Health, Preparations
Tablets "Tsetrin": from what, how to take, feedback
With increased sensitivity of the body to certain substances, there is an inadequate response of the immune system - an allergy. To stop the attack, most people use various antihistamines. One of the most effective are the tablets "Tsetrin", which are prescribed for the treatment of both children and adults. The agent has many analogs with different therapeutic efficacy.
General information about the preparation
In recent years, the number of patients diagnosed with "allergies" has begun to increase. Increasingly, the population suffers not only from the pollen of plants and animal hair, but also atypical sensitivity to temperature changes (allergy to sun, frost). The unpleasant symptoms accompanying a pathological condition develop against a background of increased production of histamine. Eliminate the phenomenon and normalize the patient's condition only with the help of antihistamines. A powerful anti-edematous and antipruritic action is possessed by "Tsetrin".
What do these pills help with? The antiallergic agent refers to the second generation and is able to relieve the patient of the uncomfortable sensations that cause the ailment. The drug belongs to a group of selective histamin blockers.
Form of issue
The Indian pharmaceutical company produces "Cetrin" in the form of tablets and liquid (syrup). The latter type is often used in pediatric practice due to the ability to accurately calculate the dosage and sweet taste of the medication. The volume of the bottle can be 30 or 60 ml. In the form of tablets, the drug is used for children of the older age group and adults. The package contains 10, 20 or 30 tablets on blisters. The drug has no other forms of release.
What is included in the composition?
As the main active ingredient is cetirizine - a substance that provides blocking of H1-histamine receptors and a decrease in the manifestations of an allergic reaction. One tablet contains 10 mg of this component. Does not cause a pronounced sedative effect, like many antihistamines.
"Cetrin" has in the composition and auxiliary substances: cornstarch, magnesium stearate, lactose, povidone. In the syrup there are more additional components.
Therapeutic effect
The therapeutic effect is due to the presence in the composition of the substance cetirizine, which is able to prevent the histamine from binding to the receptors and, thereby, to eliminate the symptoms of an allergic reaction: tearing, redness of individual skin areas, itching, puffiness.
As a prophylaxis for the development of allergies, the "Cetrin" remedy can also be used. From what these pills are described in the instructions, but only a doctor should prescribe the medicine.
Anti-histamine drug can eliminate various skin reactions, including cold. With a mild stage of bronchial asthma, the drug reduces histamine-induced bronchoconstriction.
"Cetrin" refers to the second generation antiallergic drugs, which have a reduced effect on the work of the nervous system. That is, the tablets practically do not cause drowsiness, but at the same time they are less effective in relieving the allergic reaction. A more pronounced therapeutic effect is possessed by preparations of the previous generation, which have a powerful oppressive effect on the central nervous system.
Tablets "Tsetrin" from allergies can significantly reduce the number of eosinophils, which leads to a decrease in the severity of the late stage of the reaction to increased sensitivity. The inhibitory effect on cytokines causes an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces the negative reaction of the immune system.
When appoint?
Direct evidence for the use of the drug "Tetrin" is the presence in the patient's history of information about increased sensitivity to certain substances. Eliminate allergy symptoms with tablets in the following cases:
- Seasonal rhinitis.
- Pollinosis.
- Eczema.
- Bronchial asthma.
- Allergic conjunctivitis.
- Swelling of the Quincke.
- Hives.
- Dermatosis (allergic dermatitis or neurodermatitis).
- All-the-year-round rhinitis of an allergic type.
The drug is recommended as an anti-inflammatory drug for preventing and preventing deterioration. For example, "Citrine" significantly reduces the number of asthma attacks during the treatment and prevention of bronchial disease.
How to use?
Tablets "Tsetrin" are taken regardless of eating. Drink the medicine with a little water. Dosage depends on the severity of the patient's condition and age group. Adults and children may be prescribed 10 mg per day (1 tablet) or 0.5 mg twice a day. Relief of symptoms is observed already in 15-20 minutes after taking an antihistamine medication. The therapeutic effect persists for 24 hours. During this period, the patient practically does not observe characteristic for allergy symptoms.
The day after taking the pill, allergy symptoms will begin to resume, which indicates the need for repeated use of the drug. Before taking "Tsetrin", you should read the official instruction, get recommendations of an allergist doctor regarding the treatment of ailment. The specialist will help you understand the dosage of the drug and, possibly, prescribe an additional therapy.
Patients with renal or hepatic insufficiency should be dosed strictly by a doctor. Usually it is half the daily norm - 5 mg.
Is it possible to give the drug to children?
Starting from the age of 6, tablets "Tsetrin" can be used to treat allergic manifestations in toddlers. Doctors recommend using syrup for small patients. Liquid medicine is suitable for children 2-6 years. Dosage is determined based on the child's condition and the severity of the symptoms.
