HealthWomen Health

A smear on cytology that shows? Explanation of results

To date, the main method of examining internal female organs is a smear for cytology, which shows the development of infections and dangerous pathologies. It differs from other types of laboratory studies with a special set of dyes and fixatives, which increase the reliability of the final results.

What is a smear for cytology

Cytological smear ( Pap test, PAP test) is a laboratory microscopic examination of the upper cervical ball, designed for timely diagnosis of cancer. This method is the most painless, simple and fast among all known methods of examination.

Purpose of analysis

With the goal of preventing and preventing the development of dangerous diseases, cytology of the smear from the cervical canal is done for every woman. This analysis allows to reveal violations in the cellular structure of the cervix, which cause the development of cancer diseases. To avoid possible pathologies, all women should regularly visit a gynecologist. If the changes occur, they are fixed at an early stage, when the disease is treatable, and full recovery is possible.

In addition to cellular pathologies, a smear for cytology allows you to assess the mucosa and determines the presence of harmful microorganisms in the vagina. The PAP test does not determine the exact data of these parameters, therefore in such cases it is necessary to use additional methods of analysis.

Indications for the PAP test

A smear on cervical cytology is prescribed for all women after 18 years with a scheduled examination of the gynecologist once a year. Also indications for the analysis are: violation of menstruation, the presence of the papilloma virus and genital herpes, free sex, infertility, the use of hormonal contraceptives, the establishment of an intrauterine device, pregnancy planning. Infectious diseases often also serve as an excuse for taking a smear for cytology. What the result shows, only the specialist can determine.

Risk group

Regardless of age, there are certain factors, the impact of which increases the risk of oncology. With prolonged action on the female body, they weaken the immune system. Such a risk group includes women who have many sexual partners, smoke, have weak immunity, are carriers of viruses, have begun to have sex at an early age, and have had cancer diseases of the reproductive system in the past.

How is the smear done?

To obtain reliable results, a week before the analysis, the woman should stop taking antibiotics. The day before the study, you need to stop douche and put on vaginal suppositories and have sexual intercourse.

The fence of the smear is done on the armchair during the examination by a gynecologist. The doctor takes 3 swabs: from the walls of the vagina, from the cervical canal (cervical canal) and from the mouth of the paraurethral throats. This procedure is completely painless. A gynecological mirror and a spatula are used to take the smear. To ensure that the objects are not cold and do not create unpleasant sensations, they can be heated with hot water before use.

At the next stage, the doctor applies the test material to a special glass, on which the laboratory analysis of the smear for cytology will already take place under the microscope.

Interpretation of research results

The last and most important stage of the study is the transcript of the smear for cytology. According to the analysis, the doctor can obtain information about the state of the epithelium, the presence of inflammation and the composition of microflora. In modern medical practice for the interpretation of the results of the smear, the Pap test is widely used, according to which five stages of development of pathologies are distinguished.

Stage 1 - there are no deviations, cytology is normal. This stage is indicative of a woman's health.

Stage 2 - with routine examination or complaints, the woman gives a smear to the cytology, which shows a slight change in the structure of the cells. It is caused by inflammation of the internal genital organs. This stage is also considered the norm, but more thorough research is needed to establish the cause of the disease.

Stage 3 - a small number of cells with anomalies in the structure of nuclei was found. In this case it is necessary to take a repeated smear and conduct a histological examination of the tissue.

Stage 4 - during the analysis, it is possible to identify cells with malignant changes. For example, the increased mass of nuclei, changes in the cytoplasm and chromosomes. The result obtained is not a definitive diagnosis, but serves as an excuse for further examination.

Stage 5 - in smears, cancer cells are present in large numbers.

Decoding the smear for cytology can take some time. It usually takes a few days, but there are times when you need to wait a week for the results.

The reliability of the results of the Papanicolaou method is very high, especially when a smear is examined for the cytology of the cervix. But the analysis of the condition of the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes, this analysis does not give any information. There are times when a PAP test gives false data. Therefore, for an accurate interpretation of the results it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination.

Positive results: types of pathologies

If the findings of the study meet the standards, then there are no deviations, and the woman is healthy. In case of positive results, pathology develops.

The detection of abnormal cells does not always indicate the presence of cancer. Often during a PAP test, dangerous infectious diseases are found.

1. Papillomavirus infection - the formation of genital warts in the vagina and the cervix. This virus is very dangerous for women's health.

2. Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted infection. Basically, this disease occurs without severe symptoms. In addition, it is difficult to diagnose by laboratory. This makes treatment difficult, and his absence threatens with serious complications.

3. Trichomoniasis is a popular venereal disease. The main symptoms of the disease: itching, yellow-green discharge, discomfort during urination and during sexual intercourse. Timely diagnosis of pathology can completely cure the disease.

4. Gonorrhea is an infectious disease of the genitourinary system. Chronic form of the disease is often the cause of infertility in women.

5. Yeast infection is the growth of the fungus living in the vagina. For some reason, its reproduction goes out of control, and inflammation occurs. It is accompanied by irritation and itching, white discharge with a characteristic odor.

If the result of the smear test is positive because of the presence of infection, the diagnosed diseases should be treated. Very often it is difficult to determine the cancer precisely because of viruses. Therefore, after the course of therapy, it is necessary to repeat the analysis in order to obtain more accurate data.

Depending on the pathology, it is sometimes necessary to take a repeated smear for cytology, which shows the dynamics of changes in the structure of cells for a certain period.

Fetal smear during pregnancy

At the slightest suspicion of the presence of harmful fetal infections and fungi, cytology is often used. Inflammatory type of smear allows to diagnose pathological processes if a woman complains of burning and itching of external genital organs, changes in color and odor of secretions. To analyze the condition of the vaginal microflora in pregnant women, a smear for cytology is made at least three times. If necessary, the doctor can appoint additional PAP tests.

Conducting a PAP test for pregnant women occurs according to the usual technology.

Possible complications after taking a smear

Taking a smear for cytology should be done by a specialist doctor who owns the technique of this process. After the PAP test, some complications are possible. Most often they manifest severe pain after manipulation and bloody discharge within a day or a little longer. Such symptoms are considered quite normal and do not require treatment. If the study shows severe abdominal pain, fever and chills, you should see a doctor.

Cytology of the smear from the cervical canal with an incorrect fence, too, sometimes has dangerous consequences. With rough intervention, stenosis provoked by adhesions can develop. For this reason, it is not accepted to carry out a preventive swab taking in deep places of the cervical canal.

Within a week after the PAP test, you should abandon the intimate relationship, douching and use of tampons.

Cytological smear is considered the best method of detecting cervical cancer even at the first stages of development. But even the best laboratories sometimes can not detect cell changes. Therefore, for a greater probability of finding a pathology, you need to give a smear every year.

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