
Do not need chemistry - pustyrnik forte 'fixes your nerves' quickly and at no extra cost

Motherwort, whose use is quite popular, is well known to all people, but many, considering it weak, turn to doctors to get stronger soothing agents. I very much want to warn against this. In fact, in most even the most severe cases, you can get by with familiar medicinal herbs. Just take them with the mind.

It is not for nothing that more effective are drugs that contain not one but a complex of components. The same applies to herbal dues, and medicines made on their basis. Therefore, doctors are often recommended as a good soothing means "Shepherd-forte" - the prefix "forte" does not mean that it has a high dosage. This is a complex drug, which besides the motherwort itself contains magnesium and vitamin B6. This composition has a strong calming effect on the body.

Dog nettles (so popular in the people called the plant) are widely distributed in the European part of Russia, so ready preparations and preparations based on it are usually much cheaper than many other preparations of a similar property. Sedative action is due to the alkaloids, organic acids (apple, tartaric, lemon, etc.) contained in the plant, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, glycosides, vitamins A, E, and C. A large amount of microelements necessary for the body has a general strengthening effect.

Usually, treatment with a motherwort is used when, against a background of general irritability, heart rhythm problems occur, with cardiosclerosis. Tincture of this plant has a slight hypotensive, antispasmodic, diuretic action, regulates the menstrual cycle, improves digestion. Preparations of motherwort are even used for wound healing due to antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action.

But, it would seem, with all the positive properties, the action of a motherwort can be ineffective if the body lacks magnesium. This element is actually a "metal of life", it takes an active part in the metabolic processes of the body. Everyone knows that reactions in the human body can not proceed if there is no oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. The next most important element in the list is magnesium.

It is the presence of magnesium enhances the effect of the drug "Pustyrnik-forte." We must warn some possible doubts. International studies have shown that magnesium is scarce in almost 90% of the population, although in many regions this indicator is very different (magnesium is rich in many seafood, legumes, cereals, soy, raspberries, strawberries, bananas, grapefruits, apples, etc.). But given that the nutrition of most people is by no means balanced, and the amount of magnesium significantly decreases with stress and physical exertion, under the influence of alcohol, laxatives and diuretics, you can safely refer yourself to those to whom magnesium in the body is sorely lacking. Here are just some of the symptoms that can signal a lack of magnesium: dizziness, mood swings, numbness of limbs, frequent fatigue, constipation, arrhythmias, brittle nails and even arthritis and osteoporosis.

It becomes clear that "Motherwort-forte," supplying the body with magnesium, has a much more noticeable effect on the nervous and cardiovascular system than a conventional motherwort. But just add magnesium to the drug is not enough, most of the magnesium in this case would have been transit through our body, without having a special effect on it. Due to the fact that the preparation "Pustyrnik-forte" includes vitamin B6, it turns out to be so effective, justifying the prefix "forte".

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