
"Clever": a synonym, shades of meaning, the scope of the use of the word

The richness and expressiveness of any language is determined not only by the number of words that make up its composition, but also by the spheres of their use, by semantic diversity, by the combination possibilities, and by means of the formation of new lexemes on the basis of already existing ones. Synonymous and antonymous connections and paradigms, the phenomena of polysemy also contribute to the development of language. Due to its wide possibilities, Russian speech is a living, mobile phenomenon, responsive to any processes occurring in society and reflecting them. Therefore, it is absolutely true that the people's life is reflected, first of all, in its language.

What does it mean to be smart?

One of the basic concepts of lexicology is unambiguous and polysemantic. Linguists have established that each word can have one or more semantic meanings, the main ones of which are described in explanatory dictionaries. The contextual environment, synonymous series, helps to reveal their semantic nuances. Take, for example, the word "smart". A synonym for it is selected "on the move" - a knower. However, it does not reflect the whole spectrum of meaning, but its small part. In fact, the word association causes a lot more.

The Tale of the King

The famous writer Andersen has a poignant tale, addressed not so much to children as to adults - about the king who appeared before the people in a nude. The deceivers-tailors announced to him that they would sew a wonderful outfit from such a material, which only the clever man can see (a synonym in this case is a person who takes his place). Neither the most august person, nor his courtiers did not want to admit that they did not see any strings in the hands of crooks. After all, no one wants to be known as a fool, sitting on someone else's throne or minister's chair. And only the child, whose soul and consciousness were still sincere and spontaneous, was not afraid to exclaim that the king was naked! This example points to another semantic tinge of the word "smart", the synonym of which is "honest, truthful, fair, sincere."

Etymological data

Let's try to establish how the lexeme came into our speech. According to the dictionary of Fasmer, it comes from the pre-Slavic form "mind". It is from the language-basis common to all Slavic peoples that the Old Russian word "um", the Old Slavonic version of it, followed by the Russian, Ukrainian, Byelorussian, etc., took place. There is the word "smart" synonym and with Latin roots - "aumuõ", that is reason, and "aumenis" - "memory", as well as its quite provable connection with the Old Slavonic roots.

Excursion in dictionaries

Let us now consider how the lexeme is interpreted in explanatory dictionaries. This will help to isolate the shades of meaning and possible options for its consumption in speech, in fiction, etc.

  • Let's start with a dictionary edited by Efremova. In it the interpretation of the word is given, proceeding from his partial affiliation. For example, if we consider the pronoun "smart", its meaning is: "one who has a clear mind, good sense, good." If as an adjective, then it is related to the corresponding noun: "sensible - a person / smart, intelligent animal." This is a direct value. But there is also a portable one. According to him, the synonym is "clever" - skillful (skillful hands), reasonable (intelligent computer machine), sane, scholar.
  • Explanatory academic dictionary - in it the meaning of the word is interpreted as "possessing ingenuity, a sound mind, prudent". For example: "Thema, be smart, do not blossom!"
  • In the dictionary, Kuznetsov differentiates the meaning of the lexeme depending on who is talking about - a person or an animal. In the first case, the interpretation is: "smart - one who has a sensible mind", in the second - "smart, intelligent". For example, "smart girl", "smart cat". This value is primary, basic. The secondary, derivative, corresponds to such an explanation: "intelligent - born of the mind, an indicator of judiciousness, education." Examples: "smart film - meaningful; An intelligent act is judicious. "
  • One of the most respected and fundamental linguistic publications is the Explanatory Dictionary of Ozhegov and Shvedova. The interpretation in it of the word "clever" is close to the interpretation of Kuznetsova. Namely, the primary: "intelligent - possessing the mind or expressing it." For example, "smart look, face, mentor." In a figurative sense, this can be "smart article", "smart speech". Secondary sense: "intelligent, created by the mind" - "smart to do."

Pairs of synonyms and antonyms

The analysis of the lexical meaning of the word we are interested in will be incomplete without taking into account its synonymous links and the paradigm of the antonyms. To identify them, we turn again to the dictionaries. What synonym for the word "smart" is offered by reference books? This and "reasonable", "smart", "wise", "sensible", "intelligent", "intelligent", "intelligent", "thinking", conversational "brainy", "brainy", "heady". All of them are united by a common sema: "the presence of the mind." So, in Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit", Famusov speaks about Chatsky, that he is "small with a head / And gloriously writes, translates." Another vivid example of synonymization is the phraseology "head on shoulders". Used in a figurative meaning (characteristic of idioms), he realizes the same meaning: "A person in this life will never fail if he has a head on his shoulders. From any position the output will find and a piece of bread will always be given. " As for the antonyms, they are also obvious: "stupid", "stupid", "unconscious", "unconscious", "dull", "headless".

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