
Why is the engine moving away? Ways to solve the problem and recommendations

Sometimes the engine spontaneously increases the speed. Values can be as high as possible. This situation is not controlled in any way. The driver can even immediately and do not understand what happened. This phenomenon is very dangerous. Particularly susceptible to it diesel engines. Many experienced diesels call them "devil's motors", although in reality this situation is called in a different way. Petrol engines with this "behavior" behave the same as diesel engines. Experienced drivers in such cases say that the engine went into raznos. Let's find out what's driving the engine and how to deal with this problem.

Characteristics of the phenomenon

So, what does "engine in races" mean? The picture is not pleasant - the diesel engine is gaining momentum, they are constantly and uncontrollably growing. The arrow instantly goes into the red zone. All this is accompanied by a terrible noise, black smoke, soot, sometimes a flame bursts out of the exhaust pipe with a bonus. All this suggests that the engine is going to rake, or rather, does not go, but has already come.

Than it is dangerous: the size of risks

There are always two options for developing this not-so-pleasant situation. And here, as well as always, one option is extremely dangerous in itself, the second is very unpleasant. If the engine goes off while driving, then the car turns into an angry beast. The car quickly and suddenly accelerates. In the worst case, this will lead to an accident, perhaps even with a fatal outcome. In general, the outcome of the situation depends on the driver's level, his skill and adequacy. This is where the skills that are taught in extreme driving courses can come in handy. In the second case, the situation is slightly different. The car is parked or parked, the gearbox is installed in a neutral position. The engine, going to maximum speed, will continue to rotate until either it stops or just fails. By the way, smoke is the minimum effect. Most often the sudden high loads of the motor just tear to pieces. Depending on some conditions, the power unit seems to burst out. At first, the cylinder head will fly away from the increased loads, then the engine will spit out the rest of the parts in the parking or parking area.


The engine can be driven off for several reasons. They differ for diesel engines and carburettors (namely such a gasoline unit in the risk group). For a better understanding of the reasons it is necessary to recall the principle of operation of diesel engines. Fuel is supplied under air pressure to the combustion chambers. To ignite, do not need sparks or anything else. While air is in the combustion chambers, diesel fuel will successfully ignite and the unit will work. Consider the main problems that cause engine spacing. The reasons are different, but there are not many.

Fuel rail of high-pressure pump

This part can be jammed in the injection pump. The pump is driven by the crankshaft of the engine through the gearbox. If this rail jams, then the unit stalls or it will sharply gain momentum. Diesel fuel is poured into the combustion chambers under good pressure. The gas distributing mechanism does not physically have time to respond to the situation at the required speed. As a result - overheating, after which the valves are bent and the pistons are melted. If you do not muffle the motor in this condition, it may explode.

Malfunctions of the turbine

Compression in the engine can reach 28-36 atmospheres. This means that at the end of the compression cycle, the temperature will rise. If there are some malfunctions with the turbine, then the oil will inevitably leak, and in fact it has the property of burning. Diesel fuel is mixed with oil. And already in the raznos engine goes to the full program - in itself is gaining momentum, noise and smoke. The oil pressure rises, and then the lubricant is also sent to the cylinders. So the motor works until the smoke goes strong. Still spacing can provoke a high load.

Operation of the accelerator pedal

On early cars, it became a frequent cause of problems. Modern motors are no longer scary - here the ECU independently limits or increases the amount of fuel fed into the cylinders. It's enough for a split second to make the right decision. The driver should take care only of that in chambers of combustion there was no oil.

Piston rings

If the rings on the pistons are worn, then there is a depressurization. Oil unhinderedly enters the cylinders through the system of ventilation of crankcase gases. It is in connection with the exhaust manifold. If the rings are bad enough, then the crankcase gets excess pressure, and the cylinder produces steam. It turns out a vicious circle. And the chances of the engine "going crazy" are increasing.

Why does this happen and what should I do?

The malfunction associated with the oil entering the exhaust manifold can be quite dangerous. It is the cause of ignition in the exhaust manifold. Also, due to overheating, the engine sticks. And as already noted, the motor is completely destroyed due to increased mechanical loads. So, why the engine goes in raznos, we understand. The reasons can be different, and to eliminate this phenomenon it is important to know what exactly caused this behavior of the motor. If black smoke is poured from the exhaust pipe, and the revolutions are rapidly growing, the turbine is likely to be the problem. One of the typical causes of turbocharger malfunctions is oil leakage. In this case, even if you muffle the engine, it will still work in oil. Overheating will be observed in the event of a breakdown of the fuel injection pump rail. This can be determined by the characteristic black color of the fuel in the return. Also it will bubble.

How to stop the engine, if he left in raznos

It is necessary to know what to do if the engine goes into rags. This will help save the life of both the motor and owner. So, in order to stop the separation, it is necessary to reduce the supply of fuel or completely to remove the supply of air. If the situation is out of control during the movement, then the best way out is to increase the load. Such a step will help to somehow normalize the work. If the separation starts, and the driver is behind the wheel, he will surely feel a sudden acceleration. It is necessary to remove the foot from the accelerator and press the brakes - it is important to monitor the vehicles from behind. The main thing here is to prevent an accident. Experts do not recommend to appreciate the engine above human life. Let it go "for all money" and rotates on the turns close to the clouds. You can put a neutral transmission - the car stops gaining speed. In any case, you need to cuddle to the side of the road. If the car is equipped with automatic transmission, do not panic. Such transmissions also have a neutral transmission, it can be set manually. Some boxes can even help stop the car on the go.

If there is fear

And the car was stopped, but the engine is still running. What to do next? If there is fear (and it may well be - the situation is far from ordinary), then you can leave it to work on the back. Someday the fuel will end, or the nodes simply will not withstand excessive loads. It is also best to warn others about this situation.

If there is no fear

When there are no fears, you need to act. It should be clear what to do if the engine went into rags. Here everything is simple. It is necessary to muffle the motor. Of course, after turning the ignition key, it does not stall. The fastest way is to use a fire extinguisher. The contents of the balloon are sprayed everywhere in the engine compartment. Carbon dioxide will replace air, and it is not suitable for the operation of the unit. This will cause the engine to stop. Also, this approach can help if flammable gases are released into the atmosphere around the machine. When from the exhaust pipe come out a club of thick black smoke, it is better to move away from the car far away and urgently call an emergency service. If there is no fire extinguisher, then you can try to manually block the air access to the cylinders. Suitable rag, plywood or something else. If the intake manifold is closed and the motor is still running, this indicates that the air is passing somewhere. In the event that the car is equipped with manual transmission, it is put on maximum gear and trying to brake. This will give a lot of resistance, and the engine must die out.

What to do after stopping the engine

If the work of the "hellish machine" could be stopped, do not take risks and try to start the engine again. If this problem caught the driver on the road, it is better to leave the car somewhere safe, turn on the alarm and use the services of the tow truck. Then the way lies in the SRT, to the qualified masters.

How to prevent a catastrophe?

Those who have at least once seen the spacing of the engine, what it is and how to fix it, know and recommend to regularly take the TO. It is also necessary to monitor the operation of the fuel injection pump, the centrifugal regulator, the turbine and change the consumables in time.

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