HealthDiseases and Conditions

Flatulence during pregnancy is quite victorious

A flatulence is called bloating, when the accumulation of gases in the intestine presses against the walls, creating a feeling of heaviness, discomfort, and pain in the stomach. Normally, any person produces gases that are a product of the activity of the intestinal microflora, but they do not always cause bloating. Accumulation of excessive amounts of gases can be facilitated by unheated and quickly swallowed food. People chewing gum, heavy smokers - also swallow more air. Increase the volume of gases in the intestine can many products, for example, carbonated drinks, black bread, cereals, vegetables.

The causes of flatulence can be pathologies. This is a dysbacteriosis, various inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract - pancreatitis, colitis, cirrhosis, enteritis, etc. Acute food poisoning is also often accompanied by flatulence.

Bloating during pregnancy, that is, flatulence in pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon. At women there is a burp, feeling of overfilling of a stomach, a rumbling, sometimes pains in the bottom of a stomach. This may be due, first, to a deterioration in the digestibility of food (the enzyme apparatus of the pancreas does not work well enough), and secondly, by increasing the pressure on the intestine of the enlarged uterus, which leads to disturbances in its work. Meteorism during pregnancy can sometimes be associated with changes in the hormonal background, in particular, the high content of progesterone in the blood leads to a relaxation of smooth muscles, including the uterus and intestines. If the first is necessary for pregnancy to proceed normally, the second leads to frequent constipation and flatulence.

Severe flatulence that occurred unexpectedly, the first time, and not going for several days, should be discussed with the attending physician, as this may be a signal of a serious disease - pancreatitis or colitis, and not just a consequence of pregnancy.

Flatulence during pregnancy Can be overcome by adjusting the diet. It should be temporarily abandoned legumes, black bread, cabbage, carbonated drinks. Any fruits and vegetables should be consumed in small quantities. To facilitate digestion it is desirable to eat small portions, but more often - a day 5-6 times. Before eating well, take food enzymes - Festal, Mezim-forte, Pancreatin, which are harmless to the child and help the pancreas digest food. The same measures will help and with heartburn, often accompanying pregnancy. It is useful to use more sour-milk and dairy products (preferably with additives of beneficial bacteria), greatly improving the work of the intestine. In this case, of course, it is important to remember that live microorganisms are contained only in fresh products, stored only a few days, and in the refrigerator. Of drugs that can significantly weaken flatulence in pregnancy, is Espumizan. This is the most common drug now, which reliably fights gas generation and does not affect the fetus at all.

An even more common and urgent problem is flatulence in children, especially in infancy. The digestive, enzymatic and nervous systems of the baby are still immature and not quite ready for a full digestion of food. In addition, 2/3 of the gases are the air they swallow when crying and eating. The flatulence in infants can also be triggered by any component from the mother's menu, by switching from breastfeeding to infant formula or as a result of overexcitement in too agitated and nervous children. Bloating is accompanied by colic, which can be short-lived or prolonged and then the child is upright, eats badly, does not sleep well and does not gain weight. Breasts for treatment and for preventive purposes are prescribed fennel (dill water), which helps with colic, relieves pain and swelling.

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