Health, Diseases and Conditions
Chronic urticaria: etiology, simmatology
Chronic urticaria is a disease characterized by the development of allergic reactions in the body. Contact with the allergen leads to inflammation of the skin, including nerves and vessels localized in the dermis.
Chronic urticaria: pathogenesis
Most scientists are of the opinion that the clinic of chronic urticaria is primarily associated with the activation of mast cells of the skin.
Chronic urticaria: symptomatology
The main clinical sign of the presented disease are erythematous itching blisters that rise above the surface of the skin. The size of the blisters varies from a few millimeters to three to five centimeters, they constantly change their location, often recur.
These persistent clinical signs do not pose a threat to human life, but sometimes lead to disability, significantly impair quality of life, cause considerable discomfort. The patients develop insomnia, daily activity decreases. Patients tend to be isolated from society, which is associated with cosmetic defects.
Chronic urticaria: treatment
Therapeutic methods of treatment of chronic urticaria are aimed at identifying, as well as eliminating all the allergenic factors. It is worth noting that in most cases it is not possible to find the allergen, which causes the development of this pathology. Treatment of chronic urticaria requires careful examination of the patient, and without consulting a dermatologist, treatment of this pathology is impossible. In the course of treatment, the patient is usually prescribed antihistamines ("Chloropyramine", "Mebrogrolin", "Clemastin", "Diphenhydramine", "Cyproheptadine"), anti-inflammatory, antioxidant drugs, in severe cases, hormones (corticosteroids, glucocorticoids) are used.
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