lack of fat. In the dried dogwood, these figures are slightly higher. So, in 100 grams of this product contains 209 kcal, 46.26 grams of carbohydrates and 4.6 grams of protein. Fat dried dogwood does not contain. Judging by these data, you can consume a large number of fruits without fear for your weight. But always it is necessary to remember and about contra-indications not to do much harm to an organism.

Multiple recipes

How to use cornelian? Useful properties and contraindications, benefit and harm of this product, considered in this article, must be taken into account when choosing this treat. But since the berries are healing, use them to prepare various dishes. This is, first of all, a useful infusion. To make it, you need to take 10 grams of dried berries and pour them a glass of boiling water. Then leave them to infuse for 30 minutes. After this, filter the broth and use it as needed. This drink is especially useful in diabetes mellitus, since this way of cooking preserves the maximum amount of nutrients. Take it instead of tea for 250 milliliters in between meals. To prepare the broth, pour a tablespoon of berries with 200 milliliters of water and boil. After this, let the broth brew for 2 hours, and eat three times daily before meals, 50-100 milliliters. It should be noted that the longer the heat treatment lasts, the less useful properties the prepared beverage retains. Tincture of fruits and leaves of cornelian good for stomach disorders. For this, take two tablespoons of berries and plant leaves and boil for 10 minutes in 250 milliliters of water. Then the broth is infused for 9 hours and taken at 100 milliliters 3 times a day. Contraindications, which have dried cornel berries, are very slight. If you consider all the features of this product, then you can safely saturate your body with useful vitamins all year round.

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