There is a practice of prescribing an antihistamine drug to babies of the first year of life. The agent in the form of a syrup should be used only after consultation with the doctor. The daily amount of the drug should not exceed 2.5 ml. Experts argue that the prevention of such a pathological phenomenon, as atopic march, is also in the power of the drug "Tsetrin". Dosage of the agent should not be determined on its own. Only in the event that the appointment of a specialist is observed, the patient's condition may be alleviated.
Antihistamine drug gently affects the activity of the baby's nervous system, allows him to calm down and fall asleep. Allergic skin reactions in most cases are treated at home. In addition to an antihistamine drug, additional local impact will be required.
Relative contraindications for use are renal failure and the age of the patient. In this case, only a specialist can make a decision about the need for treatment and adjust the individual scheme. In tablets "Tsetrin" for children It is contraindicated to give up to 6 years.
Avoid the use of antihistamine drug for intolerance of components in the composition. It is not allowed to take the drug during the period of gestation and lactation. For women in the position, doctors choose more sparing drugs that can relieve the unpleasant symptoms of an allergic reaction.
"Cetrin": Analogues
Cheaper drugs "Tsetrin" will cost patients the following drugs analogues:
- "Loratadin."
- Diazolin.
- "Cetirizine."
- Cetirinax.
- Suprastin.
- Letizen.
The most optimal substitute for Indian antihistamine medication can be chosen by the attending physician, taking into account the patient's anamnesis and sensitivity to the active ingredients. At the same time, many patients have the "Cetrin" remedy. Analogues are cheaper basically refer to antiallergic drugs of the first generation, which do not have a pronounced electoral activity and cause side effects from the functionality of the nervous system.
The most expensive are considered antihistamines belonging to the third generation. Drugs tend to act selectively and not influence the process of therapy on the central nervous system. Compared with first-generation drugs, they have the same powerful therapeutic effect. To this group of pharmaceutical products are such drugs as "Erius", "Claritin".
Suprastin is a proven antiallergic agent
An antihistamine drug of Hungarian origin has long been used to eliminate and arrest allergy symptoms. The active ingredient of Suprastin is chlorpyrramine hydrochloride. The drug belongs to the first generation and produces a pronounced sedative effect, related to side effects.
Choosing which antihistamine is best for treatment - "Suprastin" or "Cetrin" - should carefully read the instructions of each drug. Suprastin has an extended list of contraindications: peptic ulcer, prostatic hyperplasia, arrhythmia, asthma attacks, myocardial infarction, therapy with MAO inhibitors, urinary retention. There is also an impressive list of side effects, which include:
- Dizziness.
- Increased drowsiness.
- Arrhythmia.
- Attacks of nausea and vomiting.
- Ocular hypertension.
- Dysuria.
- Thrombocytopenia.
- Agranulocytosis.
- Encephalopathy.
- Impairment of vision.
Suprastin can be used to treat infants. The dosage of tablets is calculated by a specialist.
A popular antihistamine also belongs to the second generation. Available in the form of drops, syrup and tablets. The active substance is cetirizine hydrochloride, that is, the agent is a complete analogue of "Cetrin". Patients say that if the dosage prescribed by the doctor is observed, the drug does not cause sedation and does not affect the functioning of the central nervous system.
Contraindications for the use of Zodak - pregnancy, lactation, children under 1 year of age, hypersensitivity to substances in the composition.
Side effects of the drug "Tsetrin"
To avoid the occurrence of side effects, you should first read the annotation and understand how to take "Tsetrin". The drug in fact rarely enough causes negative reactions and is normally tolerated by the body. Side effects are possible on the part of the nervous system. The drug causes drowsiness, headache, increased excitement, weakness. There are much less frequent reactions from the digestive and immune systems: increased gas formation, constipation, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, skin rashes, itching.
Tablets "Tsetrin" is prescribed for taking courses of therapy. Prolonged use of the drug is undesirable. The medicine can be used for the purpose of prophylaxis during the period of danger of development of allergy symptoms.
Tablets "Tsetrin": price and reviews
Many people of different age groups experience symptoms of allergy. The most difficult is for patients with a congenital hypersensitivity to certain irritant substances. Antihistamines help cope with the problem and stop the development of allergic symptoms.
Positive recommendations deserved the drug "Tsetrin". The cost of it is available for most people who need antiallergic therapy, and is 130-170 rubles. For 20 tablets. The drug quickly copes even with strong allergy symptoms. The therapeutic effect lasts for 24 hours, after which a new dose of the drug should be taken. Only in rare cases, "Cetrin" was absolutely powerless and did not bring improvements. This suggests that each organism is individual.
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