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Condylomata in an intimate place. Removal of condylomas

Benign neoplasms on the genitals are called genital warts or otherwise genital warts. Outwardly, these formations are similar to the comb of a rooster or cauliflower and have pointed processes, for which they were called condylomas in an intimate place. This growth of the epithelium on the genital organs and perianal region is the result of infection with the human papillomavirus.

The concept of condyloma

The disease was known to doctors in ancient Greece, then it was called condyloma. Hippocrates in their writings called them genital warts. At that time, there was continued debate about the nature of the appearance of condyloma in intimate places, photo Which are presented below. Someone from the ancient doctors believed that they were inherited, and someone - that this punishment for too much love.

In the late nineteenth century, such warts were viruses. Only then did it become possible to study in detail the virus of the papilloma.

Risk factors

Condylomas appear both in men and in women. They are usually located not in one group, but in groups. Men generally have warts on the penis, on the head and under the foreskin. In women, however, condylomata appear on the vagina at its entrance or on the walls. They can also appear on the labia, cervix and clitoris. The representatives of both sexes have condylomas in the anus. It used to be believed that condylomas on the penis Can only be in homosexuals, but it's not. In men with heterosexual orientation, condylomas are also found, including in the anus.

The risk of contracting from a partner who has genital warts is very high and is about 80%. The incubation period is from one to eight months. Such a virus can be dormant in the body for several years, and sometimes all life.

Symptoms and manifestations

In appearance, there are several varieties of genital warts: peaked, keratinizing, flat and papular. Pointed warts on the mucous membranes look like soft pointed papules on a pedicle or on a wide base. The appearance of genital warts often depends on their location. In the groin and gluteal fold they rise above the skin and have an uneven surface. On mucous membranes they are usually pink or reddish. The condyloma on the labia has the form of dense papules with areas of keratinization.

Patients often complain that during sexual intercourse and after it there are very unpleasant sensations, itching during walking, as well as an extraneous smell and abundant discharge.

The course of the disease in pregnant women with diabetes mellitus in HIV-infected patients is particularly difficult. Pregnancy accelerates the growth of neoplasms, in the most severe cases of condyloma in an intimate place prevent the bearing and the birth of the fetus. And also can cause a rupture of the vagina, in such cases, a caesarean section is always prescribed. In newborn infants in very rare cases, the virus can cause laryngeal papillomatosis. For children, such a diagnosis threatens life, while in adults it passes without complications.

Removal of genital warts by electrocoagulation, laser and cryodestruction have no contraindications to pregnancy and do not cause complications in the parturient and fetus.

Causes of appearance

The reason that condylomas appear in an intimate place is the human papillomavirus. It infects the body after sexual contact with the carrier of the disease without the use of contraceptives. Being rooted in the body, the virus begins to manifest itself in the form of benign neoplasms in intimate places. Only appearing, condylomas usually do not give any unpleasant sensations.

Diagnosis of the disease

Without a qualified specialist, the problem can not be solved. And if in the groin area you can see condylomas on the genitals yourself, then the doctor will examine all warts on a thorough examination. Modern medicine offers many ways to identify this problem:

  • Normal gynecological examination - gives a complete picture of the lesion of the walls of the uterus and the vagina;
  • Anoscopy - examination of the anus area for the presence of genital warts;
  • Urethroscopy - is performed if there is a suspected infection of the urethra;
  • Cytological examination of the smear from the cervix;
  • Treatment of suspicious areas with a solution of acetic acid (after a few minutes, condylomas are whitened and can be seen with a calposcope).

Examination for the presence of condyloma in an intimate place must necessarily include an analysis of gonorrhea, syphilis and HIV, as, for example, wide condylomas are secondary signs of syphilis. Diseases that are sexually transmitted often combine with each other and have common symptoms.

Treatment of genital warts with folk remedies

There are many folk methods for removing genital warts. For example, with the help of aloe (Kalanchoe). Compress of fresh leaves, mashed into gruel, put on warts for 5-6 hours twice a day. If the condyloma is on the labia, it can also be treated with celandine juice, here the main thing is that the remedy falls only on the wart.

The lubrication of the condyloma with a tincture of propolis twice a day after a week should give the result.

Medical treatment of genital warts

Modern medicine offers us proven means for combating warts. Cream "Aldara" stimulates the production of interferon (antiviral substance) and increases the immunity of the whole organism. The cream should be used until the warts completely disappear, but not more than four months.

The drug "Condilin" has a local necrotizing effect. The treatment scheme is the following: warts are processed twice a day for three days, then a four-day break should be done. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated. The duration of treatment should not be more than 5 weeks.

After the doctor confirmed the presence of condyloma in an intimate place, you need to start treatment. It should be carried out simultaneously in two directions: restoration of immunity and local treatment of papillomatosis.

Removal methods

Removal of genital warts in intimate places involves resorting to various modern methods:

  • Electrocoagulation.
  • Surgical excision.
  • Radio wave therapy (healing period about two weeks).
  • Laser removal (many pluses, can be used on any part of the body, but heals long).
  • Treatment with liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy) - heals about two weeks, a small scar remains at the treatment site.

Most methods are effective only by 65-70% and the frequency of relapses is about 25%. When choosing a method of treatment, it is important to take into account both the doctor's experience and the opinion of the patient himself. The doctor is obliged to tell about all side effects and disadvantages of the chosen method of treatment.

If you leave the condyloma without any treatment, there are three possible developments. First, they can spontaneously resolve. Clinical studies have shown that in patients with healthy immunity this process took about 3 months. Secondly, condylomas can continue to grow. Third, education can remain unchanged.


To prevent the occurrence of genital warts, you need to know the reasons for their occurrence and avoid them in every possible way. Random sex, often changing sexual partners, lack of contraceptive means - all this leads to sexual infections.

Risk factors also include neglect of hygiene rules. You can get infected in the pool, sauna or public bath, if the naked body comes into contact with shelves, benches. Do not use other people's hygiene products, always have their own bathroom accessories and a towel.

Frequent stress, weakening of the body due to reduced immunity and vitamin deficiency also contribute to the development of the virus.

What is important is that there is no method to completely cure the papilloma virus. You can remove genital warts (condylomas) and alleviate the condition of the patient, but the risk of spreading the infection will still remain. The virus continues to "live" in the tissues that surrounded the condyloma, and can cause a relapse.

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