Food and drinkRecipes

Chicken in tomato sauce. Fast preparation of tasty dishes

Chicken meat is considered not only very useful, but also quite simple to prepare. But experienced housewives love him not only for this. The thing is that chicken is perfectly combined with a lot of a wide variety of foods, from mushrooms to exotic fruits. After reading this article, you will learn from what (except for the hen itself, of course) is preparing a chicken in tomato sauce.

It's no secret that turning the usual dish, cooked for dinner, into a culinary masterpiece can the simplest things. One such thing is the sauce. With its help, you can create a stunning and delicious dish from a small piece of chicken fillet . And it can be done quite simply.

That the chicken in the tomato sauce liked the whole family, it is important to take into account the tastes of your loved ones during its preparation, otherwise the sauce may just not be liked by someone.

The easiest way to prepare this dish is the following recipe. We take a few portions of chicken (you can choose exactly what you like more - legs, thighs or breast), rinse them, and then fry in a hot frying pan until a small golden crust appears. You can fry both in vegetable and in butter.

To prepare the sauce we need a half cup of water, a tablespoon of wheat flour, about four tablespoons of ketchup or tomato sauce, two cloves of garlic, spices, salt and greens to taste. In a deep bowl, pour out the flour and gradually add water to it, stirring it very carefully. After the mixture has turned into a homogeneous mixture, add the tomato sauce into it and mix again as follows. Now it is necessary to add finely chopped garlic, spices, herbs and salt and mix again. The last stage in the preparation of the sauce can not be performed, if before grilling, grate pieces of meat with salt, garlic and spices.

Now it remains to lay the meat in a wide pan, add the bay leaf and completely pour it all with the sauce mixture. Bring our dish to a boil and simmer on low heat. In the middle of the process, the pieces of meat should be turned upside down, so that they are stained and soaked in sauce evenly. When the chicken in the tomato sauce becomes soft, it can be served on the table, sprinkled with herbs. To this dish, almost any side dish will suit: rice, mashed potatoes, pasta.

Prepare tomato sauce and can be based on fresh tomatoes. To do this, take three or four medium tomatoes, wash them and remove the peel, and then finely chopped or chopped into a blender. After frying the meat, transfer it from the frying pan, and add the remaining tomatoes to the remaining juice and butter in a frying pan. When they are slightly protruded, we send half a tablespoon of flour, a spoonful of soy sauce, spices, salt and finely chopped garlic to the pan. Continue to simmer the sauce over low heat until it turns into a homogeneous mass and begins to thicken. The chicken in the tomato sauce, cooked in this way, will become delicious and appetizing.

It should also be taken into account that the tomato sauce is a rather sharp thing. If a chicken in a cheese sauce or chicken in a mushroom sauce may not be very sharp and be more of a European cuisine, then the meat in a tomato sauce will remind Mexican or Asian cuisine with its spicy acuteness.

Spices for this sauce can be used a variety of - curry, red pepper, caraway and others. Garnish with a flavor range of tomato sauce the addition of lemon juice or bay leaf. At the same time, soy sauce will give it a softer and less intense taste. To serve meat in tomato sauce is desirable with herbs - it will not only decorate the dish, but it will become one more note in the taste orchestra of our dish.

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