
Cream "King of Skin": reviews. Ointment "King of Skin" for the treatment of psoriasis and eczema

Psoriasis and eczema are diseases that are unlikely to place you in a hospital bed or make them a deep invalid, they do not die from them. But a person who suffers from psoriasis or eczema, essentially loses quality of life, his skin looks unaesthetic, which brings the patient a lot of experience. In addition, cracks and microscopic skin lesions serve as input gates for various kinds of infections.

How to live with it

If you are diagnosed with psoriasis or eczema, do not panic. To date, the pharmacological industry offers many fairly effective drugs, the use of which will help you maintain skin health in a satisfactory condition. According to the testimony of many patients with "experience", well-being in the treatment and methods of alternative medicine.

Undoubted leader in the development and improvement of such tools is China. In this country, carefully collected, cherished and improved experience, which has come from the depths of centuries.

What does eastern medicine offer?

To treat psoriasis and eczema, you can recommend an effective drug called "King of Skin" - a Chinese cream. When it was made, special recipes for oriental medicine were used. This cream, reviews about which application in the majority positive, will allow to eliminate in a short time the manifestations of psoriasis and eczema.

Ointment can be used as an aid in the treatment of neurodermatitis, acne, fungal infection, allergic rash, skin cracks and abrasions.

"King of Skin": instructions for use

In order to ensure maximum effect of the cream, it is recommended to apply a thin layer on the damaged areas twice a day. The course of therapy - five days, but if necessary, you can extend the treatment for a longer period. Cream you should apply patting movements, not rubbing. It is necessary to leave the remedy on the affected area until it is completely absorbed. After several applications, the signs of the disease will gradually disappear, the skin will again become elastic and soft, will get a normal color.

If the disease is chronic, and the area of the lesion is large, the course of treatment is increased to 21 days.

What is the healing power?

Thanks to what the cream "King of Skin" works so effectively? The composition of the drug came to us from hoary antiquity. The progenitor of the cream was a remedy that was used in ancient China long before the appearance of the pharmacological industry as such. With the development of medicine and science, the acquisition of knowledge about the properties of medicinal plants and substances by mankind, the remedy has been improved, while preserving the principle of action and the main acting components. The cream "King of Skin" contains:

  • Sandal - a natural anti-inflammatory agent, has a calming effect, eliminates itching;
  • Ketoconazole - a hormonal component with antifungal and antimicrobial effect;
  • Kapoor kochari - natural antiseptic, which removes the inflammatory process;
  • Curcuma is a neutralizer of toxins, an antioxidant;
  • Tulasi is an emollient that has high antiseptic properties;
  • Niim - a soothing substance that helps to reduce itching and flaking;
  • Estimadhu is an anti-inflammatory and moisturizer.

In the composition of the medicament only quality ingredients. The cream "King of Skin" includes substances of natural origin, is hypoallergenic. Does not contain components that are only released on prescription. The manufacturer keeps the quality of the products under strict control, so the buyer is insured against the negative consequences by purchasing the original cream "King of Skin". Feedback from those who already use this drug, testify to its soft and gentle consistency, ease of application, the absence of an unpleasant smell, it does not leave on the clothes of fatty traces. It can be used on large areas of the body. Even prolonged use of such a tool as "King of Skin" (Chinese cream), does not cause addiction, and the termination of use does not threaten "withdrawal syndrome".

That the disease does not return

Cream "King of Skin" can also be used to prevent the occurrence of relapses. To do this, it is enough to apply a thin layer of ointment on the areas that in the past were affected by the disease.

Many helped cream "King of the skin." Buyers' testimonies indicate that psoriasis recedes already on the fifth day of treatment, only red patches remain from the plaques, a complete cure for eczema is observed after two weeks of systematic application of the cream.

Patient's opinions

For many people who suffer from eczema or psoriasis, choosing a therapy is a lengthy and costly process. These diseases are chronic, their causes have not yet been accurately established. Most drugs that dermatologists position as a panacea, in practice, do not bring the expected result. In addition, they can cause irreparable harm to the human body.

After the arrival of such a tool as the "King of Skin" on the market, customer testimonials indicate that many of them have already decided on themselves the problem of choosing a system of treatment and preventing relapses.

Patients who felt the effect of the cream, say about its high efficiency. In most cases, the regression of inflammation occurs already on 3-5 days, and in the case of the vastness of the process - on the 7-10 days after the start of the course of therapy. Buyers note the excellent softening and moisturizing qualities of the product.

There is an experience of using the cream "King of Skin", whose price is quite democratic, for the prevention of exacerbations of the disease. Also, the drug has a positive effect when used to treat acne, abrasions and scratches, allergic rashes.

Contraindications for use

Like many medicines, the cream "King of Skin" is not recommended for use during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and children under 1 year.

Contraindication to use is also individual intolerance of the drug, allergic reactions.

The cream for treatment of youthful acne, chickenpox, herpes, fungal infections is not intended.

With caution appoint this remedy to patients suffering from liver disease.

Results of treatment

Producers assure that the cream "King of Skin", whose price is in the range of 260 to 350 rubles per jar, while observing the instructions for use will allow to get rid of the manifestation of the disease in the shortest possible time. The effectiveness of the product is confirmed by clinical trials, the products are certified.

The high efficiency of all the components that make up the cream provides a quick recovery of the skin, affected by psoriasis or eczema. Therefore, the patients hope that the cream "King of Skin" will help them. Feedback from real buyers are encouraging. Clinical studies have shown that after 21 days of using this cream skin manifestations of the disease decreased in the majority of patients, and in the chronic course of the disease with large lesions there was a significant reduction in inflamed areas. Fast results after application and high efficiency are the main indicators that distinguish cream "King of Skin" from other drugs for the treatment of psoriasis and eczema.

What is the difference between cream and ointment "King of Skin"

The composition and principle of action of these drugs are identical. They differ only in the basis. The fatty base of the ointment does not contain water, so when applied to the skin a film is formed, which creates a greenhouse effect. The ointment penetrates deep into the dermis, enters the bloodstream and exerts a more pronounced effect on the affected skin.

The basis for the cream is easier, it does not allow to penetrate the medicine into the bloodstream, thanks to which it has only a local effect. The therapeutic effect of the cream is also resistant.

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