
What is myrtle? Care of the plant at home

In the world there is a huge number of plants that are grown not only on the plot, but also at home. Many are very difficult to decide the choice. After all, some plants are capricious, and some require careful care. What is myrtle? Most beginning flower growers believe that this is not an indoor plant and it will not grow at home. However, this is a common misconception.

What is myrtle?

The plant myrtle is a representative of the genus of evergreen trees belonging to the Myrtov family. Their flowers contain a large amount of essential oil. This plant grows, as a rule, in the north of the African continent, as well as in the countries of the Mediterranean and the Azores. The name is very much in tune with the Greek word "myrrh". In translation, this means a liquid incense, balm. Essential oil of this plant is used in the temples of many religious faiths as a cult attribute. So what is myrtle?

History of the plant

Myrtle is a home plant that has its own history. As a glossy legend, Adam, driven out of their Eden, brought with him to earth this wonderful flower. Myrtle was supposed to remind him of the paradise he had lost. It should be noted that many peoples have their own beliefs, signs, rituals, traditions and rituals, where this plant occupies a key place. Long since this amazing tree is considered a symbol of hope, peace and glory.

The ancestors of this plant had not only a cult purpose, but also cosmetic, and medical. It should be noted that some products, which include myrtle components, are in great demand today.

Description of the plant

Myrtle is a plant whose photo is presented above, not particularly demanding in nursing. At the moment there are about 100 species. The tree in the places of its growth can reach a height of more than 3 meters. Of course, this is not typical for all varieties. Room myrtle, even under favorable conditions, can reach a height of not more than 1 meter. Most often, myrtle, grown at home, is a tree with a neat and round crown. Its height can be from 30 to 60 centimeters.

Leaflets of this plant are small and leathery, as if polished. They are located oppositely and seldom on rather short petioles. The foliage has an elongated shape and a pointed vertex. Flowers in myrtle can be terry or ordinary, collected in inflorescences or solitary. It all depends on the variety of the plant. Myrtle has a kind of fruit. It can be a berry-drupe or a nut. The Myrtov family includes such popular and useful plants as clove and tea tree, eucalyptus.

Can I grow from seed

How to grow myrtle from seeds? Houseplant, care for which the forces are even the most lazy, if necessary, can be grown from seeds. First, prepare the substrate. To do this, the tank should mix peat and sand in equal proportions. A layer of substrate is poured into the pot. Its thickness should be from 7 to 10 centimeters. Seeds are sown over the substrate. In the end you need to sprinkle everything with soil. The top layer of the substrate should have a thickness of not more than 5 centimeters.

The container with the planted seeds is covered with glass and placed in a place where the air temperature is at least 20 ° C. Regularly sowing should be moistened and ventilated. Often, condensation accumulates on the glass. It is recommended to delete it.

A few weeks later, the first shoots should appear. When 2 or 3 real leaves are inserted in the seedlings, they must be dived into separate containers with a substrate of sand and peat. When transplanting, be careful. After all, the root neck should remain above the surface of the substrate. After a month, it is recommended to plant the planting. To do this, use nitrogen fertilizers.

Things to Consider

Plant myrtle, care at home for which should be carried out according to all rules, if desired and patience can be grown from seeds. However, it is worth considering what a plant is:

  1. Can not save all varietal characteristics.
  2. Blossoms only 5 years after germination.

In addition, the germination of the seeds of such a plant is significantly reduced after a year of storage. It is very difficult to obtain such planting material, as this requires artificial pollination of flowers.

Selecting a location and temperature mode

To look after a myrtle at home is possible for everyone. This procedure includes feeding, pruning, watering, and creating favorable conditions for normal plant growth. Myrtle Ordinary is a plant that prefers the eastern, western and southern window sills. The tree can withstand not only drafts, but also significant temperature changes, and direct sun rays. It is worth noting that when there is a shortage of light myrtle does not bloom.

In summer the plant prefers fresh air. Therefore, the pot with myrtle can be taken out into the street. In winter, the plant needs coolness. During this period, the myrtle should be placed in a place where the temperature index is from 5 to 10 ° C. It is best to plant a plant on an unheated, but glazed balcony.

How to water

Myrtle is a house plant, care for which should be carried out, observing certain rules. This applies not only to accommodation, but also to watering. In the warm period, watering should be abundant. It is not recommended to wait for the upper layer of the substrate to dry out. However, do not pour a lot of water. Otherwise, the roots of the plant will begin to rot.

In winter, the plant needs less moisture. However, if the myrtle is in a heated room, then it should be watered, as in the summer. In this case, there is a need for regular foliar spraying. This procedure is required once a day. After all, the myrtle needs high humidity.

Top dressing

Approximately from March to August itself, there is a need for regular plant nutrition. Apply fertilizer at least once every 7-14 days. The main thing is to choose the right fertilizing. If the myrtle is grown as a bonsai, and for you it does not really matter its flowering, then you can use complex fertilizers designed for ornamental plants. Their choice is great enough. In other cases it is necessary to use top dressing for flowering plants.

It is worth noting that myrtle has a fairly long period of rest. If the plant hibernates in a cold room, then its rest can last for 3 months. If the myrtle is in bright light and warm, then the rest period is no more than 1.5 months.

Pruning plants

If desired, the crown of myrtle can be given almost any shape. Most often, the plant is made in the form of a stump tree. If there is no desire, then it is possible not to cut the myrtle at all. However, in this case, the tree can look unattractive.

In any case, experts do not recommend taking a great interest in pinching the lateral young shoots. This can have a negative effect on the state of myrtle. Of course, this plant is quickly restored and grows rapidly, but it is not worth cutting off branches during a rest period. To give the crown the desired form is recommended after flowering or in the beginning of spring.


Young seedlings are recommended to be transplanted once a year. As for adult plants, this procedure is carried out as necessary. To determine the transplant time, it is worth paying attention to the soil in the pot. If the substrate dries a day after watering, then it is worthwhile to increase the capacity of the container. When transplanting, it is important to choose the right pot. Its diameter should be several centimeters greater than the previous one. It is recommended to conduct such an event in the spring, by transferring myrtle to a new container from the old one. This method allows you to exclude trauma to the root system.

Is the plant useful?

Than so useful myrtle? The properties of the plant are simply unique. Its fruits and shoots contain a large number of active ingredients and essential oil. These substances have antibacterial action. In Soviet times, scientists developed a drug. The drug was made from myrtle leaves. Studies, as well as many years of experience have proven the effectiveness of such tinctures in diabetes mellitus, chronic bronchitis and pneumonia.

The drug from myrtle allows to cope with a staphylococcal infection and a tubercle bacillus, resistant to antibiotics. In addition, tincture eliminates cough in smokers and stimulates all vital processes, contributes to increased efficiency and endurance.

This drug has no side effects and it is prescribed to children from the first year of life. Experts recommend placing the myrtle in the room where the small child is, since this plant perfectly cleans the air, making it more healthy.

In conclusion

Now you know what myrtle is, and how to grow it at home. This unpretentious plant, which does not require special care. It is able to please not only its beauty, but also to be useful. Myrtle properties are unique. After all, this plant is able to purify the air in the premises, the area of which is up to 20 m 2 . In addition, the drug on its basis allows you to get rid of many diseases of the respiratory system and not only.

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